In this video I’m going to talk about the number one thing you need to eliminate to become successful and the number one thing you need to eliminate is a scarcity mindset. Now wait don’t leave yet I know that sounds all woowoo and you know whatever but let me just let me explain what I mean by this the scarcity mindset is and you hear a lot about this in like self-help books and whatever but the scarcity mindset is always thinking “oh I’ve only got this much money I need to hold on to it and I’m not saying go spend your money obviously out I’m not saying to go rent fancy hotels or anything crazy like that what I’m saying is you’re going to have to spend a little bit of money to make money and you’re going to have to be confident that you’re going to be successful so scarcity mindset is on this end knowing that you’re going to be successful is on this end now if you have this confidence and you know that you don’t have this scarcity mindset you know you’re going to be successful you’re going to look for opportunities to be successful once again this might sound lulu but it’s just how your brain works if you’re always thinking everybody’s out to screw you you’re going to notice every time someone is out to screw you and every time something sucks but if you’re all about and you’re thinking how great life is and how successful you’re going to be you’re going to look wow that’s going to make me more successful I’m not perfect at this I’m not going to sit here and try to say that Wow I’ve got this great mindset and I never have scarcity no I get this mindset with scarcity mindset all the time just yesterday I have this whole thing or I don’t want to spend $ to get proper UPC codes but finally people convinced me that no it’s a worthy investment in the long run it’s going to work out the number one thing you need to eliminate is the scarcity mindset but number two will give you a bonus thing right here is an inability to learn from other people a lack of curiosity if you’re not curious on how the world works how you can be better at selling things online you’re going to fail you’re just not going to be successful people have an inherent curiosity they don’t think that they’re right and this is something I’m a little bit better at I’m always wanting to learn and you should be too and this is great I mean I’m assuming if you end this on the YouTube video you do want to learn so congratulations to you and I recommend watching more YouTube videos on to a target like don’t watch all that junk there’s a lot of junk on YouTube but target of Lee watch arguably target watching certain videos that are going to help you become better I got a list of a ton of videos I am going to put links up here and down in the show notes to some of my favorite videos on how to sell things better on online how to start your own online business all these kind of things so eliminate scarcity mindset and a lack of curiosity and you know got a good chance of being pretty successful so thank you for watching this video one other tip you should do is you can get my e-commerce success back by clicking up here has checklists for starting your business’s marketing ideas a bunch of great stuff on top of that click that subscribe button down below and leave me a comment or ask me a question you can do it down in the comment section thank you for watching this video and I hope it was helpful