In this video I’m gonna talk about why you should start a drop shipping store now I recently released a video on why drop shipping is a waste of time and we’ll talk about why I feel that way but this video is all about why you should start a drop shipping store now I don’t think it is the best long-term plan counter to what a lot of internet marketers tell you I don’t think it’s the easiest way to make money I don’t think it’s the best long-term strategy to make money but why it does make sense is if you don’t have any experience in e-commerce and you want to start a business it’s the easiest way to get your feet wet it’s a great learning platform that being said you can become very successful with it you can make a lot of money with it and I have a few different friends that do make money with it what they do is they sell B to B type supplies they sell business-to-business things. So they sell products from their business to other businesses I probably shouldn’t give away exactly what they sell but think of like higher ticket items and.
So what they do is they act like a middleman and the world does need middleman I don’t think it’s the best way to make your money I think it’s much better if you create your own product my recent example is I created a company called performance nut butter and basically the performance nut butter is it’s a nut butter that tastes absolutely amazing it’s a macadamia coconut cashew blended nut butter and it’s unlike anything else on the market. So I’m adding value to the world by having this product now are you adding value to the world by creating a drop shipping site sure you’re acting as a middleman which the world does need people to connect people but there’s nothing probably that nothing that special about your website there’s nothing stopping the manufacturer from undercutting you and creating their own website now the one exception to this is if you can become the expert at a topic if you are the kayak king and you have a company that sells you have a drop shipping site that sells kayaks and you do reviews and you talk about which kayaks right for which people then all of a sudden it makes a lot of sense because people are going to come to you to figure out which kayak is best for them and then they’re going to purchase it and they’re gonna like the fact that you have all these on the same site.
I think still in the long run drop shipping is not the best model in my opinion because Amazon is such a beast I love e-commerce I have multiple ecommerce stores and I we’ll buy most my stuff from Amazon because it’s. So convenient and that’s they’re growing more and more of the market share. So keep that in mind when you’re when you’re figuring out what kind of drop shipping website you should have or if you should have a dropshipping website. So put a link up here and down below on why you know I think drop shipping is a waste of time but I do think you should start if you’re on the fence I do think it makes sense if you’re new to e-commerce or if you found a category that nobody else has but most the people that make a lot of money with drop shipping spend a lot of money on product listing ads or AdWords or Facebook ads they’re spending money on advertising they’re not just making free money the one exception is if you can create a YouTube channel or content pieces on your product and get a lot of traffic that way that does work but most people are spending money on ads.
So it’s not a free way to get money the other benefit of a drop shipping site obviously is you don’t have a lot of capital you don’t have to pre-purchase products. So performance nut butter, for instance, I have to spend a lot of money buying the initial production run and it’s a little scary with drop shipping that’s not a lot of money out of your pocket all you have to do is pay for a Shopify website or if you really want to go on the cheap WooCommerce which I don’t recommend for most people but you know that’s up to you. So you could do it that way. So that’s why you should and shouldn’t start a job shipping side put a link to the other video on why I think drop shipping is a waste of time but it’s not a complete waste of time for everyone. So thank you for watching this video if you are going to start its drop shipping site click that Subscribe button because I have a ton of information a ton of information on for free on YouTube I also have the e-commerce success pack which comes with a checklist that you can get for free and the checklist includes things like everything you didn’t know about setting up your online store like putting your face putting the Facebook Pixel the Google Analytics pixel all that information right at the beginning and if you have any questions or anything you want to ask me to leave it in the comments down below thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it.