In this video, I am going to tell you why I think AdWords is actually way better than Facebook Ads. Now, this is controversial and a lot of people will probably disagree with me. However, if you are an eCommerce store owner and you are running Facebook Ads and not running AdWords, I think you are crazy. There are a bunch of different people where this may not apply.
I prefer AdWords because I make way more money off AdWords than I do Facebook Ads and here is the number one reason why. When people are searching for things in Google, there is a good chance that they are looking to buy something. Often people are looking for information. One of the benefits of AdWords is that you can tailor it to people that are specifically looking to buy.
When people are on Facebook, they are almost never looking to buy. They are looking to interact with their friends. They are looking to look at their friends’ photos. They are looking for pictures of a past lover or even a future lover. They are doing things on Facebook that has nothing to do with purchasing your product. When someone searches, for instance, for my company or for dance shorts in Google, well, maybe they are just looking for pictures of dance shorts. But, maybe they are actually looking to buy them. So it is intent. It is 100% intent. With Facebook Ads, a lot of people do not realize the crucial fact that people may not want to see your ad and that is not necessarily true with AdWords. On Facebook, nobody wants to see ads pretty much ever. On Google, sometimes your ad is actually the perfect item for this person. They are thinking something like, “Oh, thank God I know about this.”
Normally, if you do not run AdWords, your page will be buried on page two, three or four. But, if you are on AdWords, it will be number one. So, if you are trying to decide where to start with your ECommerce business, go to AdWords before Facebook Ads nine times out of ten.
Now, there are a couple of exceptions. One of those exceptions is if you have a kind of product that nobody would search for on AdWords. For instance, the next product that I am working on is actually going to be a Performance Nut Butter. That is not an existing thing so no one is going to search for performance nut butter. So, I might show that on Facebook because it is building awareness that this thing even exists. There is one little caveat here where sometimes Facebook Ads may make more sense. But, I think for your typical person, your typical eCommerce company, AdWords makes way more sense. So, those are my thoughts on this.
Let me know what your thoughts are. Leave your comments down below and if you have any questions, leave them down below, also. I will respond to everything. If you like this video, make sure you click that “Subscribe” button. Last, but not least, if you click up here you get access to my free eCommerce success pack. This pack contains checklists – checklists for starting your business, checklists for AdWords, and checklists for Facebook Ads. Also, I recently added access to a free Facebook closed group in which I participate. This Facebook group is great if you are looking for some rapid feedback, are looking to post your findings and also looking to find out what other people have found out about their how to do Facebook Ads. On the other hand, if you want to know how to do AdWords, click up here. I will send you an email with access to that Facebook group so you can get the knowledge that is out there from all of us.
Thank you again for watching this video and I hope to see you next time.