Why 99% of You Will Fail With Shopify!


You’re hard-working you’ve got hustle but your thinking is all wrong you’re thinking about e-commerce Shopify drop shipping all that kind of stuff you’re thinking about it wrong 99% of you will fail with Shopify that’s just statistics that’s just math and if you don’t watch all this video if you don’t watch videos like this and learn from other people’s mistakes you’re much more likely to fail than others. So first off right off the bat I’m gonna tell you why I see.


Many people failing and how to fix it but let’s start with the number one thing % of you will fail with Shopify because you’ll never get started. So many people have great business ideas and they never get started it’s the beginning of the year I’m filming this really early in the year and a lot of people have the idea of starting a new business  but you know what most of them will never do it change that right now there’s those links up here and down below for Shopify you can get a free -day trial there’s other hosts out there too you don’t need to use Shopify it is the best one but there’s links up there and down below and I’ll talk about later in the video I got a special trick that’ll help out anyone that hasn’t signed up for Shopify yet but let’s go back to the video and the important stuff here and how to fix your thinking. So that’s only one part of it like I said 99% of people will fail because they never get started they never take that first step what about the other people the other nine percent of people that still fail well they’re thinking about e-commerce wrong and what I mean by this is most people try to think well how can I make money how can I get rich quick and if that’s how you’re thinking if you think it’s just a get-rich-quick scheme or it’s easy you know you’re gonna fail you’re setting yourself up for failure because when it ends up being hard you’re not gonna push through.


Number one just get started and then after you’ve gotten started just do that next step we have fear in us we have this like barrier to going forward we need to overcome that and that’s what makes people champions that’s what makes people better than the competition is going through the fear it’s not feeling the fear it’s totally okay to be scared about starting an online store or be scared about taking that next step but it’s getting past it that really works I’ve had a number of just recently launched a new company there’s been. So many setbacks yesterday about $1000, with the macadamia nuts which you know it’s a lot of macadamia nuts and send it to my my my co-packer and they told me no sorry these are the wrong kind that this won’t work and then I’m thinking you know what am I gonna do with ten thousand dollars of the macadamia nuts I freaked out but you ended up solving the issue. So keep that in mind you’re gonna solve all these issues.


Let’s get back to why your thinking is wrong most people I see that are trying to start an online store Shopify drop shipping or whatever they’re trying to think about how much value that they can take from other people they’re thinking about how much money they can con people into getting wrong like that’s maybe can work on a short-term basis maybe you can put up a crappy drop shipping site and make some money but if you really want to make money long-term with e-commerce with your online store Shopify whatever you want to call it the way to do it is to actually give value and there’s a number of different ways to give value. So for instance for me the way I prefer to give value is to create a unique product that people can’t buy anywhere else you know. So from my product it’s macadamia coconut cashew blended nut butter which is something I know that people wanted because I’ve talked to people I’ve done the market research and it’s a pain in the butt starting a new product. So not everybody wants to do that but my goal was to give value to people to say hey I know you want this cuz you’ve told me that you want this now I’ve created it I’ve took all these components I’ve taken macadamia nuts and cashews and paid a manufacturer to grind them up and put them in little pouches now is that worth money to you and you know what a lot of people will say yes. So that’s the thing I’m giving them value they’re saying that my nut butter is worth more than their  dollars they’re willing to do that exchange. So what if you’re doing drop shipping what if you’re selling a lot of random junk how can you create more value well first off if you consider what you’re selling junk stop because other people will think it’s junk as well but let’s say you’re selling a bunch of things like kayaks and you decided to do a drop shipping website for kayaks what you should do is brand yourself as the kayak king you should say hey come to my website I’ll teach you about kayaks I’ll show you what the best kayak is for different situation that’s the value you’re giving you’re not necessarily you don’t even need to have the best price if you’re giving. So much value away because you’re teaching people how to buy kayaks you they’re gonna reciprocate they’re gonna buy it from you because they’re too lazy to go search on other websites for a slightly better price you built trust. So that’s what you need to think about is how to give people value. So that’s what I’m talking about with your thinking being wrong most people I see that start an online store they’re all concerned about how they can make money how they can take value and that’s sure you know what making money is part of it but if you’re trying to do this get-rich-quick scheme you’re gonna give up as soon as it gets a little bit hard. So that’s why % of the people statistically will fail with Shopify will fail with starting a business is because of that fact the next thing I’ll say too is you always hear four out of five businesses fail you know what the reason is four out of five people don’t educate themselves four out of five people to be quite honest aren’t that smart that start businesses most of those people have never read a book about how to start a business they’ve never watched a series of youtube videos on how to do that never listen to a podcast keep doing what you’re doing this is great that you’re watching this video now don’t use YouTube videos to stop yourself from going in making that next step I know a lot of people are stuck in analysis paralysis mode where they you know they go on YouTube and they look at all these videos and they say okay how do I make my business better or how do I start a business and they never actually do it if that’s you sign up for Shopify it’s free trial like there’s no reason not to you know and once again doesn’t have to be Shopify anything or buy your own if you haven’t even bought a domain name yet go buy a domain name. So it’s taking that next step that makes an entrepreneur successful it’s those little baby steps that eventually add up to something big. So you need to fix your thinking about this right here. So them other things that need to get fixed with your thinking and there’s there’s quite a few but I’ll just quickly go over all of them as one and I already mentioned this a little bit you need to be building a brand you need to be building repeat customers or something that people would share. So maybe you’re the kayak king and people will only buy one kayak from you but they’ll tell their friends about it or you know maybe if performance nut butter my company and it’s like alright that’s our brand that’s our identity and this is what we represent. So you need to do me to fix that right out of the gate the next thing I see that’s wrong with people’s thinking is that they think they can just build a website and people will come guess what it’s not Field of Dreams if you build it they will not come you need to get them to come just because you have a great product doesn’t mean anything nowadays doesn’t mean anything it nowadays what you need to do you need to build a website build a great product and get them to your website how are you gonna do that and what I see another mistake in people’s mindset is they’re not willing to spend some money to get traffic to their website you’re not willing to spend money to get traffic to your website good chance you’re gonna fail unless unless you’re willing to do a lot of work if you’re willing to spend time writing articles like content marketing making YouTube videos let’s say the kayak King example a YouTube video could be comparing two kayaks that doesn’t cost any money but it takes time. So either you’re gonna be spending your time or your money and if you’re not willing to do those you’re gonna fail because you’re not going to drive traffic. So no right away you should be willing to spend money to make money and if you’re not cuz you’re you know whatever then be willing to spend a lot of time I’d say that’s another mindset issue that a lot of people run into and I think it’s a huge mistake if you’re broke I get this all the time I’m broke and I want to start an online store if you’re broke go get a job go make some money somewhere else it’s. So much easier it’s literally a thousand times in the short-term easier to make money at a nine-to-five job than it is in e-commerce now in the long term if you want to be a millionaire yes you’ll eventually need to start a website started or none you don’t need to start a website to be a millionaire but you you know it helps it’s much easier to be a millionaire starting your own business than it is ever to work at McDonald’s right don’t get me wrong in short term you can make more money by trading your time for money basically trading some work for money eventually shirt you should start a business but keep that in mind like if you’re broke maybe starting a business isn’t for you it’s not gonna be quick money it’s gonna take money or time to earn that money. So that’s another mindset issue I think a lot of people run into. So no matter what you’re doing right now my biggest recommendation is take that next step if you don’t have a domain name yet you can go buy a domain name if you haven’t signed it for Shopify yet you can use the link up here or down below sign up for Shopify free -day trial and a little note if you use my link up here or down below I do get credit for that. So as a thank you I’ll give you a free -minute one-on-one consultation to help you get your store set up I actually just did one with a girl that had an amazing website and I love talking to people that have good ideas that are working hard and hustling and use my links and I’m happy to help you out as well. So if you’re about to start a store too you can click up here to get my e-commerce success pack which includes a checklist for starting your store marketing ideas a bunch of other really cool things check click that to get that up here last but not least subscribe and leave a comment if you have any questions