Top Books to Read | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #39

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The Lean Start up

How to win friends and influence people

David and Goliath

Don’t Make me Think

Think and Grow Rich

E-Myth Revisited

Primal Branding

Building a Story Brand

Lead with a story

Jab Jab Jab RIght Hook

Trust Me I’m Lying

Good to Great


Steven Jobs

Elon Musk

Sam Walton

Andrew Carnagie


Four Hour Work Week

The Lean Start up
is exactly what I do with performance nut butter it’s coming up with a product doing one SKU just doing it as simply as possible now I could have even done a more minimally Viable Product that’s MVP you’ll hear people talk a lot about this the navy product is like the minimal thing that would work as a product so for performance nut butter I could have just done it as a jar I could have manufactured it myself sold

How to win friends and influence people
I read and there’s so many things it’s one of those books that every few years or every year or two actually I go back to and I revisit some of the principles and a lot of them are almost common sense but it’s things that you probably forget in your day to day life so one of the examples from the book is you want to think about the other person you want to think about what they want first and this is something I see a lot of people making the mistake of especially a lot of people email me saying hey you should help me because it would help me make more money and they try to get my help and they talk about all the things how it would help them and if I had more money

David and Goliath
what I’d recommend pretty much anything by Malcolm Gladwell all of his books are amazing but for entrepreneurs this one specifically stuck out to me and the reason is it goes through and it talks about the story of David and Goliath

Don’t Make me Think
I can kind of summarize it but it’s worth a read one hundred percent the whole point of a website or any kind of this process but let’s say specifically a website is to sell your product and the best way to do that is to make it so your customer does not have to think make it as easy as possible this is what the GRANDMONT

Think and Grow Rich
is an amazing book it’s one of those first along with how to win friends and influence people it’s one of the first books I read about self-help self-improvement and it’s a brilliant story so Napoleon Hill I almost said Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Hill went around and things like the early 1900’s like 1920s maybe or something like that interviewed the top 500 most successful people

E-Myth Revisited
revisited is all about how to systematize your business I’m gonna keep saying this all these are amazing books this is a really good book about making you think how to make systems in your business that will work for you an example of this is I use a bunch of systems with my virtual assistant I a system so it’s if this happens do a if this other thing happens

Primal Branding
is you really needed to find who your customer is but part of defining who your customer is is defining who it’s not and for performance nut butter my product is for a healthy people that are interested in you know getting healthy fats in their diet etc it is not for people that like candy bars if you eat a candy bar a day or you know okay you want a candy bar like the – your snacks don’t buy my products you are the exact opposite

Story Brand
good the first four or five chapters or first half to two thirds of the book is a must read for every entrepreneur after that it starts being a little less interesting in my opinion alright I still have six more to go we’re getting close to someone

Jab Jab Jab RIght Hook
the whole point of this book is social media how to properly do social media and the point of Jab Jab Jab right hook means jab is like giving content so you want to give good content give good content give good content and then boom right hook
Trust Me I’m Lying

In this episode of the effective ecommerce podcast I got 15 books that every entrepreneur should read and this will be specifically for e-commerce entrepreneurs but most these are perfect for any type of entrepreneur so at the end of the podcast obviously I’ll list again all 15 but you know what let’s just jump right in with number one the lean startup so the Lean Startup book I read it a while ago so I might forget some of the details but the basic principle the lean startup is exactly what I do with performance nut butter it’s coming up with a product doing one SKU just doing it as simply as possible now I could have even done a more minimally Viable Product that’s MVP you’ll hear people talk a lot about this the navy product is like the minimal thing that would work as a product so for performance nut butter I could have just done it as a jar I could have manufactured it myself sold it in jars just to test it out I didn’t want to do that so I took the next step and I just I did one SKU in the little pouches the original idea I had in my head was to do three SKUs all of them would be in pouches it would have been really complicated and it would have caused a lot of issues it would have split my demographics with the idea instead with the Lean Startup is just do one thing just do it quickly and iterate as you go so that’s number one the lean startup number two how to win friends and influence people how do you win friends and influence people is one of the best books I’ve ever read it was one of the first like self-help style books I read and there’s so many things it’s one of those books that every few years or every year or two actually I go back to and I revisit some of the principles and a lot of them are almost common sense but it’s things that you probably forget in your day to day life so one of the examples from the book is you want to think about the other person you want to think about what they want first and this is something I see a lot of people making the mistake of especially a lot of people email me saying hey you should help me because it would help me make more money and they try to get my help and they talk about all the things how it would help them and if I had more money I’d have more freedom I’d you know here’s the deal nobody cares about other people they really care about themselves and obviously that’s not fully true but the point is when you’re trying to get someone to do something for you think about what it is that they get out of it so a a classic example from the book is there’s this father and son and I wanted this cow to go into the barn let’s say and they’re pushing on the Kalin I’m pushing on the cow and the cow doesn’t want to move and the cows heavy enough that they can’t move it so then the mom comes out puts a little bit of honey on her finger puts it in the cow’s mouth and the cow starts eating it and she slowly starts walking back into the barn so she led with what the cow wanted so every time you’re thinking about other people when you’re writing an email to someone else think about that what do they want how can this be beneficial to them there’s many other principles that use in the book another quick one is that you should use other people’s and names anytime you’re talking to someone anytime things like that you should try to use their name whenever possible people the people’s favorite word in the English language is their own name this is why people spend millions and millions of their own dollars to donate money to these universities to get something named after them so a person’s name is very powerful and they’re probably a lot of other principles in this book that I’m actually I know there’s a lot of other principles in this book that I’m forgetting but we got 15 books to go through so I want to do it relatively quickly number three david-and-goliath this is Malcolm Gladwell you know what I’d recommend pretty much anything by Malcolm Gladwell all of his books are amazing but for entrepreneurs this one specifically stuck out to me and the reason is it goes through and it talks about the story of David and Goliath and how you know everyone hears that story they think wow it’s such an underdog story no no it’s not and Malcolm Gladwell does this much better job than I do but he talks about how David you know he’s this little boy going up against this big giant but he didn’t fight conventionally he didn’t go up to him with a sword and say I’m gonna beat you with a sword he from far away slung a rock and hit him in the head and how that’s you know and it’s not trying to say it’s necessarily unfair but like he played to his strengths and they the Giant never had a chance Goliath never had a chance in that scenario and that’s a principle that you’re gonna want to take and put into your own business and we’ll talk about how to do that in just a second I want to finish this David and Goliath story so David he was a shepherd in the story and he would use those rocks to throw them at wolves and like lions or whatever whatever was eating a sheep so he was used to flinging these rocks and animals that are going pretty fast from pretty far away and then you have the giant who in this story it makes it sound like his vision might even be blurry like he’s he can’t see far away on top of that he’s thinking the Giants thinking we’re gonna do this you know hand-to-hand hand-to-hand combat and David says no I’m not gonna fight you the way that I think you want me to fight you there’s the other thing that really pops out in this book I’ve told this story a lot is this they took I think every time that there was a battle where one side of one size of the army one army was a was ten times bigger than the other army they took those numbers and they tried to figure out okay well who’s gonna win so you have army a which let’s say has a hundred thousand people an army B which only has ten thousand people statistically you’re right obviously the bigger army wins more times than not but if you say okay well how many times is the smaller army not fight can quote unquote conventional warfare how often do they do a guerrilla warfare tactic or an unconventional style how often does the smaller army win and it turns out 63% of time or some number right around there sixty majority of the time the smaller army wins what does that mean that means if the United States Army which is a superpower obviously and ten times bigger than the Canadian Army if those two armies fought your money should be on the Canadian Army if they fight unconventional that’s what happened in Vietnam that’s what happens a lot in these like unconventional situations and so why do I keep hammering this in you’re gonna find yourself against competitors with more money than you you’re gonna find yourself against competitors that are bigger stronger you know better than you in almost every aspect you got to think to yourself how do they expect me to do this so a good example for me with let’s go again with performance nut butter is some of my really big competitors their strategy is to go retail my strategy is to go direct to consumer and it’s even more segments of MAG because some of my competitors also are direct to consumer but I have strategies that they don’t know about and I’m not about to share them this podcast right this second I share them in my videos but I don’t want to make it too easy for any of them so that’s number three David and Goliath don’t make me think is number four so the book don’t make me think really I can kind of summarize it but it’s worth a read one hundred percent the whole point of a website or any kind of this process but let’s say specifically a website is to sell your product and the best way to do that is to make it so your customer does not have to think make it as easy as possible this is what the GRANDMONT test is you get your grandma in front of the computer and see if they can make a purchase on your website and if they can’t then you’re doing something wrong in fact also watch them how do they navigate your website how simple is it for them it should be effortless it should almost be a mindless activity where it’s just so common-sense and I go to some people’s websites and I’m honestly a little perplexed on how to navigate it so your navigation if you have more than one product you gotta be able to differentiate between the different products very easily make it a binary decision in someone’s mind let’s say you had two different products they should know that if they have this set of requirements they get product a if they have this set of requirements its product B and there’s almost no overlap so don’t make me think it talks a lot more in detail about how to make that happen book number five Think and Grow Rich so thinking Grow Rich is an amazing book it’s one of those first along with how to win friends and influence people it’s one of the first books I read about self-help self-improvement and it’s a brilliant story so Napoleon Hill I almost said Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Hill went around and things like the early 1900’s like 1920s maybe or something like that interviewed the top 500 most successful people and tried to figure out what do they have in common and he found there was a bunch of different traits and he put him in this book Think and Grow Rich a bunch of different print principles one of the biggest ones and I think I misunderstood this the first time I read the book but one of the biggest ones is faith more or less he keeps talking about in the book you have to have faith you have to have faith and when I first thought about it I thought he meant faith as in a belief in God or a belief in higher power I don’t think that’s what I mean I think maybe he means a little bit of that but I think he or so means you have faith that everything’s gonna work out and that you’re going to be successful you have to have like just blinding faith that it’s all gonna be okay and it’s going to work out and it makes sense because when you 100% know deep in your core it’s going to work out you’ll continue to look for those opportunities even when it feels like you’re about to fail and in the book he talks about 99% of the world’s most successful people their biggest success came right after their biggest failure and this seems to be a strategy or a common theme in most people’s life including mine to some degree basically I’ve thought about this a lot too and in the book it makes it very clear you’re going to feel like quitting before you end up being successful like that’s just how it is so no matter how optimistic you are at this point in your entrepreneurial journey you’re gonna feel like quitting for sure at some point so that’s thinking Grow Rich number 6 e myth revisited so the e-myth revisited is all about how to systematize your business I’m gonna keep saying this all these are amazing books this is a really good book about making you think how to make systems in your business that will work for you an example of this is I use a bunch of systems with my virtual assistant I a system so it’s if this happens do a if this other thing happens do B if all else happens do C and these systems make it so you don’t have to be in your business constantly you can hire other people to do it including virtual assistants and or just you know any kind of employee email or visited talks a lot more in detail on how to do that and why it’s so important number seven primal branding so it’s about how to create a brand for your company how to create and this is I followed this book a lot for performance nut butter and one of the big things I learned from primal branding of what I’m looking for it goes into a ton more details on everything and how to effectively create a quote-unquote primal brand so people will be screaming your story from the rooftops number eight along with this theme this is a book I’m currently reading the book is actually called building a story brand it’s I think by Donald Miller I believe is the name of the guy but there’s also a book that I’m interested I just in doing research for this video I found called lead with a story probably somewhat similar story brands really good the first four or five chapters or first half to two thirds of the book is a must read for every entrepreneur after that it starts being a little less interesting in my opinion alright I still have six more to go we’re getting close to someone actually my favorite one I did say for last that’s how it usually goes number nine is Jab Jab Jab right hook the whole point of this book is social media how to properly do social media and the point of Jab Jab Jab right hook means jab is like giving content so you want to give good content give good content give good content and then boom right hook ask for a sale ask for something and in the book you talks about a lot of companies either only jab or only right hook and if you think about with boxing if you’re just jabbing all day long you’re never gonna get a knockout and it once again if you think with boxing if you’re just constantly throwing right hooks the guy is just gonna be dodging you constantly that’s how it is with marketing – if you’re constantly throwing right hooks you’re constantly asking for the sale people are gonna learn to avoid your Instagram account your Facebook account whatever it is number 10 trust me I’m lying so this book is all about public relations PR and it’s got some really good tips on how to go out and kind of spark a new story like get in newspapers get in different publications you know I think it’s it’s another really good read just to kind of get those gears in your head spinning a little bit on how you can get on blogs how you can create a story that people are interested in number 11 good – great so number 11 is good – great and it’s been a while since I read this book I remember when I read it I really liked a lot that’s why I included on this list he goes over I believe a bunch of different businesses and talks about like how they went from good companies to great companies you know it’s actually been a little while I just remember this book really did impact me when I did read it so you check it out I will put in the show notes below I’ll put a little bit more information on that number twelve essentialism another book that’s very similar is the one thing so essentialism was really good because it talks about you know what is the essential things that you need to be doing like what do you act and i think it’s a good thing just to remind yourself every once in a while like how essential is what you’re doing and I find myself a lot most entrepreneurs find themselves a lot doing things that aren’t necessary for the business in fact I’d say for the average entrepreneur eighty percent of their time is spent doing random junk that if it didn’t get done wouldn’t really impact their sales numbers that much so consensual essentialism throws in a lot more detail about that this is a book that I’ll actually probably reread now that I’m now that I’m talking about it but it just reminds you to do what’s essential and to figure out it gives you tips also for figuring out what is essential and what is not essential so number thirteen the Steve Jobs biography the Elon Musk biography all the other biographies out there Steve Jobs in Elon Musk are two of my favorite biographies I’m adding to my list I haven’t read it yet but I’ve heard such good things too Sam Walton from Walmart biography the Jeff Bezos biography was all right it wasn’t that great in my opinion just for whatever reason it wasn’t my favorite biography but anytime you can hear the story of another entrepreneur it inspires you and I think that these people stand out but I want to try to find more more biographies that aren’t quite is big people if you all know actually I think the Andrew Carnegie biography I read that one as well that was pretty good there’s there’s a lot of those out there the Andrew Carnegie biography one of the things that was interesting from that was he talks about basically at the peak of his success he was working he’s me you know he’s one of the richest men in the world and he was working four hours a day and he said in those four hours you got more done than most people do in a week and I I think about that a lot when I feel like I’m working hard but not really moving a lot I think about how Jew Carnegie would only work for hours and that is one of my goals and actually in the next few weeks I’m gonna I’m gonna start doing that working for hours in the morning and then taking the rest of the day you know to read if I want to read like do whatever I want to do and the truth is I enjoy working and I enjoy reading new books and that is work but it’s a little bit of a rant I’ve got two more books before we wrap this up book number fourteen launch and launch is and I keep saying this it’s an amazing book it’s this one specifically is for email marketing no I mean part of its really helpful for email marketing but it tells you how to launch a product and I think this is something that I really learned a lot from in fact launching performance not butter I use this anytime I launch a course for effective e-commerce I use more or less the launch strategy I’m gonna continue to use this I have a new course I’m in the process of working on right now and I’m gonna use the launch strategy even more so for that so it talks a lot about email marketing it talks about the I think it’s the horizontal sales letter so if you remember in the old days there was the vertical sales letter where you had to scroll down a page and it would just try to sell you on some kind of product he talks about the horizontal sales letter were you over the course of let’s say 10 days you sent four or five different emails with videos and instead of it being one long page it happens over the course of many days and it’s a very effective strategy for making money number 15 last but not least we have the 4-hour workweek and this is a classic it’s almost overplayed this is the book that really put into words everything I was thinking about wanting to quit my corporate job wanting to start my own online company wanting to be able to travel the world and just live that beautiful lifestyle that we’ve all wanted to do since we were kids and it gives a lot of strategies too on how to actually do that how to be more productive talks about the 8020 principle the Pareto principle also known as and it’s basically 20 percent or so if you take you know what you do in a day for instance or what you do over the course of a year 20 percent of what you do over the course of a year will really lead to 80 percent of the results and this is true for most things so I look at what I did last year 20 of what I did led to more than 80 percent of my income that 20 percent Bing launching performance nut butter I spent very little time on that and it made most my money then second place for me was effective e-commerce I didn’t spend a lot of time on effective e-commerce and it made a lot of money that’s why I’m starting to take it ate a lot more seriously the other thing it talks about is batching so you should only check your email once a day which I do in fact effective e-commerce emails I’m only checking them once a week now on Wednesdays because nothing that happens with effective e-commerce is that urgent so I’m not super worried about it performance nut butter and my other businesses I need to check emails I don’t need to but I check them once a day just for peace of mind so that is all 15 books let’s read them one more time the Lean Startup how to win friends and influence people David and Goliath don’t make me think Think and Grow Rich emeth revisited primal branding story brand Jab Jab Jab right hook trust me online good to great essentialism the Steve Jobs Elon Musk all those cool people biographies the book launch and then finally the 4-hour workweek there are links down below to all these books if you’re listening to the podcast go to effective you got commerce calm use the links there affiliate links and I get a small kickback so I’m always appreciative of that if you enjoyed this video I have a video right here that you will really like go ahead and click on that video I’m sure you will enjoy it