In this lesson I’m going to teach you a little bit about some mindset behind a successful Ecommerce store and don’t skip this lesson I really think there’s some big concepts in here that are going to be very helpful we’re going to talk about some of the different things I’ve learned mindset wise and big concept wives and starting my business that’s helped just catapult and like really rocket my success with my Ecommerce business so one of the first things is invest your money wisely and if you’re watching this course you already know that but one of the ways to invest your money properly is spending it on knowledge I see a lot of people in their first starting at you commerce business one of the biggest mistakes they make is they think they can do everything themselves and we’re going to touch on this again later and the truth is it’s worth spending a little bit of money on knowledge you guys bought this course I think that was just a genius thing I was to be honest too dumb when I was first starting my store to know to do that I thought I could figure everything out myself so what I ended up doing was kind of spinning my wheels so spending money on knowledge when it comes to you commerce but business is just a genius way to do that and you can hire experts that’s one way to do it I recommend you know depending on how much disposable income you have books are a really cheap way of learning things about Ecommerce you can also do things such as buying courses like this so spending money on knowledge is great and also time savers this is another thing that I see a lot of people making a mistake is they want to do everything in their business themselves we’ll talk about it later a little bit but hire a VA if you can afford it I ended up buying our end up getting a VA for two hundred seventy dollars a month and that was for a full-time VA it came out spending less than I think two dollars an hour less than two dollars an hour and I way more than doubled my productivity so if you let’s say for instance want to hire someone to design your logo versus doing it yourself if it costs five bucks to design a logo and it would take you an hour to do it is it worth it to hire someone to do it I think so yes and we’ll talk again about this in just a second but so those are some of the mindsets when it comes to a successful Ecommerce business remember you have to spend money to make money a lot of times not always but a lot of times it’s very helpful so one of the first things I want to talk about no what is your value per hour what is your per hour rate for instance with me when I was first starting my store I thought about it and I’m like well you know what I could go get a job at Starbucks and make ten bucks an hour so if anything cost me less than hours ten dollars an hour to outsource so if it would let’s say there was a task that would cost a hundred dollars for me to put up on up work to get out sourced and it would take me ten hours should I do it yes in a second now since then my per hour rate I’ve had it rise a little bit and your per hour rate might be much higher if you make fifty dollars an hour in your job then your per hour rates fifty dollars meaning that if you can hire someone for twenty-five dollars an hour to do something for your business it might make sense especially if they can do a better job so right here from the beginning realize that your time is money and that if you can spend some money to save some time great way that’s a great way to make your Ecommerce business become more successful so another thing I want to remind you of thinking you don’t need any help will have you start off like me in this picture here and end up like this other guy in this picture here or how I felt so when I first started my Ecommerce business I didn’t think I needed any help I thought I can do this on my own I don’t need to take an Ecommerce course I don’t need to hire experts I don’t need to do any of that I’m going to figure it out all myself so I started off very gung-ho and I ended it up super stressed out so realize that it is worth spending money to get some help it is worth asking questions guys you know what I obviously have the effect of Ecommerce YouTube channel anytime you have a question put it in the comments in the comments below the YouTube videos answer it you can send me emails I can’t promise I get a lot of emails so I can’t promise I’ll respond to every email but if you’re watching this course you’re watching this video I want you to succeed in Ecommerce I’m not one of those kind of people that just wants to take your money and wants you to you know go figure it out on your own I really want you to succeed so if there’s a way I can help you to do it let me know reach out and I’m going to tell you right now most people are like that most people want to see you succeed so remember you don’t need to do this on your own that is another key mindset that I want to instill in you guys after that I want to talk about the rule so I talked a little bit about this in the last lesson the rule is eighty percent of your results come from twenty percent of your efforts so let me give a very much more tangible example of this if I were to look at the total revenue my business is done and if I looked at you know all the time I spent in it I’d say about twenty percent of the things that I did resulted in eighty percent of that revenue so to get even more specific I’d say the probably the most impactful things I’ve done is product listing ads AdWords and spotlight marketing those three things that I’ve probably spent you know let’s say a hundred hours on just as a hypothetical I spent a hundred hours on that and it leads to eighty percent of my revenue now contrast that with everything else I’ve tried which you know it’s probably + hours so the I spent hours on things that have only led to twenty percent of my revenue so what does this mean for your business try to figure out what is the what is the small percentage of things you can do that will lead to a big return on your investment another example to bring it back to my store I realized that marketing to dance studios led me to much more revenue than marketing to individuals so what did I do I realize that by marketing those dance studios I can get bigger bigger sales so I basically said anything that is not enticing dance studios to buy from me I’m going to stop doing so figure out in your Ecommerce business what is the and this applies over and over again to pretty much all aspects of life so that is a principle that I’ll have you just keep thinking about throughout this course what is the of this material what is the of anything and everything so the next thing is it’s going to be hard work and there is a story I heard before a little phrase I guess you could say that really stuck with me and it’s about the the Indian the Native American rain dance now we’ve all heard about the Native American rain dance you know they believe that they if there’s no rain that they have to do some kind of dance that’s basically like I’m an homage to the God saying like hey will you please give us some rain in the interesting thing about the rain dances it worked every time and the reason it worked every time is because they kept dancing until the rain came so I want you to remember that with your Ecommerce business it’s not going to be an instantaneous thing but if you keep working at it and keep working at it and keep working at it eventually it will become successful which kind of leads me to the next point and that is that the entrepreneur roller coaster you probably right now are extremely excited you’re ready you’re gung ho you’re ready to start your business or if you already have your business you’re ready to you know make it become more successful and that’s great capitalize on that energy but understand there’s going to be a drop you’re going to eventually have this what we call rational pessimism usually what happens is people start out on like the irrational optimism meaning that they’re really excited me in the picture remember me once again in the picture I was ready to go I was pumped because I just quit my job i’m going to start an Ecommerce business I didn’t realize how hard it would be then I realized how hard it would be and I started getting stressed out but this is the key at a certain point you realize that it is possible and that you are going to be able to make it successful so if you understand going into it that there’s going to do that downturn I think it makes it easier to see that eventually there will be an upturn as well so guys if you’re starting this video are you starting this course and it’s your first Ecommerce business realize there’s going to be some ups and downs if you already have an Ecommerce business and you’re trying to make it even more successful perfect you already know that this is going to happen keep pushing through it keep dancing in the rain and eventually you will have success through Ecommerce business but it’s going to take time so that is the last thing I’m going to leave you with guys it’s going to take time for your Ecommerce business to be successful but it will work if you work on it and if your idea is obviously good and you work on it hard and smart if you like this video then you’re going to love my new Ecommerce course the k ecommerce profit plant in it I teach you the strategies and techniques that I actually use to build my own successful Ecommerce business we talk about how to set up a website in Ecommerce site that actually makes sales then we talk about how to get traffic to that site and ultimately I give you the tips and techniques on how to make it be as profitable possible we talk about things such as SEO Google Analytics everything you’ve heard about AdWords it’s all in there this is really pretty much everything I know about Ecommerce I put in this one course I was tired of people asking me how do I get traffic to my website or how do I build an Ecommerce site and I wanted to just bundle it all up in one course when you buy the course you’ll get free lifetime access to my private Facebook group and on top of that for the first hundred people to buy the course I’ll give you a free one on one -minute consultation you can go to Effective Ecommerce com or click up here now to buy the course and make sure that you get one of the free -minute one-on-one consultation sessions.