This video we have some new updates a lot of a lot of big things has that have been happening one of the first ones I want to talk about is finding a supplier for my nuts and in some ways I probably could have waited to do this until later in the process until after my Kickstarter’s hopefully been funded but I decided to do it now because I want to create sample it won’t create samples jars just like this but with the label and everything I’m gonna have a black top on top and it’ll be it’ll look really nice using the new logo so that’s the first update is I’ve been looking at getting my nut suppliers lined up now even though I probably won’t start production for a few months this is march i probably won’t start production until June maybe even July hopefully tune though the Kickstarter is going to launch may ninth so that’s one thing I’m finding a supplier for the nuts.
I’ll show you these are actually samples that I got from different suppliers these people are actually based in New York I just got a box today as well that is from somebody closer I think in the Bay Area or something like that and I’m only counting this as one day because it was like an hour here an hour there and on top of that the other thing I did for this quote-unquote day was to do a designs was to get my logo so I have a logo like in this video I’m going to show you what I think my new logo is going to be going to look like and the whole process the setting up the designs everything that I did I went with the eight hundred dollar plan and you can pick whatever you want my friend said to me hey it depends on how important it is to you there’s also an all or platinum plan that seemed a little excessive I figured I wouldn’t get that much better of a design and I ended up getting a pretty good design I’m pretty happy with that process but I learned a lot about that that next time I go to get a logo I’m definitely gonna do things different I do have a link in the show notes and I think it’s up here or maybe it’s up there links to the designs it’s my affiliate link
I do get a little commission if you use it so in exchange if you use my link to sign up for designs if you do need a logo if you don’t need a logo don’t forename design if you do need a logo or they also do website design packaging designs all that kind of stuff use my link and I’ll give you a free one-on-one consulting session I can help you with your designs competition or if you want I can help you with your Kickstarter your website ecommerce is obviously my main things anyways that is that and I’ll talk about mine and designs later but i got this box here let’s open it up this is a fresh new supply and not to see what’s inside here so i believe this is coconut and the cashews trying to do this is not easy to make it so the camera can see there we go packing peanuts sweet so I’m not going to show the label here’s this here okay so that’s what we got to get some different this is cashew here and the Makin’s are the coconut now it’s interesting they did slice coconut I guess that works so at that time these are both also organic which is not what I wanted I wanted at least one conventional that’s okay I will talk to them about that so that’s it for this part but I’m going to show you my name and a design competition in the second part in this video I’m going to show you my designs project so here it is so performance never needs a powerful company logo that was the name I did
I’ll show you my entire project actually so what do you want your what name do you want in your logo performance nut butter I didn’t have a slogan describe what your organization or product does I product the performance in that butter its ends up it’s designed to supplement your diet with healthy fats to increase your mental and physical performance it will combine macadamia nut coconut cast and cashews all of which are high in beneficial fats that will promote healthy hormone production is geared toward the performance athlete crossing CrossFit enthusiasts MMA athlete people are generally interested in helping fitness let your industry food and drink I picked these different colors as potential colors I ended up going more with a black and gray scale I’m open to idea I think blue also would look like look nice instead of red mis-selling there but I like the idea of there being darker tones black charcoal and they have you pick a bunch of different design these were the design that I picked that I liked I also suck I filled in some different logos that I like these are the logos that I like and then you could like talk about each one aesthetic should meet the following criteria clean minimal scientific healthy company communicates the customer that the product can help you perform better mentally physically no mascots on the logo
I don’t want like one of the people submitted a cheetah I don’t want that here are some links to the logos I like no arrows on the end so I also submitted this later I didn’t want them just to do a rip-off of the on it people were just copying that little on it thing like that so yeah that was that let me show you some of the designs I got in the way it works as well so people would submit different design so let’s say oldest first I’ll show you in the order that I got it and a lot of people actually took off their guns but you can see here these are some of the logos I got not bad not bad and it wasn’t until later that I turned them off and made it so people couldn’t see other people’s I’ll just go ahead and show you all of them now I liked a few I like this one and actually I’ll show you all the ones I liked so I ended up I’m actually going to do it you know what i’ll record myself doing it right here so narrowed it down to some of these here and this is actually going to be the one I selected the winner so i really like this design I’ll take a closer shot it was clean minimal all that jazz this one was another one this one was good too and I don’t know I still might do something with this logo cuz i really liked it but the problem with it was not it’s not like a logo enough like this PNB is like I could stick that on anything and you know oh its performance nut butter so that’s what I did so let’s go ahead and select the winner let’s see what happens I think I’m going to skip all those I might contact them directly and see if they want to do it alright that’s it hopefully everything works smoothly from there