This is vlog number three. Today I’m going to actually be getting a business bank account for Performance Nut Butter we’re working on some of the packaging for Performance Nut Butter a few of the things that I got to do for that but I’m also I’m up here in Valencia. So I’m going to be working at the bee dancer facility I got to do a lot of different things one of the things very small you know seems like almost a silly thing I need to do is work on the computers that’d Bdancewear they’re all running really slow I’m think I’m just going to add some RAM to them but it’s really important my computer personally I spent about $1300 on the computer which isn’t insane but I recommend having a good computer. So I’m going to be doing that I’m working on Amazon I’m working on a few other random things like I set them up here in Valencia when I’m in Valencia I usually stay at my parents place Valencia is where the beauty answer facility is my parents also happen to live here. So it’s a beautiful spot you know I don’t think I really respected it when I was a kid but hey I’m pretty lucky to be able to live somewhere my parents got lucky they moved here back in the day when it was like garlic farms here onion farm something like that and since then the whole place is uh a lot nicer. So other than work I might be going to the pool today getting in a good workout that’s something I haven’t really been filming in these cuz I definitely try to get in a good workout I haven’t been doing as good of a job as I would like but I’m gonna try to start balancing that a little bit more and then tonight I’m getting dinner with a buddy looks like we’re going to be doing Korean barbecue his name is James he was crucial. So crucial in helping me start Performance Nut Butter very smart guy very business savvy he’s got an Amazon business. So we’ll be doing that later today and let’s get started with day number three outside here this is B dance where I’m outside of B dance we’re here about two. So I spent the morning working on like I was saying trying to pick some computer errors and a few other things literally spent an hour and a half working on one issue with Windows where the hard disk was taking up a bunch of the bunch of a bunch of the system require system and that was a big thing but gotta fix about to work on some Performance Nut Butter stuff we have Monica he who is really good she knows Adobe Illustrator she’s gonna help me do some of the design for the packaging we’re going to see how it comes out I might end up just hiring a professional to do it but I’ve already hired a professional to do the jars and I think we’re going to just take a lot of those designs and apply them to the pouches. So I think Monica is perfectly suited to do this and also have a little bit of money. So it’s kind of nice. So we’ll do that then it’s lunch and probably go to the pool do a little bit of swimming hang out a little bit of relaxation as well and then come back to be dance we’re here and do some more work but let’s go work on the labels [Music] [Music]. So it’s been another one of those days where I don’t get as much done as I would like to I’m heading over right now to meet with a local business that they are really good at liquidating they their warehouse doesn’t say sell a bunch of overstock items that seems to be the whole business model they sell a lot on eBay and since that’s something I’m getting into I’m going to talk with them and I’ve heard they want to talk with me to because I know how to do all the digital marketing and all that kind of fun things like I said I didn’t get as much done today one that you choose that I had was the paperwork for my LLC was in Santa Monica and I don’t have it here I called I called LegalZoom who are the people that handled my LLC formation and they said they’d email to me but they didn’t email to me yet they said it would may take hold end of the day but the lady’s like now it should get you earlier turns out it’s still not here. So there might have been some kind of an issue with it I’m like I said I’m heading over that warehouse is going to go to the gym then I’m gonna go hang out with James drive back down to the west side see if I got anything else I’ve done that was really good today still working on that as I showed you still working on the pouches and if nothing else Monica is going to help me do the mock-ups later this week just as a heads up actually starting tomorrow going to VidCon tomorrow that should be a lot of fun but right now like I said heading over to warehouse to meet with the people over there and see how we can better liquidate our supplies do the last little outro here a little less and learn for the day and I think the lesson for the lesson learned for the day is you can plan all you want but the day isn’t always going to go your way. So I planned today to have all these things done but it was hinged on someone else this is something I remember thinking about a long time ago is you know any time your plan hinges on someone else doing something it’s not a really solid plan because if that person doesn’t do it or in your plan hinges on something else happening outside your control today my plan hinged on me getting the files from LegalZoom.
So I could file I can get my LLC files. So I can get my business bank account but something I realized is well you know what I don’t really need it today anyways I can when I’m back here I’m now I’m back from Santa Monica but now that I’m back in Santa Monica I can file it from a US bank here I do prefer US bank if you’re opening a bank account US bank from what all my research has been the best one city bank is my personal banking that’s the account I usually use but they charge fees involved while US banks pretty good not too many fees there. So anyways long story short lesson learned from today is you can plan all you want but you got to know that a lot of times things aren’t going to go your way just make sure that the little bit of things you do are important I didn’t do the best job of that today though.
I don’t think I did an awful job I think most the really important things I did do one of the things I didn’t talk about as well the first thing I did today was I emailed. So one of the high-level things I’m trying to do is move be dancer over to Shopify we’re currently in with Volusion going to be moving over to Shopify and if you’ve watched my YouTube videos you know I’m a huge fan of Shopify I think they have the best platform out there by far from what I can tell at least all my friends tell me and the research I’ve done I haven’t done a lot of work with and Performance Nut Butters going to be on Shopify as well and I set up the I think I showed up the other day I set up with Shopify and I was blown away with how much better it is how much more user-friendly it is than Volusion anyways.
I’m getting sidetracked that’s one of my like number one priorities because moving beatings were from Volusion Shopify is necessary for a lot of the other item my last and it will make some of the other items on my list not important like one of the big things is I need to fix we have an issue with the add to cart’ sometimes on our Volusion thing well if I can move our site from Volusion to shop site that will get fixed automatically because shops I won’t have that same problem to Add to Cart button anyways the point of all of this is that you can you can plan as much as you want but you’re not always going to get everything you wanted done make sure the things the little things that you do get done are important.
So with that being said this is vlog make sure you click that subscribe button down below if you like this video and you want to get more of it on top of that leave any comments down below and that last but not least you get my Ecommerce success pact this is a checklist that I’ve personally created for myself that I’ll be using and I have been using for Performance Nut Butter when you’re starting an Ecommerce site I have Kickstarter checklists this is the checklist I use for my own for the Performance Nut Butter Kickstarter on how to start a Kickstarter like what is all the steps like you need to have your video in both these checklists you’re gonna be surprised you give me things on there you never would have thought of if you’ve never owned a business before even if you have I might have thought of some things that you haven’t but if you have thought of things that I haven’t please leave it in the comments down below if you have any questions for me any thoughts any ways these vlogs can be better please leave it in the comments down below and last but not least thank you guys for watching his videos and I’d love any feedback you have on how I can improve them.
I know it’s a work in progress right now one of the big mistakes another lesson to learn from today was I should have brought this camera with the tripod into the Korean barbecue but I was a little frazzled and I thought that was going to be late for the dinner. So I forgot it. So I just had my phone. So I took some videos with that but anyways those lessons taught for me you guys the end of my day it’s late I shouldn’t be reporting a video this late but I just wanted to get this out there. So thank you guys for watching this and like I said please subscribe click to get the Ecommerce success pack and leave a comment if you have anything to say thank you get you