This is day number nine. So I got a lot of things today I’m actually leaving for paleo FX tomorrow I’m subleasing my apartment here because you know well I’m gonna be gone for three four weeks on the road trip. So I – well Matt you know – we’ll still make some money off this apartment. So this is some of the thing that I’ve got to do today basically I gotta get the apartment ready to give to the sublease people I filmed a video for Mr. Tim Ferriss and you know I talked about last time I had a little stain on my shirt this time hopefully I do not have a stain on my shirt I guess I guess I find out soon enough what else happened I need to I need to contact more people send jars to I need to talk to I you know like I said I met Terrell I’m gonna send him a thing like a thank-you email and like you know nice meeting you all that kind of stuff say it you know excited to see you at paleo FX I need to pause my gym membership it’s like all those little random things I need to get done packing for the trip today is really all about packing for the trip. So pale ill-effects I’m gonna bring a bunch of the Performance Nut Butter shirts but I probably should bring some non-Performance Nut Butter shirts as well.
I got to get all that right you got to get the jars ready I’m going to check it back I normally don’t check a bag but I’m going to check a bag to get all the jars Performance Nut Butter to give out to influencers and other people at the conference basically anybody at paleo FX it’s probably a good person to talk to and might give a free jar too because they might if they’re willing to sum the money to be a paleo FX are pretty serious about health nutrition fitness all that kind of stuff I’m gonna bunch of other random tasks I’m not going to bore you with but today is all about getting ready for parallel effects. So I’m gonna I got to get packing I got to do all that kind of fun things and tomorrow I leave so I’ll make sure and get some good footage of that. So my idea going into paleo FX is walk around with the shirts on just me as many people as possible and try to be as genuine as possible I don’t want to be too salesy I think that’s a big mistake that a lot of people make to be a little bit too salesy hoping not to be you know it’s definitely a thin line you gotta kind of walk over.
That’s my big thing for paleo FX and yeah I mean like I said I’ll try to insert some cool footage of my day throughout here driving up to Valencia going to do some work with B dancer as well because that’s still you know a company that I have and I got to make sure it’s running smoothly. So that’s really it for this video if you haven’t yet make sure you click that subscribe button down below gonna have a lot more cool videos coming up soon obviously comments leave me any questions you have anything you want to ask me please leave it in the comments and if you have not yet click up here you can sign up for the e-commerce success pack thank you guys for watching this video.