This is day 22 I believe it’s that come I’m going to do some actually walk you through my daily routine now I don’t always wake up this early it’s about like I woke up around 6:00 now but if you’re going to show you what I usually do in my morning. So I hugely wake up at some time I’ll make some tea I got some turmeric tea. So I do a non-caffeinated thing because caffeine just like really screws from easily it’s the recent tea and get on Amazon obviously like I get everything on Amazon except for groceries. So that’s what I do I do that and usually sit outside I’ll show you a scene of that go do some yoga meditation at the park follow them a little bit of that it’s a little it’s already a little bit weird to be out there I’ve put on headphones and you kind of forget that there’s other people around even though there’s not a ton of other people around but when somebody walks by sometimes it’s a little you know it’s a little awkward but not a huge deal because Santa Monica. So like who cares I do that and then I start working and I’m gonna I’m gonna walk you through the whole day today I think it might be kind of an interesting saying if nothing else for me to have for the future but I’m sure there’s at least one person out there who might be interested in this and one of the good things about doing this vlogging is it kind of makes you be like an ideal version of yourself and what I mean by that is I woke up this morning I kind of wanted to go to the bed but I thought about it and I’m like not like let’s keep going and like I said I don’t always wake up at : sometimes I was trying to get to I always try to start working by : and this is this is still somewhat of a recent thing a few months ago I was not doing that I was taking my time I try to always get to work working . So I’m going to walk you through my day today I’m going to speed up certain parts that are a little bit more boring. So one of the things like I said I do I do the tea and well the P is brewing I just clean everything up around here
Let’s get started with that and as I think of things that I want to talk about will will keep them going. So here’s just the outline of my day morning be cleaning up then I go outside and my front little yard here do my five minute journal I do I have been doing that pretty often and I write out a list of things I want to get done for the day after that yoga meditation in the park after that breakfast usually eggs avocado spinach and maybe some lentils maybe some other stuff occasionally and then sometimes I’ll eat that watching some YouTube videos just kind of chilling other times if I feel the itch I will start working right away and usually I’ll work on minutes sprints I’ll do minutes on ten and soft fifty minutes on ten minutes off and during my breaks I will go for a walk and. So maybe I’ll even take you for a little walk around my apartment area here and yeah let’s get it get ready for an exciting day I’m gonna start cleaning like I said I’m going to speed through this footage but just to show you kind of the mechanics of it do it all right now I go clean up the rest of the place and I come back just a few minutes and the tea is ready all right. So this is the other side of the kitchen this is another thing I try to look at every morning I don’t always succeed I have my little calendar here a quote here my girlfriend actually changed that on occasion and this is something I just recently put up and this is there’s a receiving Rick and Morty I don’t know if you guys I’ve ever seen this show if you haven’t googled it I think you can google blitz and chips good Rick and Morty just watch that team they’re kinda just reminds me that like you know anyone must talks about this could just be all a simulation or in the old idea this could all just be a dream this could just be a video game that you’re playing that’s what I think of I think you know this may just be some kind of video game that we’re playing if you think about a civilization that gets further enough advanced enough eventually they’ll have video games that are is real is real life. So I think about you know if this was a video game how would I want to spend my life and more importantly enjoy it just have fun with the boring stuff another another quick example is if you think about like a bus driver for instance and I’m feeling this from Alan Watts who’s a philosopher if you think about a bus driver man that’s such a shitty tortured job you think about it wasn’t exactly what he said but like you know that they have to deal with the fair they have to go through traffic they have to follow all these rules but if you think about this person instead approaching it as a video game like people would pay money to play the bus driver simulation video game and if every moment you’re taking that kind of an approach to your life then you’re gonna have a lot more fun and I don’t always succeed with this loser the why I put this up here just remind myself like this is just a just a video game and how would I do it if it was a video game I wouldn’t be.
So serious when I lose you lose the video game you get upset but you know that you get to try again and that’s what I think about with life in business and you know this business I’m creating right now I obviously hope I don’t lose but if I do I’m going to learn a lot of lessons in the next time I’m gonna be able to beat the level. So anyways that’s what I’m doing up here if you guys can see that you can probably barely see it I actually did a Photoshop mock-up of my Kickstarter page and I did it funded to do $, a little one thousand dollars which is what my goal is. So try to look at that every morning I don’t always succeed sometimes I’m in such a hurry I just walk by it I also have one of these printed out and I put it under my pillow and I try to look at it every night before I go to bed just as a reminder this is what I’m doing this is what I want I usually have a list of tasks to do for this week I forgot to print it out and then down here I have some just important dates and once again I don’t always look at all this stuff but this is my goal to try to look at it and I’m looking at the dates right now pretty on track the one thing I always supposed to turn out jars yesterday today’s the was supposed to sound jars yesterday it didn’t happen but it’s not my fault which isn’t a good excuse if my co-packer salt has not got them to me yet but that’s some of the stuff but my pee is definitely ready a swivel around here oh yeah and let’s get started with the morning routine all right who were out here today’s gonna be a beautiful day I can already tell a nice blue sky I’ll show you after this little scene I’ll show you around my front yard the little garden area over here I have a bunch of different plants that I planted some zucchini some tomato eggplant some herbs some of them are dying I’m not going to lie you’ll see all that in a second one of them flowering actually the zucchini over here is the fig tree we got an avocado tree over there you can see the park over there and I know you can’t see any of this because none of it’s in frame but I’ll show you that right afterwards.
Just a little bit about what I do in the mornings I try to do this almost every day you know obviously some days you get rushed and you don’t do this kind of stuff it’s a five-minute journal for those of you that don’t know it’s you write through things I’m grateful for what would make today great you write three things that make today great and a daily affirmation I’ll write all this and I’ll read to you afterwards I also use this book it’s a little book that my mom got for me but what about a book is kind of cool I don’t know who’d use this book either I used to use different things but I use this book and I like down what I want to get done for the day and lastly this if you don’t want some other videos you know watch yesterday’s video you’ll see but this is like a calendar where I write down what stuff I need to get done by what days and then on the back of the calendar I write I wrote down everything I need to get done this week. So I’m going to go through that cross up the things I did do yesterday and then right in here the things that I need to do today and we’ll see how I do we’ll see how how much I actually get done today and then that’s it. So I’ll write all this stuff out speed through it and I’ll get back to you afterwards and explain everything I did 10 I’ll let them finish.
I’ll go ahead and just read some of the stuff just. So you know what I write a little bit of it is goofy and you know you don’t realize that until you have to say it until you say it out loud. So as the heads up there’s usually a quote at the top of -minute German this one says in order to change an existing imagined order we must first believe in an alternative imagined order not my favorite one but it’s good yeah better one was from yesterday little Lindy life becomes easier when you learn to accept apology you never got I think that’s true brain I mean that’s an addition for everybody like everybody wants to be like God mostly for me I want people to admit when they’re wrong most people don’t want to admit when they’re wrong. So so we got that she all read today. So the things that I’m grateful for and I included it I’m grateful for vlogging and the chance to be my best self but like I said earlier I think when you’re vlogging or I think when you’re recording yourself in general you want to think about do I want to do that is that the kind of person I want to be and it’s being held accountable on a bigger scale and you know I don’t know how many people are actually gonna watch this it could only be a people it could be less than it could be five people but it’s the idea that somebody might be peeking into my life and it reminds me to be my best self. So that’s that one next one is I’m grateful for my girlfriend. So it’s Tuesday she comes over she helps me she tells me cook clean up the house a little bit but also he told me with some of the you know the Performance Nut Butter stuff and it’s just nice to go outside and have some fun you know we’ll go on walks and stuff like that I’m good for the challenge of starting this company that’s something I realized I need in my life is I need some kind of a challenge it kind of reminds me of my dog my dog if he has nothing to do he’s just depressed and bored if we keep the front window open and he just watches the house and he’s just standing he’s happy he’s got a job. So I’m very grateful for this challenge of starting this company because that’s my mic brain needs to be wrapped around the problem and it’s spinning and if I don’t have a problem solved it’ll create problems like this has happened to me before where it’s just like you know you start getting anxious and maybe a little bit depressed but. So that’s that one.
So what would make today great getting a lot of tasks done. So one thing that would make today great is that I can get all these tasks done and then the next one is yoga cooking with Ariana and getting to bed early. So I want to do some yoga tonight I want to do some cooking with Ariana obviously and I want to get to bed early last up is Jiu Jitsu and playing. So one of the things I realized that makes me happy is just doing some kind of playing it could be playing basketball football we recently got these paddles that you hit the little ball maybe I’ll record some of that later and you know you throw up the you throw the ball and just like hit it to each other it’s just fun and goofy and. So that’s another thing last up is the daily affirmation. So the daily affirmation I wrote down I’m smart confident and hard-working enough to make performance a nut butter break $,. So I’ve written this every day eventually maybe I’ll start writing it times this is something I stole from Scott Adams it’s just writing down affirmations and it’s deal from him it’s just an idea that he he talked about. So I weighed that down every morning more confident hardworking enough just because sometimes you know I’m worried that I don’t work hard enough or you know I’m worried that I’m not smart or confident enough to do it but that’s the next thing and that’s you know it’s obviously up in my wall I have that printed out in Photoshop. So that lets go over some of my tasks of the day and I generally write down more tests I can get done which isn’t always a good thing but yesterday for instance I got all my tests on the first like two hours I was really happy really happy with myself. So I need to finish sending out podcast influence or emails I found most of them yesterday. So what I’m doing is I’m sending out reminders to everybody that’s been on my podcast that hey next week I’m going to be sending you guys a jar of the Performance Nut Butter and if I don’t have their address I’m like what’s the best address to send it to and if I do have the address just reminding them getting the link to the Kickstarter page just showing them what the products about. So they know what to expect when they get it I want to know how much emails to podcast that I get on. So these are people who have a podcast that I think I’d be a good fit for and I’m just gonna I’m gonna I had my I’m having my VA write out drafts in my gmail of everybody that I want to send an email to try to get on their podcast and then I’m gonna go in and personalize each one and just send them out and this way it kind of gets over that idea of I’m not doing all the work but most the works already been done for me he’s already going to write out the email except for I just will add one or two lines in there he’s gonna put the email in there all that kind of fun stuff I’ll film that I’ll actually I’ll show you exactly what I’m doing one thing I need to do is import podcast data. So if you remember from a few episodes ago I think episode I did a bunch of podcast recordings and I I write down notes and I I talk about yeah I write down notes and I put that in to my VA. So he can do all the editing of the podcast but I still need to put in the first data post to Facebook. So I need to see I need opposed to Facebook yesterday one of the things I did was add a bunch of my friends and a bunch of people to the Facebook group. So what I want to do there is just post to the Facebook and an update of what’s going on next up applied for the LLC and this is something I’ve been putting off I really don’t want to do but I think I’m just going to do it today and get it done with and I think I should do it probably before the end of the Kickstarter. So I can create that business bank account and put all the money from the Kickstarter in there and all that kind of fun stuff I’ve said that multiple times now start let’s see. So I’m working on and planning the email funnel. So I’m going to do what is it launched there’s a book called launched where they’ve outlined an email funnel I’m gonna do something similar to that I’ve done that kind of a style before for my courses if you want to see what kind of style I’m talking about you can click up here sign up for my email ecommerce starter pack and there’s ecommerce success pact and when you do I will definitely when I have a product come out I’ll definitely add you to the funnel and you can see what is my email funnel system look like and maybe if you really like it go by but maybe not maybe you just want to see a peek into my email funnel system. So you can get that by clicking up here let’s see what we got next or what other thing I want to do get a list of all my personal contact you know my relatives family get a list of all their emails uploaded to MailChimp and I’ll send them in separate emails they’ll also include them in the email file. So they know what’s going on next up is ordering shirts I’m gonna order shirts I’ll show you the shirts and in later videos but I’m going to order black shirts probably with either the performance and I put our logo and like something on the back saying if you want a free sample of a paleo gluten-free whatever snack ask me and these are going to be for when I’m on my road trip when I’m you know walking around town and also at paleo FX I’m going to wear this shirt and just hand out samples I mean I’m not gonna hand out samples well have a jar and I’ll get spoons out and I’ll get business cards out telling people about the Kickstarter and hopefully that’ll drive some traffic and then the last step is I need to send over the nutrition facts to Mauricio my designer who is doing the label that’s it for this I’ll give you a little tour of the entire front yard area here and we’re going to go over the park which is just right across the street which is super convenient I’ll do some yoga meditation I’m not going to film all that because that’s a little goofy it’s already kind of you know like I said it’s already kind of goofy but filming it would just draw more attention than I wanted. So let’s get started with that all right it’s breakfast time. So usually I have two eggs and two egg whites some spinach avocado on top of that sometimes I’ll add in some lentils or instead maybe I’ll do some sardines might be all out of sardines oysters are another good option instead but I’ll walk you through that and usually what I do and this is just a funny thing that I do I usually use like to higher quality eggs for the ate they’re like the regular eggs and the less quality you know the cheaper eggs for the egg whites and the reason for that is the yolk you get like a really dark do give you have like really good eggs out of the dark yolk and I think that’s where a lot of nutrients is where I feel like the egg white apply has less nutrients and more just about the protein content that’s just for me personally. So let’s look at our with some breakfast good news from Trader Joe’s
All right at 4:00 time I’m actually pretty burnt out today already starting the day I think I woke up a little bit earlier than I would have liked to actually I think it I didn’t go to bed early enough the night before anyways. So I made myself a little bit of green tea I had some coconut oil and key in there I’m not saying I recommend this by any means I also have a little bit of berries just to kind of snack on it all I don’t usually do either one of these things but because I’m tired I wanted the green tea and I wanted a little bit of the coconut butter coconut oil and stuff in there and I like to eat the berries because it kind of counteract that. So I got my list of things to do right here and I’m gonna get started on a day and oh one last thing I use I think I might have talked about this before but I like to set these little timers okay at minutes and then I worked for minute straight. So you’re going to feel like kind of out of it I find something to do and it’s kind of a good reminder that hey you’ve only been working for minutes you have minutes left to go or on the flip side if I find myself really into something once the timer goes off it’s a chance for me to take a step back and be like hey do I actually am I actually making any progress or should I take a break and sometimes you take a break you go for a walk and you come back and the answer is obvious. So let’s get started with day all right this end of a few minutes block of time I’m gonna go for a walk now to be fair I actually took a little bit of break from this random thing but normally my timer goes off and I go for the walk. So we take you my Walker and go check out in the lemon trees which is kind of a joke but it’s there we have a bunch of language crews over here and I like to go and look and see if they have any old woman pretty simple but it’s a nice fun walk to get out in nature do that all right I just got done with another -minute block of work I mostly was working with my designers doing a few other things as well calculating the daily nutritional value for performance muffler which is not that hard to do I just took the nuts and cuz I just have all the raw ingredients figured out the values and multiply them and you know wait the different values accordingly. So it’s 40% let’s say macadamia about 30% coconut 30% caching or whatever it is exactly I just wait you know if one was grams one was grand whatever multiplied by the value added up symbol masa my Emporium fat talking my designer is really cool I think we’re starting to get a good label I hired him through the x label and he’s going to also be doing the well is going to be doing the – I label that I set up influencers I’ll get a picture of that eventually in the next day or two but also show you our whole email conversation back and forth what I said to him what he said to me kind of how this label has evolved and it’s really cool I found the remaining InDesign to do my initial logo and now he’s helping me with the x label for the jar for influencers now I’m off to do jujitsu I’d like to do jujitsu go play some basketball do something active in the middle of the day the reason is I’m usually by myself I work from home by myself could be pretty lonely. So it’s good to get outside get some exercise and you know move around today my girlfriend’s here. So it’s helpful she helped me with a lot of different tasks and I’m not quite as lonely in the nulling to be but still I like to get out do the jujitsu. So I’m taking on the ride for that let’s go check out robot hide and Fingaz I’m you just to gym all right I just got back from jujitsu. So usually after this time and I do a lot of things obviously I shower right afterwards but I’ll usually do that at the gym but one of my favorite things to do is to check my email and I try not to check my email until after I workout. So I have the morning just to do my number one most important tasks or tasks and then afterwards come a little bit tired after jujitsu it’s a little bit you know I want kind of an easier less mentally demanding task I find that answering emails is very helpful my girlfriend was nice enough to make a cucumber and hummus thing. So it’s a nice little snack and she’s over there cooking some lunch right now. So very very helpful to probably cook a little bit extra. So I have some food for the week she’s got back from the store which has been very helpful for me as well. So my general outline for the week tends to be Mondays I will work during the middle of the day maybe go to jujitsu maybe play basketball and then work some more at night I will do jujitsu again and maybe I’ll do one session Jiu Jitsu and yoga afterwards or two sussing sessions of Jiu Jitsu and then afterwards one my favorite things recently to be to do is just eat a lot of food in what chef’s table salt I’ll cook like a big meal do some quinoa maybe some black beans chicken or salmon some avocado maybe an egg of them feeling like I needed some extra calories and then there’s something beautiful about watching the Netflix show chef’s table and eating a delicious meal at the same time highly recommend it it’s like watching it’s watching food porn well eating. So highly recommend doing that Tuesdays same kind of general thing but at night instead maybe me and the girl friend will go work out or do some yoga and then we also have been cooking from the -hour chef and you’ll see some of that later we’ve been cooking for our chef meals which is really amazing because you learn how to cook better through that but also it’s kind of like a schedule learning process. So I really like the idea of learning your things and this allows me to cook a new meal have some quality time with the girlfriend once again and eat something delicious Wednesdays same basic concepts is Monday I also have my ecommerce mastermind on Wednesdays if you’re interested in joining send me an email travis at effective e-commerce comm I have a few different ones going on Thursdays I’ve been going up to Valencia to work on B dancewear and sometimes on Fridays I’ll stay up there as well and then Saturdays I just recently started doing go to the beach it’s starting to be beautiful again playing some flag football maybe some yoga jujitsu as well. So that’s the general outline for the week and then Sunday has been a little bit more freeform sometimes we’ve been going to coffee shops and I’ve been strategizing I’ll show you actually this week and strategizing the launch and putting up on the calendars. So now it’s time for me to answer some emails and get to that