Day three of the Kickstarter today I’m a little bit burnt out the last two days is in a bit of a whirlwind when I mean a lot shooting few weeks is it a little bit of a roll one day through the Kickstarter and. So far I woke up today and that hasn’t moved much. So it’s kind of a little bit disappointing a lot protective is around a little over 7800. So the last few left full hours or. So probably increase it under 100 dollars or something like that hasn’t been a ton which is this funny because I came with these great high the first day set I was almost I moved in the first hours it’s about $7400, which is crazy and then never slow down you know it’s kind of a kind of a gut check it’s kind of a little bit of like okay you’ve got time to keep working my goal in the beginning has been to $51000,. So this is a reminder that it’s not going to be easy you know the next 2 days are going to be a challenge I’m hoping things there’s a lot of things a lot of things that I have in mind that could help kick it off and make this Kickstarter even better but it’s just a reminder that things are going to be tough. So today I’ll actually go up to Valencia which is where the B dancewear factory my other company my Meghan commerce company is located going to go up there there’s some things both for performance not that I’m going to do and just a few things with the banana store and spend some time with the parents
I attend to on Thursdays I tend to go up there and I tend to spend time with my parents we will play Settlers of Catan are some kind of board game and we’ll make some dinner passes and delicious. So today’s gonna be a little bit different than usual. So we be doing some work I have for instance I spend the morning actually this is right around twelve o’clock in the morning sitting out emails I also asked my Facebook group hey do you guys know anybody that actually send a free to anybody that might be a good contact and influencers something like that or alternately you just have any other general marketing ideas and I got some good ideas that’s what I recommend doing the video to Kickstarter and you have the launch group use them for information you know not use them but I asked them for help asking for information etc. So doing that the other thing is I use both stream one on Buzz shoe and I’ll show probably tomorrow how I use buzz tree basically you can go on Buzz stream ninja outreach that a friend of mine recommended go there we can find influencers and I type difference in skill Jenna consummate oxygenic influencers the dominant the Agostino was not on there and he’s definitely a cop ketogenic influencers that was kind of interesting but that being said yeah today I guess that a little bit burned out that’s okay I’m going to I’m sorry we’re working today I’m going to be working tomorrow as well Saturday I’m taking the day off and someday we’ll see it probably Sunday back to the grind next week on Thursday I will leave for paleo FX.
I’ll probably just take Saturday off this week but we’ll see you know I realize sometimes it’s easy to just feel like no you’re never going to get burned I just keep working keep working but the truth is like right now I’m burnt out enough that anything I do is not as efficient. So it kind of has for me to relax a little bit citizens I’m a family things like that don’t go rolling slow go meowing but that’s the difference. So let’s get into today I’ll do some steam driving out there do some scenes from there and just general work stuff there’s an that means bitter as a parent out and then or games afterwards drama here in Valencia