In this video we’re going to talk about how to increase Facebook page engagement now I almost think this is a silly question I get this every once in a while and the number one reason why I think it’s a silly question is you want to increase your Facebook page engagement post interesting stuff not interesting stuff to you post the interesting stuff to your customers those are the people that are going to engage with it. So that’s kind of a probably not the answer you’re looking for but really I think that’s probably the best answer start thinking about it from their mindset why do they care that you have a product for sale they don’t post something that they care about post something that they’d be passionate about I’d say another thing is ask them questions ask them a question it’s very polarizing I wouldn’t say ask them who’d you vote for in the election that’s maybe a little bit too polarizing but think of you know whatever two styles of clothing if you happen to sell clothing online think of two styles of clothing and say are you more of a dish or event and let people kind of fight it out in the comment you can also ask people to tag people that might need this inspirational post. So those are some other ideas but I also say look at your competitors what are your competitors posting what items are getting the most engagement I think it’s buzzsumo you can look at buzzsumo and you can look at your competitors and see what social media posts have gotten the most engagement for them and you know what you can do you can basically copy it make it better rip off what they’re doing. So I’d say that is some of the best stuff one last piece of advice post native content don’t post the same thing on Instagram Facebook and whatever look at posts on Facebook look at posts that are doing well and look at post on Instagram and look at posts that are doing well there and try to see what are these things have in common and how can I make my posts stand out in Facebook stand out in Instagram. So Instagram is all about pretty pictures this looks a little bit different Facebook has it’s more about videos have been doing very well recently Facebook I think a lot of times people will go for actually post will go for inspiration but that is my number one thing start thinking about from the filter of would your customer actually care about this would they want to share it would you to share it if this wasn’t your company. So I think that is the easiest answer to this question if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below tell me what part of it you enjoyed or you have any questions about it please leave a comment down below and let me know click that subscribe button if you enjoyed it I got a lot more videos like this coming out soon last but not least I have an e-commerce success pack just checklist for starting your business a bunch of really good tools you can get for free by clicking up here thank you for watching this video and I hope it was helpful.