How to Get Reviews for Your Products on Your Website and Amazon


A question I get all the time is How to Get Reviews for Your Product. There are several different ways that you can go about getting reviews for your product. One honest one – Well, there are a few different honest ones we will talk about. We will talk about some more sneaky ones to do at a later time. One of them is asking your friends and family -very normal and obvious. With Amazon there are rules about this.. You are not really supposed to do this but as long as Amazon does not know, you know, whatever, it is fine. Same thing with your website – You can ask friends and family to write reviews recommending your product. I recommend that if you are going to do this that you send the friends or family what you want them to copy and paste in there. There’s a once again the different ways to do that as well.

Another idea for getting reviews for your product is to give it away at a discount tell you this works really well on Amazon and on your website. You can say here is a coupon. Do you mind leaving a review. Or, you can have some kind of offer beforehand saying yeah, sure, I will give you a coupon 0r maybe five dollars off, if you leave reviews about my product. That is up to you to figure out how you want to do that.

Another way, and kind of a sneaky way to do it, is you can work with Amazon reviews, you can work with podcast reviews. That is actually how I found out about it with podcast reviews. Go down to a busy street corner, especially if you live in a big city somewhere really busy and hand out especially if it is a tourist area and hand out free water in exchange for reviews. Tell people yeah I will give you water if you give me a five star review on Amazon or whatever platform you have.

Now, the last way I have seen and the most sneaky way is to fake them. I mean, I see so many ecommerce websites with no reviews on their products and I am thinking to myself, “Just write it yourself. It is not that hard to do back the way that some people I know, I would never do this, of course, but the people I know, they just get a big spreadsheet on you know and compile a bunch of names and then type out a bunch of stuff. In certain websites you are able to just upload a CSV. Others will not let you do that. But write it yourself. I mean, when I go to a product page and there are no reviews, especially when it says “no reviews,” that is just sad. It is is one thing I if they do not approve of you but when it says “no reviews,” I just think, “Oh!” It is like the ugly kid that nobody wants to look at. So, add reviews to your product page.

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