How to Edit and Upload a Podcast to Libsyn using Audacity

On this video, I am going to show you how to edit podcasts, how to download Audacity and how to make it so that you can export it to MP3s. A lot of people get hung up on exporting MP3s so I am going to show you the whole process. This is a new computer, so I do not even have Audacity so we are going to have to start from scratch which is perfect. Let’s just go ahead and type in Audacity and go to the Download and the Installer.


This should just take a second. Let’s go ahead and open that up. It is a little bit tricky actually importing the MP3s. I am going to show you the process. “Next, Next, Next, Desktop, Install.” Pretty straight forward. I am sure you know how to do this. Audacity is like the best free software you can use. Next, Launch Audacity. So, you should get this window here. I have multiple monitors so on my desktop. I have the file that I want to edit so I am just going to drag that in. Or, of course, you could just open up a Windows Finder and a Windows Explorer menu. Take it and drag it on in. This should only take a second. There we go. So, the next step is editing. I like to have it start recording before I actually want the podcast episode to start. And the same thing – a lot of the times I have to edit the actual – What you have to do is find the point where you where you want it to start. It is probably around here somewhere. I am going to take a moment to listen. I am going to listen in just a moment and figure it out. But, what you would do is – I will just show you what to do and then backspace it. Let’s say it is right there and I wanted to start at that point. I would just hit delete. So let’s figure out where it is. So, what I would do is hit the Play button in the beginning and see where I want to start. (Podcast playing in background.) So, it is right there. You can see – This is from my personal podcast How to do Your Twenties. And you can zoom in if you could control and use the control here on your master. There are other ways to do it but this is the way that I do it. Let’s see, the keyword would be – (Podcast playing in background.) It is right there and I can even I can even get it a little closer. Let’s say I want to go right here. So, hit Play. (Podcast playing in background.) Perfect.

Now, one trick I use is if you hit Shift and hit Colon on your keyboard, it will just take you at whatever your spot that you are at and go backwards and then hit Delete to delete that out. So, I know that all of this is good. I do not know where we stopped. (Listening to podcast.) So, I probably could – so, I could just cut off that last part. If I clicked right there, hold Shift and End, it will do the opposite. It will go all the way to the end and then you can hit Delete. So this is the part where a lot of people get frustrated.  Let’s go ahead and File Export and see what happens. Export Audio – Now, you seeoh, it does have an MP3 file. Let’s see what happens when I try it. So, I might do the file name. I am going to do it as a file name. I usually do it as an episode. I think this is an Episode 77 – oh, 78. So I am going to do it as Ep. 78 Travel in Europe. I like the Quality – This is a little bit different than how it used to be. I usually do 96 just because I do not want to have so much space in my Libsyn account to basically upload this. So, let’s go ahead and Save and see what happens. I know in the past you had to download a separate plug-in to export to MP3. But, maybe it is okay now. Yeah, see this is the error you get. Wait, I think I will click on Desktop. Okay, so this is the error that you get a lot of times.  “Audacity needs the file lame_exe.dll to create MP3s.” “To get a free copy of LAME, click here. Download.” So, I am going to click on Download and you can see right here what you get. (Instructions on downloading Lame and FF mpeg. Once that is one, you will get a dialogue box. Click Run. And you get a dialogue box for Lame setup. Click Next, Next and Finish.  Now, let’s see what happens. (We got a dialogue box indicating process failed.) So, I might need to restart this. Let’s go ahead and click Save again and see what happens. Oh, okay! (Dialogue box = Edit Metadata) So, at this point, it is up to you if you want to do it or not. I like to do it. You can type in all the different steps. For Artist Name I will put in my name. For Album Title – since this is my podcast, I am typing in How to do Your 20’s and for Track Number, I am going to put in “78” because this is Episode 78 and “2016” for Year. Then also for Track Title, I am going to type in Ep. 78 3 Months of Travel In Europe Plus Updates with Jordan.

If you are wondering what I am doing off screen, I have a little spreadsheet of all of the different episodes. This is an interesting spreadsheet that I am going to be posting soon about all of the different episodes. Anyway, this is the spreadsheet that I have. I just basically have the number of the episode, the title, the name of the person, General Topic, Date, any notes I may have. This is some other stuff here. Folders Created – This is basically for my Virtual Assistant (VA). I have special folders  –Podcast Ready/Uploaded, page Ready, blah, blah, blah,  I could go over this spreadsheet in a separate video if this is something you are interested in. But, that is pretty much it. This is so I can interact with my VA and I can tell her, “Hey, I have these episodes coming up. Can you make sure this stuff is done?” And, she will put little x’s next to it to make sure everything is done correctly.

Okay, let’s go back here. Something I am going to do, is I am going to save this template. That is so that next time I can just load it and change the episode number in the title.  So, there we go. That is it. It should be exporting.

In the rest of this video, I am going to show you how to upload it into Libsyn which is pretty easy. Once the podcast is done exporting, go to Log in – I already have my account so I do not have to create one and my password is already there. Once I have logged in, choose Content and chose Add New Episode. You could use the Quick Publish down below, but I always use Add New Episode. I think it is easier. On the New Content page and Add Media File and choose Upload from Hard Drive. Then, select the file you want to upload which in this case is Ep. 78 3 Months of Travel in Europe. You will then be back at the Content page where you can see the progress of the upload. Under Details, you will enter the Title and the Description. I am going to type a little description here. The Title and the Description will both show up on ITunes. I am going to put something really simple in the Description because I do not want to deal with that right now. Next, I am going to go into Schedule Release/Expiration and set New Release Date and set this for Monday at – I always use 3:00 am because that is 6:00 am East Coast Time. And then just select Publish at the bottom of the page. That is it. That is all you need to do to publish a new episode.

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