In this video I’m going to show you how to create an audience from your customer list and this is really helpful. So this is my customer list this is actually my VIP customer list here. So these are people that have spent over twenty fifty dollars with me I’m obviously I’m hiding their emails and phone numbers but that’ll be very important and I already have a list but let’s say we were to start a new list you’d go to create audience create custom audience customer file copy and paste or if you want you can just do you can add the CSV file. So we’ll look at the data here you might need to expand it out but basically you’re gonna copy and paste it into there and with a copy and paste and I recommend doing both phone number and email because some people use a phone number and some people use their email but phone number tends to be more accurate. So let’s go ahead and paste it in there see what happens there you go you can see the full thing right there I should probably hide that but that’s okay and then go to next phone number upload and create and that is it you’re done.