In this article you will be able to learn how to properly create a brand. Keep in mind that if you fail at this point when creating a brand, it might be difficult to recover. Therefore, it is a must that you have to do it right from the beginning. Although it is not impossible to make some changes later but doing it right the first time and right from the start could bring about a huge positive impact to your business.
Coca-cola, Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Apple, etc. -are just few of the many brands that are known to have dominated the market over the years in so many ways. You may be able to use some of the principles that they used to help you get to where you are right now. However, since your ecommerce business is still in its infancy, you will need to use a different strategy while also taking into consideration your budget. Since your business will be starting on a low budget you have to make it more niche specific.
Narrow Down Your Niche
Why would others choose your ecommerce business? Why would they buy from you? What sets you you apart from Amazon or Ebay? You have to narrow down your niche and think about what makes your ecommerce website so special. Narrowing down your niche is so important especially that your business is still new and will be operating on a small budget. In other words, your site is not for everyone. So, narrow down your niche right from the very beginning.
Your website should imply something specific about you. When creating a brand for your business, think about your target market. Your website has to look more like what your ideal customer really wanted. It should give your target market an idea that you have read their minds and that you know exactly what they want, giving them no reason to turn to other websites but only to yours whenever they need to buy a specific product.
Create an Avatar
An Avatar is the fake person you create i.e. the specific person with whom you will be selling your products to. In other words, your avatar is the one person that you could sell your products to. As mentioned earlier, your website is not for everyone. Your product may be good for anyone but it couldn’t be great for everyone. This is so true especially if what you are selling is the kind of products which can only be sold to a specific group of people who belong to a specific demographic as well. Ask yourself the following questions:
What age and gender is your ideal customer?
What do they like to do?
Will he be someone who is a bit more edgy or a bit more conservative?
In this competitive world of ecommerce, remember that you are not going to win on price factor alone. You have to win the attention and trust of your target market by giving them the impression that they are very much welcome and that just by visiting your website they will be able to feel a certain connection.
Use Keyword Search
Find the words your customers use. You could have a name for your brand. But, then your target market AKA you ideal customer may also have a different name for the product you are selling. For example, if your product is all about high waist shorts, do your ideal customers also call it “high waist shorts” or just “foldable shorts”? Think about the exact name that your customers use when referring about your product. By using keyword search, you will be able to find exactly the correct term that your customers use.
Create a Company/Domain Name
Your domain name should have a keyword in it. It would be great if your domain name tells people right away what you are selling. For example, my website sells dancewear or dance clothing so I chose to have a domain name This way, people won’t have difficulty trying to figure out what you are selling because your domain name already says it addition, your domain name should also be easy to remember. If you need to apply alliteration just to make it easy to recall then do it (e.g. leeluxurypillows – where the first two words start with letter L). It would also be great if your domain name would imply the benefits of the product you are selling. One perfect example for this is Just by looking at the name of the domain people can immediately tell the benefits that they will get once they purchase your product.
Design a Logo
Now let’s talk about assigning logo to your brand. A lot of people see logo designing as a daunting task but it should not be. Although it is also important to do it right from the beginning, your company’s logo design could evolve into something better in the years to come. In fact, Coca-Cola’s logo has changed so much for several times over the years. Luckily, there are many websites in the internet where you can purchase a logo.
It can be hard to sum up in this article all the tips and tricks of establishing a successful ecommerce business. If you want to know more about how to turn your ideas into a profitable ecommerce business, check out my 25K Ecommerce Profit Plan course.