In this video, I’m gonna do a complete start to finish AdWords tutorial and walkthrough I’m gonna show it via screen share we’re gonna go over everything you need to know to set up an AdWords campaign we’re stuff from the very beginning and do keyword research to find good keywords that we should be bidding on then we’re gonna take those keywords make some ad groups make some ads and I’ll show you how to write powerful ad copy after that we’re gonna do everything we need to do to complete the campaign including adding things like negative keywords I’m gonna show you how to do all this step-by-step via screen share in just a moment and this is actually a lesson from my adwords and product listing ads course it’s a full course you can find out more information about up here or down below but now let’s get into the actual video the first thing we’re gonna do is obviously you need to sign up for Gmail if you don’t already have Gmail.
You can access Adwords but after that we’re gonna do some keyword research figure out which keywords to do and then we’re gonna build the ad and talk about negative keywords some of my tips for that as well as how to review the ads and some different advanced tactics and techniques. So once you have a gmail account which I already do up here you’re just gonna click on AdWords like Google AdWords click on there go ahead and click start now and there is a bunch of coupons online I tried to quickly find some coupons before this tutorial I saw one for $75 it’s okay you can set up your AdWords account and always add a coupon later. So performance nut butter calm alright. So that’s my website you put your website in right there I’m just gonna link it with my regular AdWords account that’s one of the consulting accounts I did Keith Keith hammocks right there you probably won’t see that screen all right. So it’s loading up it’ll just take a second here and this is the new view and you can switch to the old view which I probably will later on but for now let’s go ahead and use the new view poke around here a little bit the very first thing you’re gonna want to do is if you click up here let’s see here. So this layouts a little bit different than it used to be the keyword planner is where I always recommend people start and just to give you an idea of my products because obviously depending on your product it’s gonna be different how you what kind of keywords you look for is going to be different.
My product it’s a it’s a keto paleo vegan snack it’s a macadamia coconut Kashi blended nut butter comes in these little pouches. So I’m gonna try to think of keywords that people would be searching for in Google to find it. So the first thing that comes to mind is macadamia butter maybe cocoa coconut butter if people are searching for these they might be interested in my product a keto snack paleo snack I probably just I’ll leave it to those for for now and then we’ll think about more as we go and let’s go ahead and get some ideas okay. So this will do a few different things one of the things is it’ll tell me the average monthly searches right here for these different keywords. So that’s half the battle I see that keto snacks has quite a lot of searches and look at macadamia butter it’s the the bids are really cheap. So this data is very important the bids are pretty cheap but at the same time there’s not a lot of search volume the next step is let’s say macadamia butter because that seems interesting to me that the the search is. So cheap what are people looking for. So look what comes up here that’s some that’s macadamia nut butter but a lot of it is well the first ones homemade macadamia nut butter. So the one negative thing is when someone searches for macadamia nut butter they might just be looking to how to make their own macadamia nut butter they might not be looking to buy it but this is a look like that’s a company here and that’s a company here. So that’s the first thing I would do kudos snacks is another one that’s interesting to me because there’s not a lot of keto snacks and I want to show you an example instead of just saying keto giant snacks I might say ketogenic snacks and let’s see if that comes up with a different result give it a second loads and look at that it’s slightly different it’s more targeted down it’s and it saves you a little bit money.
One thousand to ten thousand people versus ten thousand a hundred thousand people. So let’s look at keto snacks what happens if someone types in Kido snacks okay. So it comes up with a bunch of keto snacks. So I think thirty low-carb keto snacks thirty low-carb snacks keto snacks enjoy ultimate healthy alright. So at this point there’s a few different ndu I really like keto snacks and I like macadamia butter those are two of the keywords I’m gonna target but if I scroll down this will give me some other ideas of things that I might want to target keto diet probably not specific enough someone searching for the keto diet is probably looking for information and not really looking to buy snacks no carbs snacks might be good macadamia nut butter that might be good keto diet plan probably not good zero carb snacks that might be a good one that’s pretty cheap but for now let’s just use macadamia butter and keto snacks is my -. So you can add them to your plan if you want like this and then go in here you can download that or just just copy that to the clipboard I’ll go ahead and download it as a CSV even though I probably don’t need to I’ll probably remember it alright at this point we know some of the keywords. So the first one I’m gonna do is create a campaign on keto snacks.
I would just do a campaign called keto snacks. So new campaign there select campaign type this is gonna be search Network we’ll talk about all these other ones in a future episode. So for that I would normally go with sales or leads but for the time being I’m just gonna go with website traffic for now just because it’s easier to set up in the beginning that phases. So a campaign name I’m gonna call it Iquitos snacks and I recommend unchecking include Google search partners unchecking include Google Display Network if you want to do those do them as a separate one I also recommend only doing in the United States to start if you’re based in the United States or whatever country you’re based in start there and you can do separate campaigns for different countries because different countries are gonna act differently they’re gonna respond differently to your ads manual CPC this is up to you whether or not you want to do the enable enhanced CPC but I’m just gonna do manual CPC for now enter a daily budget I like $10 I think that’s good start date yep all this stuff is good you can do all these sitelink extensions all these more advanced things we’ll talk about either later in this video or in a future video but for now we’re just gonna leave that alone call extensions are really good if you have a business where you need phone calls let’s go ahead and do additional settings I want to see if I’m forgetting anything. So there’s all kinds of them. So instead of optimized prefer best performing ad I say rotate ads indefinitely and this will help you split test ads. So you’ll do two different ad copies and you’ll see which ad copy does better it’ll help you get better data basically and we’ll describe this more in detail later on other than that I think this is fine you can change the ad schedule if you’d like but for now I’m not going to I’m just gonna say it’s at all time you might want to do from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. or something like that but let’s go and save and continue next up we’re gonna add an ad group and we’re gonna call this keto snacks for now and the default bid as we saw in the keyword planner fault bid was 136. So let’s start there or the recommended bid was 136 we’ll start there you might want to even go higher just to test it and then we’ll just go with keto snacks just keep it very simple to start is my recommendation I’m gonna do broad match and one thing you might want to do I don’t know if they’re still doing this I believe they are but modify broad match is actually better. So if you put a little plus sign in front of it it makes it very specific where if you if you don’t put the plus sign in front of it it’ll say related things. So this will only allow keto and snacks well it’s actually more complicated than that allow any kind of search let me give you some examples if someone were to as they type in keto snacks they can type in whatever they want they could type in keto snacks I don’t know Georgia and that’s fine in my ad would show up keto snacks test123 that’s fine mine would show up but if you don’t put the plus sign in front of it then what Google will do is it’ll allow things like keto treats which even though keto treats and snacks are pretty much the same word they’re not there they don’t perform the same. So by putting that plus sign in front of it and make sure that it has to be exactly what I say. So the other thing you can do is phrase match and an exact match. So phrase match would be something like this Keto Keto snacks target is fine but Keto target snacks would not be fine it would also. So broad match basically applies as long as the word keto and snacks is in it any search will show up phrase match keto and snacks have to be together and then exact match will only show up when people type in keto snacks I do have other videos that talk about this a lot more if you just search AdWords on my youtube channel it’ll go into depth about that but for now we are good let’s go ahead and save and continue. So now at this point we’re gonna create a new ad and I recommend doing more than one ad but let’s start with the first ad and I’m just gonna make this up. So this isn’t gonna be super optimized but I recommend having whatever the search keyword is in your title. So maybe it’s the top keto snack high fat. So the top keto snack high-fat – high fat I don’t know if it’ll allow me to have an equal sign equals low fat mountain a high fat high fat low carb and high fat – that’s low carb free shipping now I might get dinged because of too many exclamation points do some like that display path path one keto I might just do keto because pretty WWI performance nut butter calm slash keto and then we’ll scroll down we’ll go to the description and you can type a description in here if you want you don’t necessarily need to. So final URL is just performance nut butter calm. So it should be the top keto snack high fat low carb. So performance nut butters a long word. So that kind of I might just leave it there for now it’s not optimized because it doesn’t take up as much space as possible but the top key to snack high fat performance nut butter. So we might do a second end. So that could be the first one the top keto stack snack the next one might be instead we’ll do all the same stuff in fact instead of doing this let’s just copy it. So for one of them we might instead of doing the top key toast at snack number one keto snack high fat low carb now I think this one might do better because it has the number one in it. So has a number sign and one and it also says high fat low carb which is good go ahead and done. So now what AdWords is going to do is it’s gonna split test these two ads and see which ad performs better once we find which ad performs better we can we can use that ad we can turn off the low performing one use the high performing one and do another test. So I like this one already better but you know that’s part of the fun of doing this is you come up with better ideas the more you do it. So next up let’s go ahead and do another campaign. So we’ll go through it again this time instead using macadamia butter and I like to do different campaigns based on the on different buckets basically. So to me keto snacks is one bucket macadamia butter is another bucket and. So on and. So on. So as a reminder we’re gonna go up to just go to all campaigns I’m gonna go ahead and click this plus sign the new campaign search Network let’s just go website traffic for now performance net buttock column unclick include Google search partners United States is fine English manual CPC daily budget I always like 10 bucks as a daily budget you can do 5 if you want or higher but you know don’t go too high oh one thing I forgot in the last. So people in your targeted location not people or who show interest don’t do that exclude people that show interest because just because someone’s searching about the United States doesn’t mean that I want to show them to my product. So if you wanted to this is a different extension of adding prices I don’t have it set up properly right now let’s say new price extension yeah this is a whole nother thing this is more advanced topic but definitely worth checking out in the future let’s see what else we got here review extensions add reviews this is another extension that would be really good I’ll leave some reviews on your ad all these things are great but they’re more advanced we’re not gonna talk about them right now go ahead and click Save and continue all right I’ve group name macadamia butter I better capitalize this default bid remember the default bid was like 38 cents let’s put point for macadamia butter new ad all right. So the final URL once again performance and butter comm I’d probably even take him to a product page and not just to performance nut butter calm headline one macadamia coconut cashew go ahead and done now I would probably do a copy and mix things up a little bit but for now I’m just gonna leave it at now let’s go ahead and do let’s do let’s see it also we could do. So so maybe instead of macadamia coconut cashew blended I could just macadamia nut butter – in the USA free shipping all right I’m just gonna go ahead and click done. So I made as you can see a few changes nothing too drastic. So at this point we’re pretty close to done that’s the that’s the most you know you have up and running ads right now. So I’m gonna go ahead and pause these just because I’m not ready for them to run just quite yet the next thing I want to talk about is negative keywords these are modified broad match which means that as long as people type in let’s say keto and snacks doesn’t matter what else they type in my AB is gonna come up. So what we want to do is we want to come up with some negative keywords. So let’s go ahead and do that together right now the number one way I recommend doing that is I think it’s ubersuggest IO let’s go out and open the new tab I believe that is the URL yes. So we’re gonna put keto snacks. So then what it’s going to do is it’s going to come up with all of these different searches and these are the most popular searches if you go to google let’s go over here and type in keto snacks you see these different things that come up that’s basically what Ober suggests is doing then it goes a Amazon at Target at Trader Joe’s sprouts Whole Foods Costco Walmart store grocery store and all these are negative keywords because if someone types in Iquitos snacks at Target I don’t want my ad to show up because they’re looking for keto snacks at Target not keto snacks to buy online. So what I usually like to do like to start going through and clicking on any. So and then as you do that you’ll see keyword selected now these are from last time cute of snacks right at keto snacks on-the-go actually on the goes fine I like that in fact he toasts acts on-the-go might be something that I target later. So I’m gonna go ahead and save that and remember that for later keto snacks Amazon probably don’t want to show my ad if someone’s looking for Amazon Gator snacks you can buy that’s another good one that I’d might want to target keto snacks target I don’t want to show Target Whole Foods for travels good I might want to show that. So this is the fun part of negative finding negative keywords will actually find you good keywords that you would want to show to store-bought that’s probably good Costco I don’t want to show up for UK I don’t want to show for recipes I don’t want to show for Australia India Tesco I don’t want to show it for any of these I don’t know what Asda is foods Walmart. So I would keep going down this entire list and doing all this but I’m gonna go ahead and skip forward right now and just go ahead and click download all this this will give me a list of all the negative keywords all the words that I don’t want to show the ad for and you can go like this ctrl c ctrl f go and do place replace all boom and to be honest I think at I don’t need at to be in there actually in fact app might be its own negative keyword because if someone’s saying key word snacks at somewhere they’re probably not looking to buy online place all boom boom all right now I’m gonna take all these copy them and what I like to do and you have two ways of doing this one the simple way that’s not optimal is to go into Cheetos snacks negative keywords negative keywords boom paste it in there and save that’ll create negative keywords for just this campaign you could do a different set of negative keywords for just this macadamia nut butter campaign if I wanted to add negative keywords there or let’s see where it is in this new version negative keyword lists. So I like to do negative keywords list. So this might be the big negative I’ll just paste all that stuff in there and click Save now what you can do is you can click on that let me see okay. So let’s go back to our campaign let’s a macadamia butter. So you use a negative keyword list here and then this and then the benefit of this is if I use this let’s say in this campaign and this campaign I would only have to update the one big list and it would update it in both spots if you’re new to AdWords make sure you get my AdWords success pack and click up here and there’s also a link down below that includes a checklist for setting up AdWords a checklist for setting up product listing ads and a bunch of other really great stuff you can get that for free by clicking up here or down below also as I mentioned before if you’re interested in a complete AdWords tutorial that goes into much much more depth than this lesson does you can click up here and there’s also a link down below for that it goes over AdWords product listing ads which in my opinion are even better if you’re selling some kind of a physical product product listing ads are way more profitable you’re gonna get more clicks I make way more money off my product listing ads than I do off the regular text ad. So I highly recommend checking that out in the course we also talked about how to review your AdWords which is something not a lot of people talked about on the internet and because part of the reason is you have to show some behind-the-scenes data and for me to do that I’m gonna obviously have to charge for the course and you can find out more information up there or down below and the course is very reasonably priced if you were looking for the QuickStart guide to really accelerating your learning with AdWords 100% recommended the amount of money you’re going to save by buying this course is insane and I wish someone would have given me a course when I first started I spent months and months losing money before I finally had a course. So anyways it links up there and down below to the course last but not least remember to subscribe and leave a comment if you have any questions I love helping people out and I answer every single comment. So thank you. So much for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it