I’m filming the last filming a video that I’m going to post the last day of the Kickstarter and three days before. So I’m filming both those videos right now I filmed one using this right here as a background and I film the other one using this right here as a background. So this is actually where Pete answer is located this is my main commerce company pass on I just wanted a nice industrial feasel I only have two boxes left. So I put it up on a little stand. So it would be at their type and I just still a little impromptu a table super ghetto I got the camera over there with this microphone a shotgun mic. So I do a shotgun mic and let’s get over here at the lavalier mics that I hooked up you’ll see it in the video seen a lot of my kind of videos as well. So this is one of the things I’m doing right now I’ll probably do another video later tonight I did a lot today actually today it’s been a very busy day what the things I do today included one sending emails doing an affiliate thing I talked about a little bit yesterday knitting video I’m going to do an affiliate thing with the Kickstarter.
Just organizing all of that on top of that I think was just planning a lot of it was planning for today one of the things I’m since I’ve been saying a lot of I’m really excited or very excited one of the things I’m excited about is Mr. Dave Cameroon you don’t know who that is all these are Judy’s a master of jiu-jitsu and other martial arts I’ll post some videos I’ll talk about it more in the future but he agreed to not only let me come up and do something Jitsu with him which I’ve done in the past but he said let’s get a beer afterward but I’m like hell yeah that’s super excited about that very nice guy very smart guy. So I’m excited to have that opportunity on top of that and this or mm I talked about before and this before but now it’s official invited me to be on the barbell business podcast which is really exciting yes that was a little bit nervous that he looked at me and said yeah you know this young kid I’m nowhere near his level of success and I think it’d be really easy for him to dismiss me and say you know what come talk to me in a few years which I was planning on doing I was going to tell them straight up you know if I’m not a good fit for your podcast right now could I maybe in a year if I hit some numbers like let me know what would you consider success this one probably a lot of different podcast is asked to come on the show and if they do say no you’re not a good fit say okay what would make you want to have me on the show what can I do to prove myself and then that’s the benchmark that I said. So right now once again I’ve been working just here in Valencia B dancer tomorrow is going to start the road trip since today is Wednesday and on Friday I’m meeting with Dave Camarillo up in Pleasanton.
I got a lot of good work to do. So once again I’ve been wearing the performance nut butter shirt for the video and I’ll do some more updates later on all the things I created a long list of everything I need to get done today next up I’m actually going to be doing I’m going to be building my shop by side version . and I’m probably gonna try to do it in 15 minutes or minutes just get something up because when the kisser is over I’m going to forward everybody say goes Performance Nut Butter.com to that Kickstarter or to the Shopify website and I’ll show in a separate video exactly what I’m doing the complete tutorial but I’m make sure if you submit this event tonight. So that if right now but stay tuned I’m gonna have some more update you for this day which is day and it started with a I believe yeah a a little less than days left to go with your starters. So this is one of the things I was working on they actually shot Piper I set up the first version . to subside I’m like I said earlier this is Bdancewear I’m inside to Bdancewear you’re here you can even see that there’s all kinds of interesting things going on and be dancer a lot of things but you some of the stuff I’ve been working on today. So I made a whole list to tell Justine is that a little bit closer now really hard to see but I made a list of things that I need to do before the end of the Kickstarter which is coming I got them today included recording the day the videos I showed you and affiliate stuff now I think what lessons learned from today I think one of the big things is hard to do especially for someone like me that loves to plan you got to go Club I came up with a note I’m sure I’m stealing it from someone else came to the quote earlier you know then I was thinking myself the planning is the most important thing of launching a business or do really doing anything in life planning is the most important thing except for being willing to throw away that plan.
I think those are the things I love planning and I think it’s very important I think a lot of people don’t plan do you need you I think you understand you need a plan especially on your business but you also need to be able to throw away that plan if something else comes along there’s the more famous saying of with no plan survives first contact with enemies. So they talk about more planning for soon to contact the enemy tip all the plan goes out the window things exchange with the planning and Montgomery to this multitude planning of the most important part is getting good at their planning and figure out things that the opponent won’t be able to the other thing that Mike Tyson I think it’s Mike Tyson’s trainer actually said and everybody’s got a plan until they get hit they get punched in the face which is true but I’m looking at from the positive side use like the Dave Camarillo thing today I wasn’t planning and being in San Francisco in the big bay area for lunch on Friday but he said hey lunch Friday cool I can move my plans a little bit you know it can be a little bit annoying to constantly plan but I could have to lesson learn from today playing with the most important thing of starting a business excessive being willing to throw away that plan.
If you can navigate click that subscribe button want more content like this from holding on the entire entrepreneurial journey of performance nut butter the company I’m just launching I’ll probably look to be talking about the answer. So which is definitely off-brand to my personality performance number isn’t much more the kind of company I love I really enjoyed the product where a lot of pink. So you would click the subscribe button followed by our Muriel journey I’ll be giving away all the tips and secrets and everything that I use if you want even more tips and secrets and clicks off here for the e-commerce success pack which includes checklist which includes like all kinds of great things everything I wish I would have had when I was starting by this how to do a Kickstarter all that on top of that leave the meaning in questions please leave it in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video it means a lot and keep watching because I think there’s gonna be a lot of really exciting things coming up.