This episode of Ecommerce News I’ll talk about some few new marketing strategies. Instagram Stories, Snapchat Takeover and some personal news that I think will benefit you.
Instagram just released the “Stories” aspect to the their feed . This is very similar to Snapchat’s My Story Feature, with the Stories being only temporary videos and photos that are strung together to form a gallery that tells a story. With this new feature you don’t to fear the sense of “oversharing” and you can get as creative as you want. These photos and videos will be gone from your profile and feed within 24. So those not so professional stories will be gone and have no effect on your profile. The benefit to yours business is these stories go to the top of the news feed. The story has a bigger impact and
As you may know the Snapchat takeover has become very popular with companies who let celebrities or artist take over their Snapchat for the day. This can also be of benefit to you, by letting your customers share their stories on your profile. Giving them exposure and increasing your Snapchat followers. At Bdancewear we let some of the Dance Studios take over for the day, showing either competitions or their every day at the studio. This increased not only brand loyalty but also makes our snapchat a little more interesting for others to follow.
On a personal note, I have finally moved to Santa Monica, so if you are in the LA area I would love to meet up and network. Feel free to send me an email. We have also hired a Marketing Assistant at Bdancewear and a Personal Assistant at Ecommerce. If you can afford to hire someone, do it! This could potentially double your output. Also having a managerial perspective of your company can help your productivity.