How to Set Up An Online Ecommerce Business in 5 Simple Steps

In this video I will talk about the top 5 things you need to do to start an online business.

The Five things are
•Get a Domain Name

•Pick A Shopping Cart


•Set Up Your Store

•Drive Traffic

So we’ll talk about that later and number five get traffic to your store. So after you have an online store and online business that’s not enough you need to get traffic to your website and I’ll give you ten different ways to get traffic to your website some of the best ways in my opinion out there for an online business. So bonus at the end of this video we’re gonna talk about some of the legal things DBA SSL LLC S corp all the different stuff yeah n do a brief overview of all of that but let’s get started right now with number one get a domain name very important a lot of people want to skip this step they want to save the twelve dollars a year not get a domain name not a smart decision you want to get a good domain name. So what is a good domain name well it needs to be easy to spell for one if it’s hard to spell people are gonna forget it they’re not gonna know how to spell it. So you might say okay my company is XYZ whatever dot-com but if people aren’t sure the spelling of it they’re gonna make a mistake and they’re just gonna give up. So on top of that it needs to be easy to remember like any business name it should also be easy to remember that’s not enough though it needs to include a keyword now if you’re new to online business online marketing you might not know what that means let me quickly explain it. So (more…)

LLC papers and More | Kickstarter Day #16

This is day 16 I did a bunch of random things today as you can see part of what I did today who was actually getting ready for the road trip starting tomorrow or doing the road trip another thing is I got a package of really excited about and open this up and I’m pretty sure I know what it is it is my LCC papers – LCC he probably a little later than I should I need a legal room I think they’re screwing your cookie box not bad at all at some other on works here I never opened up even with absolutist of course different use in different younger but this is a fun thing congratulations your limited liability company better nut butter LLC has been formed so there you go this is the kind of paperwork you get sign up for an LLC you guess intact construction stuff here membership certificate all kinds of fun thing it was only 200 bucks is pretty easy a lot of times people are worried you know how to form a company if they think about it too soon only reason I did an LLC if you can I’m going to be signing a food product other ones you probably can just do a DBA.

If you’re worried about people suing you go the LLC route which I’m a little bit worried you get to somebody continues it has a negative reaction there could be potentially issues but for instance effective e-commerce on a consulting company or if you know that doesn’t need to be an LLC much more likely be a DBA until you’re really big then there’s starts to be two tax benefits I got that I’ll open these letters later because they might notice being something too boring (more…)

Lessons From Paleo FX | Kickstarter Day #15

Day 15 of the Kickstarter this is Tuesday right after paleo FX just got back last night I have a ton of business cards to go through bunch of people on my phone as well a bunch of contacts I’m going to go through all of them figure out which people I need to contact what I should say how to write is customized of an email each one as possible on top of that I have a list of paper here I’m going to do just write down all the different ideas write down the lessons learned from it trying to figure out what my next action items are I only have I think around days left of the Kickstarter now I might end up extending it a few days for some tactical reasons I’ll talk about in a different video but stay tuned in this video because we’re going to talk about all the lessons I learned at paleo fast facts and there was a really good one but I’ll talk more about that later [Music] it’s a recap of day.

This is the end of the day 14 about feed and. So I spent the rest of the day here at the dancer just working on some stuff since I did sub leave my apartment out I’m up here in Valencia I got a computer here I can use obviously even though I’m not working on B dancer stuff I was working on performance nut butter stuff. So here’s a list of some of the stuff I was up to today basically it’s all this I was just going through and is like a recap of the entire event at paleo FX. So here’s some of the big takeaways I got a list here and if I can find (more…)

#9 Getting Your Product Manufactured, Shipping, Finding a 3PL and Other Logistics

There is a lot more to starting an online store than just marketing.  You need to get your product manufactured and figure out shipping strategy for one.  In this episode we quickly talk about both of those topics

  • Getting Your Product Manufactuered, Finding a 3PL and Other Logistics
  • Not an expert
  • Getting Your Product manufactured
    • It’s there job to make it easy
    • Walk through of PNB
    • Cantan fair
    • China is great
  • Shipping
    • Shipping Easy
    • Explain the process
  • 3PL
    • Go over what they do and their rates

How To Do Keyword Research

In this video I’m gonna show you how to do keyword research and this is such a critical part of your Ecommerce business is success. So the first thing is you do need to have a Gmail account and I’d recommend obviously you need to be logged in to be able to use the keyword planner. So what are the easiest ways to get to the keyword planner is just google it this is also known as the Google Keyword tool.

So I’m gonna go ahead and click on the Google Keyword planner alright at this point we have a couple different options search for new keywords using a phrase website or category that’s what we’re gonna end up doing. So I’ll show you that in a second you’ll also get search volume data in trends this is good if you already have a list of keywords and you want to put it in there let’s say you have a list of keywords you can put it in there and you can find out how much search volume it gets and find out trends the other thing is multiple multiply keyword is to get new keywords if you have a couple different keyword lists you can come in here and this one this one you have two different lens and it give you new keywords but let me show you exactly what we’re not here.

So let’s I know ready that I want to close and and what we’re going to do is put your clothing is that a keyword I blowed beating for you put a comma yoga pants comma yoga wear because something I’ve heard people do before you don’t know anything. So let’s click get DEA’s though this isn’t really gonna help out tooms what I recommend (more…)

Don’t Start an Online Store Until You See This!


I have seen so many who start an online store and make the same mistakes over and over again. In this video, I’ll be showing you how you can prevent the same mistakes and build a better online store.


  1. Niche Down More

Think of it this way, if you would sell it to one person, who that one seller be? Once you have carefully thought about that person, design your entire site and user experience around that person. On a bigger picture, if you would create a tribe, those who would love your product, think about who they would be.


  1. Create a Polarization

When you are creating a product, you want some people to love it, and some people to hate it.


  1. You Need To Be Unique

Think what makes your company so special. Why would someone want to buy from you? It actually could be something as simple as your personality.



  1. Don’t Cheap Out

It is very hard to create a business without any money, if you don’t have any money, go get a job and start savings. Don’t cheap out on this, I highly recommend going to Shopify when you’re starting an online store.

Paleo FX Day #4 | Kickstarter Day #14

The event center of the day after funny to see it completely cleared out here but. So this is once again this is day I still have to finish up my recap of day but I wanted to get a video this because it’s kind of crazy to see all the chaos that was here is now gone I had to finish up the recap of the really quickly late in conclusion I think the biggest thing is trying to find people to collaborate with whether it’s other company or people and up-and-coming affiliate one big thing I learned is the really big names don’t give a shit about they don’t care at all I had some experiences including one specific one where I was talking with someone how do I smite not because I’m next a living person I’ll be out his name just because obvious reasons but I met with one person and he met him in person a few months ago that’s all about the project and said hey I’d love to when I get a chance than with the jar it was like yeah blew that uncle-ish sounds amazing said I’m a dog and email them today you know what do you think he’s I glad I had a chance to try it yet but I’ll get my family blah blah blah and then I met him in person here I said oh hey so-and-so you know I don’t remember that I next to you a little while back and he said yeah yeah I’ll swing around here he kind of didn’t you gonna give me the cold shoulder he’s kind of kept walking and kind of doing things I just kind of stood there and talked like a normal person would facing him (more…)

Paleo FX Day #3 | Kickstarter Day #13

The Kickstarter days three paleo effect I should go over all the lessons learned from yesterday a little too tired to do that right now I did get better sleep tonight I actually slept for four or five hours woke up was like a wake for another three hours went back to bed probably two maybe two and a half hours. So almost at seven hours I’m not feeling but feeling good enough to drink some coffee and run around today I got me asking for a free paleo vegan snack I probably could have just got rid of the keto and vegans back but we’re going to see how this shirt does I’m open it does three well obviously but the shirt yesterday is decent I have a bunch of good stuff to talk about from yesterday I’ll do that later in the video what as well and you don’t student total paleo FX recap one thing I want to do right now though is I want to show you what I bring what I packed my backpack.

So really quick though usually in my right pocket here a jeans pocket I got my business cards and then over here I usually have a sample packet. So if I can get that on camera goes down this one’s pretty beat-up I got another one that’s mad idea I’ll show that in the next video as well let’s go to my backpack and show everything I got in the backpack everything that goes into my backpack. So first up I got this pocket right here this is just the way I’m doing it for now there’s probably even a better way because in that pocket right there got my phone charger I got my headphone I’ll uh I’ll go back through and (more…)