Why You Will Fail with Shopify and What to do About It

In this Video, we will talk about why you will fail with Shopify, and what to do about it? So the top 3 different reasons why you will fail:

1. It’s actually hard – People are trying to pretend that it’s not hard
but it is actually hard.

2. You are not Niche Down enough – There’s nothing special about your website or idea

3. You are broke – You think you can able to start a business with no Money

Now, obviously, all three of these might not apply to you, Especially the third one, a lot of people starting a business do have a money

1. It’s actually hard – People wanna act that starting a business, online store is super easy to do, NO! No such thing as easy money because if it was easy a lot of people will be doing it. Your favorite Youtuber has probably been lying to you or you maybe they have been doing it for so long that to them it’s easy, but when you are first getting started, it’s gonna be hard work, if you are not ready for that, do a little bit of gut check and see. I think everyone should start an online business and just realize it’s actually gonna be hard work

2. You are not Niche Down enough – If you are not special if your store is not unique you are screwed, there are so many different options out there, we can buy anything we want. Your store should stand out and needs to be special if it’s not? Good luck, I don’t think you have a very good chance. Easy Fixes for this, You can do something unique, you can make your product, really niche down. I have a ton of videos for free if you click SUBSCRIBE Button down below (more…)

#1 Reason People Fail With Ecommerce

In this video, I’m talking about the number one reason why you’re gonna fail with your online Shopify business your
online store whatever and how to fix it which I think’s really important so first off most people out there are going to tell you all the glory stories
all the reasons why you’re gonna succeed and all these tips but I think it’s
important to also look at some of the reasons why you might fail and to be
honest most you guys are going to fail most the people that start an online business will fail just look at the numbers but you don’t have to be one of them and you do have an advantage you’re watching YouTube videos you’re educating yourself that’s a huge advantage to the number one reason you’re gonna fail is that there’s nothing special about you there’s you’re not niche down enough this is a mistake I see people make over and over again. If you’re not niche down enough and you don’t have something special about you you are screwed there’s no nicer way to say it. I mean why would someone buy from you that’s a question you have to ask yourself all the time why would someone buy from you instead of from Amazon why would someone buy from you instead of your competitor and if you don’t have an extremely convincing reason well they’re not going to do if you can’t even convince yourself why someone would buy from your own store, Goodluck! In fact, I want to say I see so many people the number one mistake I see people make a number one reason why people fail is they’re not niche down enough they think their product is for everybody or all women or all women 35 to 50 no your (more…)

#19 YouTube Marketing Strategies

Today’s podcast episode we’re going to be talking about YouTube and how to use YouTube for your e-commerce business how to use YouTube mark to market your e-commerce business get traffic get the word out and I think this is one of themost powerful and easiest ways to get the word out about your e-commerce business gone are the days of being able to write a blog article and get ranked number one in Google like extremely easy it’s still possible and it’s still doable but it’s so much easier to do that with a YouTube video and there’s a ton of different reasons why we’re going to talk about all of them in this podcast but it’s way more powerful let me just trust me on that so first off before we go into any of this I want to say why YouTube and then we’re going to talk about why it’s so powerful and then I’m going to give you eight different tips possibly 9 I have 8 written down but I might be able to think of another one but I have 8 different tips I’ll give you on how to properly market it so first I’m going to convince you why you should be on YouTube if you’re not but then at the end of this episode we’re going to go over the 8 tips and then at thievery end of this episode I’m going to give you some random tips on specific things you can do to get more views and I spend a lot of time thinking about how to get more views on YouTube both for my businesses and obviously for this effective e-commerce YouTube channel Solet’s get started in the Y so YouTube there are there’s so many reasons I’m trying to I’m (more…)

#18 Social Media Marketing – Facebook Pinterest Instagram

In this episode of the effective ecommerce podcast we’re going to be talking about social media marketing. Specifically the big three or four the big three would be Facebook Pinterest and Instagram in my opinion those three I think are the best for internet marketing. We’ll also talk a little bit about YouTube but I think YouTube’s so important and such a big topic and to me it’s almost outside of this idea of social media its own separate beast so in the next episode we’ll dive in deep into YouTube but in this episode we’re really going to focus on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook and in my opinion it’s in that order that they are as useful as they are so I think in Instagram is the most useful Pinterest is the second most important and Facebook is the least out of those three most important and the reason for that is there’s a lot of different reasons but one of them is that Facebook it’s kind of pay to play now and we’ll dive in deeper what I mean by this later it used to be awesome for internet marketing but the problem with it now is that they make money a lot of money off their advertising so if you’re just posting and you’re not paying they don’t really give you a lot of exposure so that’s a really important point but let’s talk about some of the general strategy so you probably know what social media is if you don’t I don’t know even living under a rock or something like that but social media is basically just a way for people to connect on the Internet to share things that they’re interested in so Instagram really it was really important for sharing photos but now it’s (more…)

The #1 Secret to A Successful Online Store

In this video, I want to talk about the number one thing you should be doing for your online Shopify business online store whatever but probably aren’t doing so when I first started this idea there are a few different things that popped in my head I’m like alright well people should be mitching down most people aren’t niching down enough people should be selling on Amazon doing the FBA a lot of people still aren’t doing that people should be doing Google Product Ads all these different things and these are all great and they’re very important to do but in my opinion that’s not the number one thing the number one
thing that people you should be doing aren’t is something very important it will actually 3x your productivity 3x your business this is a no BS thing and it’s crazy to me that more people aren’t doing it and that’s just hiring a virtual assistant it is so cheap to do it’s two dollars an hour it’s two dollars an hour approximately to hire a virtual assistant and it will no joke like you always hear this 3 extra productivity 3x the size of your business but by hiring a virtual assistant it will no joke 3 extra productivity because right off the bat you get another person working for you that’s another 40 hours a week ok so you’re probably thinking that’s great that’s 2x that’s not 3x so right off the bat if you’re working 40 hours a week, for instance, you hire someone else at 40
hours a week and you’ve doubled your productivity but it doesn’t in there what it makes you do is it makes you re-evaluate everything that you’re doing when you have to start paying someone to do tasks it makes you ask (more…)

#17 Spotlight Marketing – The Best Free Marketing Plan

Welcome to the Effective Ecommerce podcast in this episode. We’re going to talk about spotlight marketing which is a term that as far as I know I coined and it’s a certain type of marketing it’s one of my favorite free ways of marketing and just getting traffic to your website and it’s amazing because it works on multiple levels so the quick version of what spotlight marketing is it’s interviewing people and quote-unquote spotlighting them on your website so this is in the form of an article or a video or a podcast where you interview them and you talk about them and there’s a couple different ways to do this but I want to talk about really quickly why this is so powerful so one you get to build a relationship with someone you get to interview them and you basically get to either over email build a relationship or do it over in person possibly or do it over a podcast or a number of different things you’re building a relationship with a real person which is extremely powerful so they’re going to come check out your website they’re going to come check out what you have to say what you are doing which is what once again extremely powerful so that’s number one you’re building a relationship number two if they like it they’re probably going to link it or share it with their audience they’re going to put a link to it a backlink which means that you get another backlink to your website means you’re going to climb up the Google rankings get higher and higher up there which is we all know from earlier episodes is huge you want to get as many quality backlinks as you can and like I said they’re going (more…)

How to Set Up Google Analytics in Shopify

In this video, I’m going to show you how to set up Google Analytics in Shopify so we’re gonna set up Google Analytics and then we’re gonna actually paste the code into Shopify to finish the setup so the first thing you’re gonna do is just Google Google Analytics and if you don’t have a gmail account you’re gonna have to sign up for a gmail account but I already have one so I’m just gonna log in right like this takes a second or two to log in now it already logged me into one of my websites for most people your Google Analytics homepage might look
something like this you’ll have any websites you previously have set up
analytics for right here but if you don’t have any this might be blank
that’s fine just click on admin click down click create new account account
the name for me it’s gonna be performance nut butter so we’re setting up my new
performance nut butter company say named performance nut butter
calm let’s see the data sharing options give you the most control sure I’ll go ahead and do this like that’s all fun for me alright so now we got to get the tracking ID here I accept and then we get this code and you’re gonna go over
to your Shopify page go to online store click on that and then go to preferences
and paste your code right in there go ahead and click Save and you’re pretty much done at this point so that’s really all you need to do to set up your Google Analytics now if you want to check it you can check it as well but since my sites not going to work to be able to be checked just because it’s already it’s it’s still kind of in hidden (more…)

BigCommerce VS. Magento

In this video, we are going to talk about BIGCOMMERCE vs. Magento which platform should you use to start your Online Business, we are going to talk about the pros and the cons for the both of these and at the end of this video I will announce a winner and we will talk about which one you should pick on which ones of your platforms you should use for your Online Store. We will start right away with the Pros of BIGCOMMERCE

•Great out of the box
-Gift cards
-Built-in ratings
-Real Time shipping quotes

•Great abandon card

•Partnership with Alibaba

•Customize the templates

•Import Export DATA using a CSV


•Great Support


•Free (Kind of)

•You Own Everything

•Can Change everything


•Selling Limits $50000 for basic

•More expensive to start

Magento CONS
•Pay For hosting

•Not as Much Support

•Harder to use

I will throw a curve ball in there and I should say Shopify is actually your best bet and why am I saying this? I think BIGCOMMERCE is better in Magento for most beginner level people they make it so much easier to get started. I think Shopify is even better than BIG COMMERCE. The Quick answer why Shopify is better than BIGCOMMERCE, in my opinion, is because they are on the cutting edge. They have more features. They have better Add-ons. They have better integrations. They have a lot of stuff going for them. Shopify is 98/100. BIGCOMMERCE is 89/100. The winners are Shopify or Bigcommerce. Starting a new website that you are not that technical, avoid Magento like the plague. A lot of people in foreign countries and I am talking about India, Pakistan, really like Magento because they are highly technical. And I don’t mean to generalize but a lot of times we have a little bit tighter budget. So if you are serious though and you have even the smallest (more…)

#16 Content Marketing 9 Content Marketing Strategies

In this episode of the effective e-commerce podcast we’re going to go talking about content marketing.  We will go over nine different content marketing strategies. So the first thing we want to talk about is what content marketing is. I’ve already talked about it in previous episodes but just in case you did not listen to the previous episodes let me just go over it really quickly. Content marketing in its true form is just releasing some kind of content that could be an article it could be a YouTube video it could be a Pinterest pin it could be a podcast this is a type of this is content something that people can consume so content marketing is creating content so people will consume it and ultimately they will purchase from your company purchase from your brand so we’ll go over nine different strategies and remember keep in mind like I said this could be blog articles is what’s most commonly seen when people talk about content marketing that’s usually blog articles but I could be getting this wrong but I remember hearing that soap operas. The reason they’re called soap operas was actually that like Palmolive I think it was and a few of the other soap companies created these dramas because they knew that housewives at the time would listen to the dramas and then they would pay for the advertisements in them I don’t know if they I could be wrong on the fact that they created them or whatever but that’s how they got their name the soap opera was created for the housewife and then the advertisements were soap companies and trying to get the housewives to Pit into by their specific type of soap so it doesn’t always have to be A ONE-to-one match (more…)