Thank goodness that the world wide web is already filled with beautiful and informative websites, so that you can build an ecommerce website devoted to sales. Effective e-commerce guru Travis Marziani shares his experience designing websites that maximize conversion rates. Follow the steps below when you design your ecommerce website to optimize online revenues.
Don’t make the user think, by making site navigation as a simple and intuitive as possible. Research shows that once online visitors have to think about site navigation, they jumpstart the cognitive part of their brain. They start thinking about whether they really need a product, which is a tougher sell than an impulse buy.
Make sure that a non tech savvy person can find their way around your website. Travis encourages you to use the “Mom test.” Let your mother be the test by attempting to make an unassisted purchase from your website.
One common mistake is not putting the shopping cart above the fold, ie: near the top of the page. If a customer cannot effortlessly find the checkout page, they are more likely to leave your website.
2. Look at Your Competitors Websites
If you are starting out, you may not have the budget for a lot of market research. Check out big retailers and mimic their well researched websites. Successful online retailers such as Amazon and Walmart have spent fortunes testing the most effective color combinations and field locations to boost sales. You might as well profit from their experience imitating the look and feel of their websites.
3. Review Websites Your Demographic Buys From
It pays to do a little market research of your own. Teenagers, sports enthusiasts, Moms all have their own aesthetic comfort zone that may differ from your own. Take the time to analyze popular websites that your target audience typically visit, (more…)