All right into day eight so today in d I’ve given a lot of random sang will see a look at all the fun stuff I did for instance actually I went down to well you know bulletproof cafe so went to bulletproof cafe and actually ended up meeting the guys the guy behind four Sigmatic the main owner it’s a mushroom coffee for those people that don’t know he was down there and I also met a guy named Casper who helps works with wim HOF and did similar techniques with him and it was really cool you know it’s like you never know who you’re going to meet so I ended up giving them some of the employee.
I gave each of them an influencer box and it’s just really good connection taro who is the guy the owner of four Sigmatic he’s actually going to be at paleo effect so that would be cool I’m going to see him this weekend as well it’s good just to meet some people so I talked to them for a little while and then before I left I came over and said what’s up again and you know you know how sometimes you have those awkward moments I had one of those awkward moments where they’re like oh let’s get a picture and I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to be in the picture or not and I was kind of like half in half out super spastic on my part I probably should’ve just went in full steam and said hey you know let’s get this picture so I screwed up there and it’s one of those things like alright well that’s a lesson for next time got to be I you know maybe even.
I say hey can we get a picture all of us together so that was but it was so cool it was so cool to meet them on top of that see what else happen I was working with some Facebook Ads I did some other things like that basically so that that’s my big update for day oh I also went to the beach once the beach did a little bit exercise it’s good to get outside I’ve been inside so much it’s kind of nice to get outside I think the big lesson learned there is you never know who you’re going to meet and you know I was a little bit nervous going up to these guys because it’s like I don’t know them and you know they might end up not being very nice they were very nice and usually when you meet people like that they are very nice because they know they know what it’s like to be a young person starting a company so that was kind of a good lightbulb is that I should always go up and just say hey you know I just want to introduce myself whatever I got I started this company you know can I give you a free job that kind of thing so that’s the big lesson learned from there and yeah that’s pretty much it so if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below make sure to click that subscribe button and of course you can sign up for the e-commerce success pack which has checklists for how to do Kickstarter checklist for how to start an ecommerce company all that fun stuff and click that up there and thank you guys for watching.