Day 28 I’m really excited there’s still a decent amount of things left to do but one of the things I did today and you can’t already tell actually let me stop I did once again blend up some performance nut butter with coffee and I am on full hiring right now in a very good way. So I have a lot of energy but day 28 this is the day before the day before launch like I said a lot of things to do one thing I’m doing is I made a list of things to do and I get it all done today I’m giving myself a break tomorrow Sunday which is the day for the day for the lunch legitimately the day before the day before the launch and the reason I did that is I have some kind of rewards. So I have tickets to a barbecue and blues shuttle and my plan is to spend just a few hours there kind of clear my head this will probably be the last like real break I get for the next month because I’m going to be running around for the Kickstarter.
This is everything I have left to do today and maybe a little bit visited all safe till Monday but one of the big things is get a list of friends and family emails everybody that I think might want to contribute just because they know me you know and I want to send them an email probably the day before the launch and say please please support this Kickstarter I need to write the emails for Monday and Tuesday. So is the PNB launches on Tuesday May 4th and I need to write emails just for that day and also I want to email the for the day before saying hey it’s going to launch tomorrow here’s a reminder if you’re some things I’ll probably ask you send out the Kickstarter video to get people excited. So that on Tuesday morning they will go and buy next thing I have to do is schedule Instagram post and Facebook post and Facebook group posts I have a bunch of those I mean I could read the schedule out to you kind of boring just go to my Instagram go to my Facebook and you can see it finalized the tasting videos that’s what I’m going to be doing today I’m going to go over to my gym robot fight and fitness and they’ve been nice enough to say that I can film some people tasting the product I’m going to put that on my Kickstarter page I need to I’m gonna give those files to my VA and have him sync those up.
I’ll call you to finish that path on Monday I’m going to give my VA all the different files have him put it in Premiere Pro and now I’m going to work on it and chop it all up I want to take a new profile picture of me holding the product because it seems like people are more likely to like a profile picture and it seems like Facebook is more likely to put that higher up in the rankings. So the day of the launch I had a whole list of things I’m going to post in the morning I’m going to post a link to the Kickstarter then I’m going to post like an update video saying hey guys the Kickstarter has been hugely successful hoping assuming that it has been and then later today I’m going to change my profile pictures they really excited for the launch blah blah blah go form some other background chain I’m you just change and finalize the actual product that the Kickstarter page and get my VA some information on podcast and let me release them that’s almost done pictures there’s a few last-minute pictures I saw you take mostly the big one is a picture of me for the bio and for the new profile picture and then last is I said film day but I don’t know what I mean by that. So I guess I’ll have to figure that one out later. So that’s why we’re doing another one over now I’m going to go to robot finish I’m going to film some tasting videos and hopefully get a little bit of work out in I want to enroll to do some jujitsu too because you can tell I have a lot of energy on you to burn some of that off. So that is it for today and hopefully I can get all these tests done. So that tomorrow I can enjoy the barbecue and blues festival all right day I got a lot of updates for you two is a busy day I got a lot done. So that’s always nice when that happens some of the big things I did today we’re sending out a bunch of emails as always I got the MailChimp email specifically. So I sent it out to my head of your s the podcast group I do it send out the performance nut butter list group of course and effective e-commerce lists. So all those people that sign up and you click up here for the e-commerce success fact I also keep you updated on some of the adventure some of the yeah adventures flash ventures that I get to into some of the business ventures rarely know it’s rare that all set out emails. So if you want to have to date with what I’m doing you can click up there get that e-commerce success pack is well but send out some email. So I did all the MailChimp emails also for the Facebook group I’ve posted a photo in the Facebook group and in my personal face workbook and both of those went really well people are really excited % if you’re going to be launching a Kickstarter start a Facebook group because people feed off each others energy and they when you see. So that someone also excited it makes you excited and it creates this social proof that’s one of the best things that I’ve done is creating that Facebook crib. So another thing I did today we just going through pictures trying to figure out the best pictures for my Kickstarter I created a little grid pictures of the different ways to eat performance nut butter and that I think is going to look really well on the Kickstarter page I did I did some editing for the podcast I’m gonna release Monday the day before the kicks that are May and the kicks artists May th it’s going to be mine pumped I went and I visited these guys in San Jose we didn’t in-person interview they have a huge audience I gave them some free jars they’re gonna you know I think they really enjoyed the product. So I really did some special attention towards their podcasts and I’m hoping that they promote it for me hopefully you know we’ll see I did a tasting video I did a video and I’ll insert some clips of that tasting video here and what it was was basically I just went and I asked at my gym I said hey can I have you tried the product I just want to see you know your reaction and I filmed it and every single reaction actually was good which is surprising I mean there’s little parts of it that I didn’t like but the overall thing they really liked the product which is absolutely amazing and almost unheard of I also emailed my local newspaper of the newspaper where I grew up the signal. So I emailed them to see if they’d be interesting and covering my Kickstarter I don’t know if they will be we’ll find out my goal is that they cover the Kickstarter and then it kind of levels up with time. So we’re going to see about that but the other thing I might do is email like the LA or the local Santa Clarita newspaper or Santa Santa Monica newspaper where I live now. So I emailed the hometown where I’m from but I think the next step is email in Santa Monica since it’s based out of Santa Monica I mean it is both we’ll see how that goes and those are the big things I did today I think some well that’s I to do some lesson learned from today it’s just that there’s always. So much more you can do you know in the more I’ve gone on in this journey the more I’ve like worked on this business the more I’ve realized all the mistakes that I’m making I’m making a ton and I’ll talk more about those I think after the launch but one of the big things is I really wanted to I did this as a -day challenge I wanted to do it as quickly as possible which is a good thing but I think the negative part is I jumped into it too a little too soon I think the next company I do I’m going to like test the market a little bit more fewer people like see what people don’t like before I even launched it as a Kickstarter like have I mean this is a solid project but it’s been kind of a run-and-gun thing I think that the next product I do whatever it is I really want it to be the most amazing thing and like it’s quote-unquote bulletproof as I can now as I say that that’s a recipe for disaster as well. So it’s somewhere in the middle I think I got a mix meet somewhere in the middle one of the things I would like to do is have it selling the product earlier on I haven’t sold too many jars of performance a lot but I haven’t tried selling the jars of performance nut butter I’ve only been working on you know the boxes the pouch is trying to get this Kickstarter up and running. So you know is that a mistake I don’t know is the short answer I have spent a lot of money I spent thirty four hundred dollars on the video I spent a thousand dollars on the logo and the design I spent money all over the place I’m pretty invested in the product project at this point which is a good and a bad thing. So that being said that’s one of the big lessons I learned from today if you have not yet please click that subscribe button I’m gonna have. So many cool videos I’m just some two days away from launch and I’m gonna have videos every probably at least every day the Kickstarter and then at least once a week depending on how these videos turn out once a week kind of like summary videos of what I did you know the first week second week third week of poems not that I want to document they start creation of this entire company. So that is it for this you haven’t yet click up here with the ecommerce success pact basically everything that I create for myself is how to hire a virtual assistant how to start an e-commerce store I like to do checklist I love checklists and rather than just keeping them all to myself I’ll give them to you for free click up there you can get those last not least if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below and thank you guys like you know I really do this oh I do it for two reasons one is just it’s good to kind of clear everything out of my head but realistically it’s for you guys I hope that you get some value from it if you do really please leave a comment down below because as you can see not a lot of people leave comments even if a lot of people watch the video not a lot of people leave the connick and I really makes my day when I get to read a positive comment. So thank you guys for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it