In this video, I am going to show you how to create an AdWords campaign. An AdWords ad will do all the work right here so if you have never created a campaign before you are probably going to when you log into AdWords and see a screen like this.
So go ahead and click “Create Your First Campaign.” In this video, I am also going to show you all of the tips and tricks that a lot of people leave out but that are very important. So for this one, I am creating an ad or I am creating a campaign called Yoga Pants. I might change that to Yoga Pants Colors. You will see why in a second. So, as we scroll down you see Google Search Network, include Search Partners sure but we do not want the Display Network so we are going to click up here and go to Search Network Only. All right.
So, Google Search includes Search Partners that is fine devices ad will show on all eligible. We do not want that so we will come back later and we will fix that. For me, I only want United States so I am going to click there Bid Strategy Maximum. I am just going to put a dollar amount right now. It is artificial and then five dollars per day which is what I recommend if you have never done AdWords before. That is probably like a pretty typical amount. Some of the cool things you can do are these different extensions. The site links extensions pretty good. That is a different video though that is out there. That is a whole other topic talked about so I am going to go ahead and click Save and Continue. All right, for the landing page I am going to put
Then, we are going to name the first ad group, I am going to call it Yoga Pants Colors. For my keywords, I am going to put “red yoga pants,” “green yoga pants” – Actually, you know what, I take that back. For this first one, let’s just do “red yoga pants.” So Red Yoga Pants will be the name of the ad group. You will see why in a second. So your red yoga pants new ad group continued to ads so final URL – Actually the site is not ready for this yet, but let’s say the final yoga URL is and then for the headline we are going to want to put something that is very catchy. A lot of the time it is best if it has the keyword in it so “red yoga pants” and then maybe “sale” or numbers also do really well. So. “30%” sounds really nice. “Sales” makes it too long. So the description in there and then just so this is an advertisement. So, “red yoga pants30% off” looks good. One thing I recommend is looking at what happens if you type in that keyword into Google. What are the ads that you see? So right here we see “red yoga pants” and “Maurice,” and you see “red yoga pants,” “Yoga Outlet.” that is pretty boring. I think if we did “red yoga pants 30% off” that looks a lot cooler so the description could be something like ”Free shipping – handmade.” I think that is just a little bit too much I think handmade is actually one word anyways and you want to try to end with the punctuation mark if you can. So, “Free shipping” and then maybe this “Handmade in the USA.” So see what happens when you end with a punctuation mark? It goes from that to that which makes it look a lot nicer so “Handmade in the USA.” So the second part of the description could be something like – once again, numbers work really well so “55 colors” and “soft and breathable fabric.” Something, let’s see some kind of benefits, “perfect for yoga.” I am just going to put it there for now. So, for the display URL, you want to display URL so pants now this might not be my real URL. I am just saying it is for argument’s sake.
You want the display URL to look like it actually has some value in the sense like it actually is whatever the person is searching. That is why I am making an ad group that is nothing but red yoga pants is because I want oops I want this text to red yoga pants and then the display URL to be red yoga pants and everything to really be centered around that so I am going to go ahead and create the ad. All right.
Review, Save and Finish. All right. The first thing I am going to do is pause this. The building is not there so it is fine. Let me go back in and another thing I recommend from the beginning is having more than one ad. So, maybe one of the things you can do is copy and edit. So, copy and edit and maybe instead of 30% off, I want to say 55 colors and see which one of those works better. Maybe something like that I think the 30% off going to do better, but I will go ahead and have two right now anyway. So, maybe I get rid of this dash actually “red yoga pants 55 colors,” “red yoga pants 30% off.” I think the 30% off will do better maybe, you know, maybe I could come up with a better one than that but I like the 30% off because it has a number and a percentage sign so it really pops. Like if you were to see this so once again the look over here if you were to see the 30% off that 30% – I think as humans we gravitate towards it so here we go so I might call this campaign instead of campaign Number One, I might actually change it to Yoga Pants Colors. Then what I could do is I could do another ad and ad groups. Let’s copy this edit, Copy, Edit, Paste and pause it after we paste it. And so for this next one, maybe we want to call it Green Yoga Pants. I might go through and do all this for all the different colors now if you are watching this and you are planning on doing something similar to this, there is something called the AdWords Editor that I highly recommend looking at. That is a little bit beyond the scope of this video but it is very important.
Another thing, and this is a mistake I made, I put in “red yoga pants.” What you actually want to do is at the minimum do Broad Match Modified. That is the plus sign here. The difference between broad match modified versus regular broad match is if you do not put that little plus sign, it allows Google to add synonyms. So, it might say, you know, yoga is similar to working out, so someone might type in red workout pants and Google might show my ad. But, by putting that plus sign, I am saying only if they put the words red, yoga and pants in there. You can also do phrase match. Phrase match is if you put it in quotes. So, here I will show you what a phrase match looks like. So, this is phrase match so red yoga pants. And that would mean if someone searched in Google for something like “red yoga pants for women.” My ad would show because that phrase is there. But, if someone were to type in “red yoga for women pants,” my ad would not show using phrase match because it is saying that phrase “red yoga pants” needs to appear together somewhere. Now, with this one, the broad match modified would still how because it has the word “red.” It has the word “yoga” and it has the word “pants.” One more example, there is also the exact match “red yoga pants” and the exact match means the phrase needs to be “red yoga pants” exactly for which someone searches. If someone searches for “red yoga pants for women” it will not show with exact match.
So, those are the three different ways to do it. I recommend a lot of times just starting with red yoga pants” do it broad – I recommend starting with a broad match modified. If you are going to do that, add lots of negative keywords.
That is the next step. So, let’s look at that. To find lots of negative keywords just to let you know you can use the keyword tool. You can use your imagination. But I know that if someone puts in the word “workout,” I do not want them to see my ad. Someone puts in the word “butt” into their search, I do not want them to see my ad because they are probably looking for something like “girls’ butt in red yoga pants.” So come up with all that you want. There is also a keyword tool and there is a site called ubersuggest that is very helpful. So, if I were to go here – say “yoga pants” it would suggest all the keywords. So, I would to use this to come up with negative keyword ideas so “men” is a negative keyword UK is a negative keyword. “Fail is a negative keyword.”Pranks” is a negative keyword. Man meme target is probably going to be a negative keyword. Song is a negative keyword. So, I would add all of these to my negative keywords.
The next thing I will also show you is in the campaign, if you go to Settings, we want to make sure and do a few different things here. So, change the Mobile Bid Adjustments. Right now, it is showing on mobile phones. I do not want that. So, I am going to click “Decrease by 100%.” This makes it so it is only on computers and tablets now. If you do want to show mobile phones, you can change this to, you know, negative 30% or something like that so it changes the Bid Adjustment. I did not fix this one actually yet. So, let me do that plus “green yoga pants” – oops! Then we go over to the ads once again. This can be done in bulk using the AdWords Editor. So, we might have color. I am just going to do that for now. I want to change this as well. There we go. Save. All right. So let’s see what else here. All settings. So, some other things that you can do so we have the targeted locations and devices.
So those are the basic things that you can do when you are so if you were to at this point want to start a new campaign. You would go here and then you would go to all campaigns. I will actually enter my billing information before you could add a new campaign. But, simply if you want to add a new campaign at this point, you would go “Campaign” and then I recommend just going with Search Network only depending on what you are looking to do, obviously, there are other types and do the same process again one thing that let’s – see, yeah. I am going to just do the same process again. Probably do not want French.
There you go. So, that is the basics on how to set up AdWords right here. How to set up an AdWords ad, campaign, ad group. So you need it – you need the campaign like the big structure then within that there is ad groups and then the keywords or the things that you are actually bidding on so if someone types in these certain keywords, your ads will show up.
So that is it for this lesson. I will see you guys in the next lesson.
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