All right. So, we started getting some messages for our posting. I am going to look at them. I am going to show you basically what message I usually send and what you need to look for at when trying to hire someone. Just so you know, some of the messages got sent here and some of the messages went to my email. I do not know if this is a bug with or what. But the people I messaged in the earlier part of this video, they responded to my emails. Anyway, let’s look start with these here.
All of these of the top are new and have not yet been responded to as you can see by the date. So, let’s see what they have to say. Now, I am just going to look at a lot of their profiles. This person – assistant, writing, data entry – she would probably be okay. I do not know if she has video editing experience. No, she does not really have any video editing experience. I will still interview her. At this point, I am all about let’s just interview via Skype as many people as possible. So, let’s go to the Reply Message. So, I have this one copy and pasted. It just says, “Hi. I want to interview you tomorrow. Could you do an interview tomorrow sometime between 9 am and 9 pm Pacific time ( PST) via Skype? If so, please let me know what time and send me your Skype ID. My ID is Travis.Marziani.” I just find this the easiest way but I may change it in the future. But that way it gives them an option and also it kind of tests their knowledge of how to figure out what time zone they – what will fit into the time zone.
I could spend more time on all of these but the truth is I am just going to message them to see which ones respond to me about the Skype call because not all of them will. I lot of them make excuses and say, “Oh, I can’t do it because of x, y, and z. “ So this way I am not wasting my time on someone who will not even go to the Skype call. So, if someone says, “Yeah, I would like to do the Skype call, then I will review them a little bit closer and maybe if I need to, I will cancel it. But, more than likely, I will keep it and at least give them a shot. It only takes five minutes or so to Skype to someone. It is not too long.
So, I am just going in here and copying and pasting replies. Some of the people are a under 40 hours and I probably should not send them a message. I should probably just delete it. Actually, this person above I read theirs earlier. They look really good. I think they would be a good candidate. Now, I am going to go to my email and email these people as well. I must have given them my email because here is the actual email. I do not like this person saying they are available tomorrow 2 – 5 pm (Philippine time). When I did the math, it is about midnight my time. We will see how it goes.
So, there you go. I sent out a bunch of these and I will follow up and get back and record the Skype class next and let you see me interviewing some of the people on Skype. So that should be fun. Hopefully, through this process you will see everything that I am doing to get an online VA. If everything goes well, it will not be that painful and I will get a quality VA. So that is it for this one.