In this video, I’m going to show you the step by step process on how to set up an Amazon seller account, how to sell on Amazon and literally everything you need to know about creating an account and a complete Amazon tutorial.
1. Go to the Amazon Seller Central Website – Click Register Now then click Start Selling.
2. Create Amazon Seller Central Account – Enter your Information
3. Set up Amazon Seller Central Account – Fill up the information, Verify your account by entering a one time pin you’d receive when you enter your phone number, Set up your billing method, Enter your credit card information, Set up your deposit method and Provide your Tax information
4. Verify Identity
5. Adding the Product – Go up to Catalog, Add products, if you’re selling a product that already exists, you can search for it then you can add your product to that listing but I don’t recommend that, what I highly recommend is for you to create your own passion product instead. If you do, you can just click on Create a new product listing. Select the appropriate category or research on the best keywords you can use for your product.
6. Product Name – Make sure it contains keywords.
7. Product Images – Hire someone who can do computer rendering for your main image and add as many side photos as possible. I also recommend your photos to have 1000×1000 pixels so people can zoom in your photos.
8. Adding back end keywords – Go to inventory, Manage Inventory then click Edit. Fill up vital information, variations, offer where you can see the tax code. You can use A_GEN_TAX which means it has sales tax while you can put A_GEN_NO_TAX if your product has no sales tax. You can also find Compliance, Images, and Description on this tab.
9. Product Description – Bold for the paragraph header, spaces in between and use basic HTML to do that. You would see the Key Product Features here and these do get index by search thus you have to make sure you put in all your keywords. Talk about the benefits, why should someone buy your product.
That’s all you need to do to start an account and start selling on Amazon but we’re not done with the tutorial yet. Here’s a few more useful information on how to sell on Amazon.
10. Home Page Features – If you’re doing FBM, you’d see how many pending orders you have, how many items have been shipped an all those data but it won’t show if you are doing fulfilled by Amazon. You can see your buyers message and it will show if you haven’t responded to a message within 24hours. You would see payments of Amazon to you, your Sales Summary and other information.
Let’s talk about the Tabs:
Catalog – Mostly about adding products.
Inventory Tab – Managing your Inventory, Manage FBA inventory
Inventory Planning, Add a Product, You can also add products via upload when you have a lot of SKUs, Inventory Report, Selling Globally
11. Manage FBA shipments – This is where you would see information about the shipment you made to Amazon.
12. Pricing Tab – You can go to automated pricing if you want to change pricing and set up rules for pricing.
13. Manage Orders – Important when you do FBM or process Refund
14. Advertising Tab – Campaign Manager allows you to bid on certain search terms which is a great way if you want your product to appear on the search. You can also do Enhanced brand content, Early Reviewer Program, Coupons and Promotions
15. Early Reviewer Program – A campaign that will get some review for your product, this will help get you your first five reviews.
16. Business Reports – You can see your sales data.
I know this is a lot of information but I created a checklist to make it easy for you! Check out my Amazon success pack for the checklist,
marketing ideas and even include ways on how to come up with your own passion product!