Don’t start a Shopify site until you see this video I want to prevent you from making a few different mistakes I see people make over and over again. So in this video we’re gonna look at some good websites on Shopify and some bad and I’m gonna give you some quick tips on everything you need to know before you get started on how you can be successful with Shopify now obviously I can’t tell you everything in the world but let me give you the condensed down version of the most common mistakes I see people making.
1. You Need to be Special – they have nothing that makes their company their brand special if you have nothing that makes your website special people aren’t going to shop a shop from your Shopify site they’re gonna go onto Amazon to buy their stuff.
2. You Need to be Niche Down – you need to be niche down Amazon is already that everything store you cannot be that everything store unless you have a few billion dollars that you can spend like jet comm did and if you don’t know about jet comm they’re still not as big as Amazon and they’re probably won’t they probably go out of business they probably will never topple Amazon but they had a lot of money I think at least a billion dollars I could be wrong on that number but there’s still not as successful as Amazon. So don’t try to be in everything store niche down sell a very specific thing
3. You Need to build a Tribe – build a tribe of people that love your company and are willing to basically spread the message for you do all the marketing I see so many people start Shopify sites without any kind of a tribe around them it’s easier to build the tribe first and then create the site you don’t need to do it that way but it makes it easier.
4. You need to have a Traffic Plan – have some kind of a traffic plan how are you going to get people to your website I do have a video up here about ways to get traffic to your website because that blows. So many people’s mind but well we’ll talk in depth about that in a future video or you know click the video up here. So what are some of the other common mistakes that I see people making one of the things they do over and over again is they sell too many products for if they’re selling too many products that are totally unrelated what I mean by this is maybe they’re selling shoes and clothes and phone cases and jewelry and you know some other random junk you don’t want to do that you want to sell in the beginning a very small set of things you need good design rules when you have a poorly designed website people don’t trust you they’re not gonna put their credit card into a website that looks poorly designed and there’s some simple simple things that you can do that’s gonna make a huge difference and make people trust you another thing is no social proof and that’s fine in the early stages but try to get some social proof on your website what I mean by that is testimonials reviews all that kind of fun things. So last but not least don’t cheap out don’t think that you can start a business and it’s gonna be making money right away and you’re not gonna have to spend any money into it if you are broke don’t start a Shopify site if you you know are barely living paycheck-to-paycheck this isn’t for you if you think it’s gonna be flip a switch you’re gonna be making a ton of money don’t start a Shopify website with all that being said if you think that you can do it which I guarantee you can I think anyone can start a successful online store as long as they have the ability to watch videos like these have the ability to learn from their mistakes you can be successful with an online business. So if that is the case don’t cheap out obviously if you’re watching this video you probably already know about Shopify 100% the best thing you can do is take that next baby step if you have an idea go by the net domain name once you’ve bought the domain name go ahead and sign up for Shopify or you can sign up for Shopify first once you sign up for Shopify build the website I do have a video here where I built the Shopify site in just four minutes super easy Shopify makes it very easy to do once you’ve built the website start creating a marketing plan whatever whatever stage you’re at figure out what the next step is and do it and. So with that being said if you haven’t signed up for Shopify yet I have links right here for you 14-day free trial is risk free all that kind of stuff that way you can at least take the next baby step and maybe you don’t convert it to a paid plan maybe you’re not ready for that yet that’s fine at least get your feet wet at least jump in the door and if you use either one of my links I do get a credit I get a small bit of credit. So as I thank you for using my link which cost you nothing you get a free 14-day trial it only cost you if you convert it to a Shopify page which it’s gonna cost you either way. So if you use either one of my links I will give you a free one-on-one 30-minute consultation session to help you set up your website I want you guys to be successful I want anyone that watches my videos to be successful as they can was Shopify. So with all that being said and click my links to sign up subscribe to my youtube channel I release a ton of videos and I try to pack them all with as much information as possible to help out as many people as possible that’s the only reason I’m doing this and I have a free e-commerce success back you can click up here I got a link up here or down below in the show notes it includes a checklist for starting your online store including a checklist to make sure you’re not making the most common mistakes that I see people make over and over and over again. So you get that checklist and it’s got a bunch of other cool stuff like marketing ideas you get that up here last but not least if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below I literally answer every single one thank you guys. So much for watching this video I hope you found it helpful and make sure like subscribe all that fun stuff see you on the next video