How to Find Negative Keywords in Adwords



In this video I’m gonna show you three ways to find negative keywords for your AdWords campaign and this is a crucial step a lot of people
forget about this step a lot of people don’t add any negative keywords to their campaigns which is just a big mistake and this video this is actually an example from the AdWords and product listing ads course that I just launched you can click up here to find out more information or down below but let’s get right into it. So the three different techniques I’m gonna show you step by step how to use all these I’m gonna do a little screen share here in just a second I’ll show you how to use all these and the three different techniques are number one uber suggests number two the keyword planner and number three is actually using your own data actually reviewing your campaigns and this is number three is the most powerful way I’d say number two is the most common way most people know about number two and then number one Uber suggests it’s probably my favorite way if you want to find a lot of negative keywords before you spend a dollar uBersuggests is the best and the keyword planner is number two but number three option actually finding negative keywords from your own data which I’ll show you how to do is it’s extremely powerful in the sense that you’re you you can guarantee that you’re wasting money on these and it’s a good way to make sure you’re not wasting any more money and I’ll show you how to do all three of these in this video the first way to find negative keywords in one of my favorite ways is ubersuggest and this is a real like a nice trick you can just google ubersuggest or go to over suggest dot IO and this is actually different version of ubersuggest than I used in the past.

Let me show you what it does if you type in nut butter basically what it’s doing is it scraping Google for this information let me show you. So if you type in nut butter into Google you’ll see the most commonly searched for things type in the letter A you’ll see all the most commonly typed in things with the with an a coming afterwards B C D and it takes all that data in it gives it to you in a very convenient form. So we see here a B seen a ABC butter about peanut butter all natural peanut butter but this isn’t exactly what I wanted oh okay it’s because I had the Google Keyword planner also checked let’s do it without that all right almond nut butter one kilogram. So I start finding some negative keywords and you can click this next to it because almond for me doesn’t describe my product at all best nut butter 2015 mmm I’d say maybe the 2015 would be Blendtec because I don’t have anything to do with Blendtec people looking for Blendtec nut butter jar are probably looking for recipes or something like that butternut 50-150. So one thing I might do is make an exact or make a phrase match of butter nuts a negative keyword because anyone typing in the word butter nut is looking for something different than nut butter butter nut this this kirbys whatever butternut squash I probably use butternut as a negative keyword let’s see what else do you have here I mean I could just go on and on and once you’re done once you’ve clicked as many as you can and there’s a few different pages what you can do is export to CSV let me show you it’ll come up. So you’ll get this information here and you can go through and you can just delete everything that except for the things a one-kilogram actually would also be a negative keyword. So for me 2015 I don’t that’s a negative keyword blendtec that’s a negative keyword butternut is a negative keyword phrase and then this Durban team that’s butternut and squash I’ll make both those a negative keywords and ultimately you can save this file and use it and add it to your Adwords the next thing we’re gonna look at is the Google Adwords Keyword planner.

So go ahead and log in here and once you’re logged in you’ll see the geek the keyword planner up in the top right go up to this tools and then keyword planner and you’ll see it here. So this is one of the more common ways that people find negative keywords I think it’s good it’ll help you find things you never would have thought about let’s go start over I just go search for new keywords nut butter good ideas and right off the bat you can start adding them over here. So almond butter peanut butter organic is not a keyword I use cashew butter is good maker. So that’s one just go through here and find everything to me that’s irrelevant high-protein peanut butter because people looking at for protein that’s not good for Meeks I don’t do protein it’s it’s a healthy fat nut butter not a protein nut butter and then eventually once you get all of them you’ll do the same process download it save the file go through here got the key word right here and I already have almond but I’ll just do it again peanut that’s one organic because it’s technically not currently an organic product maker now if someone looks up a nut butter maker I don’t want them to show to me protein if someone’s typing in protein I don’t want them to show my ad and. So I go through and obviously there’s a lot more data that I can sift through here but I’d find all the matching things the last way to get negative keywords and by far the most powerful one is through the data that you’ve gathered by running your AdWords.

So once you’ve run AdWords for a little while you’re gonna come in here and you can go to acquisition you’re gonna add words and you’re gonna go to search queries and what this does is it says what the search query was that triggered your ad and you’re gonna go down to the bottom and say show rose five thousand looking you know five thousand rows and this is old data for me. So I’m not I don’t mind showing it to you guys because it was from a long time ago 2015 actually and what you’ll do is you’ll export this data export it you can do to a Google sheet but I just like to an Excel CSV or excel file okay then the next thing I do is I go over to pages per session and go Z to a oh no a to Z sorry and I look at what keywords people just come to the website and bounce immediately and you can see those are keywords that I’m not converting for. So all these things or search queries that made me no money. So I want to see if they’re helpful. So for instance plain anyone searching for plain booty shorts that might be okay but let’s say Minnesota I don’t sell Minnesota I don’t sell it like I don’t have a store in Minnesota and I definitely not have a calendar. So what I like to do is I go in here and I delete this and. So to me Minnesota is a negative keyword 2015 is a negative keyword calendar is a negative keyword all those dances good oops yeah 2015 oh it goes over there ballet skirt I think that’s okay jiae’s someone’s typing in anything to do with JS I don’t sell anything related to JS flowing skirt I guess that’s okay. So I delete everything that’s okay and I’m left with eventually just the words that I want to add to my negative keyword list. So let’s see all colors in Florida. So you see and I don’t sell harem pants. So in Florida someone’s typing and specifically looking for dancewear stores in Florida I don’t want to show it to them I don’t show my ad to them.

Anyways eventually I would just narrow it down to the data that is negative keywords let’s just say hypothetically it was only these ones and then I take this data and I put it into the negative keywords in Adwords last thing I just want to quickly show you is you go into Adwords you can click on whatever your campaign is and how to actually get your negative keywords in there. So click on campaign and then you’re gonna go to keywords and then you’re gonna go to negative keywords and I already got a ton of negative keywords in here but I’ve add more and all you have to do is open up those Excel files that we saved and obviously this one for instance was for dancewear but I could copy it and paste it in there and then the other one I had this one copy it paste it in there and then just hit save and it’ll add it to your negative keywords. So those are the best three ways to find negative keywords this is one of the many mistakes I see people making with Adwords and with product listing ads and in fact if you’re running product listing ads negative keywords is the most important thing you need to be doing and it’s the number one mistake I see people making with their product listing ads. So the reason I’m talking about this is because I actually just launched the Adwords and product listing ads course up here you can click up here or there’s also a link down below and it’s step-by-step a twosie it’s the exact course that I wish I would have had when I was starting AdWords and you know what this course isn’t for everyone there’s some people watching this video that want to make the mistakes on their own struggle and learn it on your own and that’s okay that’s how I was when I was starting but I wish if I can go back I would have told myself just spend a little bit of money on a course and you’ll you’ll won’t waste the money on AdWords. So if you’re serious about AdWords and you’re serious about learning how to make money with AdWords check out the course learn from people learn from me someone that’s already done it and I’ve made a few million dollars of revenue using AdWords. So anyways the links are up here you can watch it and it goes into detail there’s a little video on the course about exactly what’s in the course but if you haven’t yet make sure you click that subscribe button I also do have a free you can click here as well for the link and down below I have an AdWords success pack and. So if you’re looking for the free option that’s fine you can click up here or down below like I said the paid course is just for the accelerator if you’re really looking to learn this material as fast as possible the AdWords check lists AdWords success pack includes an AdWords checklist it includes a checklist for product listing ads it includes basically everything you need to do to get up and running with AdWords fairly fast the course just goes into more detail anyways make sure you click Subscribe and if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below I’m happy to answer any of your questions