#1 Adwords Mistake


In this video, I’m gonna talk about the number one AdWords mistake. Hi, I’m Travis and I’ve built a multi-million dollar revenue company on the backbone of AdWords plus I’ve helped consult with a lot of different people on helping them turn their e-commerce business and their AdWords into something that’s actually profitable for them. So I’ve seen a lot of different people and I’ve seen a lot of different mistakes that people make in by far the number one biggest mistake I see over and over again is people that set up their AdWords and never properly review it now it’s a little bit it can be complicated process if you let it be to review your AdWords but it’s very simple in principle and I’d say there’s two main parts to reviewing your AdWords the first part is looking at which ones are successful and adjusting the bid and it can be a little bit more detailed if you want to get into it you basically want to adjust the bid only on ones that there’s room to adjust the bid in and I’ll talk about in a separate video exactly how to do this but you want to basically go in there and adjust the bid accordingly if it’s not successful lower the bid until it is very simple in theory but a lot of people just don’t take the time to do it.

I will be talking about how to review videos and eventually I’ll come out with a video and I’ll link it up here the next part about reviewing your AdWords is actually going in and finding negative keywords and I will definitely do a video if I haven’t already if I have already I’ll put a link up here on how to find negative keywords from your AdWords campaign this is very important you’re running an AdWords campaign and part of what you’re doing is paying for data you’re paying for data on what works and what doesn’t work. So you might do 10 different campaigns nine of them lose money but one of them is profitable that’s fine that’s actually great what that means is you know that you need to turn off nine of them or lower the bids on nine of them and increase the bid on one of them and what you’re doing here is when you’re reviewing maybe you find new keywords that you can do new campaigns for our new ad groups for this is just it’s such a powerful thing that. So many people avoid because it seems overwhelming and I’m here to help you with that.

If you haven’t yet make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel cuz I’m gonna have a ton of videos on AdWords but that’s the number one thing I see people over and over again failing and the number one mistake they make is not reviewing their AdWords I’d say some other ones are not picking proper keywords you want AB where you want keywords that have by intent. So you want a keyword where someone’s actually gonna purchase your product when they, when they search that keyword in there and then third of course, is ad copy a lot of people already know that you need to have proper keywords and that you need to have good ad copy but for whatever reason people seem to think that they don’t need to review their AdWords.

That’s the number one mistake I see people making again and again and I’ll have some free Youtube videos coming up out about this but if you want like the really detailed information if you want the step-by-step how-to I do have in AdWords and Google Shopping course you can get up here click on that little link and on top of that I do have the AdWords success pack you can also click on here the AdWords success pack is totally for free and includes a checklist for setting up your AdWords a checklist for reviewing your AdWords – which is very helpful and then on top of that a checklist for Google Shopping ads. So you can get that for free up here or you can look at the course if you want the accelerated version for it and you know what the course isn’t for everyone if you’ve got more time than you have money just watch my free Youtube videos but if you want accelerated path to success the course is the best money you can spend. So subscribe to my Youtube channel if you haven’t yet and last but not least if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below.