Don’t start an AdWords campaign without watching this if you not don’t start an AdWords campaign without watching this let me share with you some of the mistakes I see people make I want to make sure you do not make that same mistake all right hi I’m Travis and I’ve built a multi-million dollar revenue ecommerce business using AdWords and I’ve helped a lot of other people do the same thing and I see people making the same three mistakes over and over again now I want to make sure before you start and before you spend any money with AdWords that you watch this video. So you don’t make these mistakes I really want I have your desk okay now that’s selling it too much I’ll your slope soon I want you to succeed and learn from other people including my own mistakes.
These three what is it. So the three mistakes that be dinners make over and over again. So the three mistakes that beginners make over and over again is they bit on the wrong keywords now is they bit on the wrong keywords they don’t review they don’t add negative keywords and three they don’t review their AdWords which is just mind-boggling to me. So let’s break down each one of these three and figure out how to fix them. So number one your if you’re bidding on the wrong keywords no matter how good your website is no matter how good your ad copy is no matter any of this information you’re not going to be successful because you’re bidding on the wrong keywords. So what’s an example of this if you’re bidding on general keywords or things where people aren’t ready to buy maybe they’re looking for information they’re not gonna buy from you they might get the information from you but it’s not until they’re ready to buy that you should really be targeting them and spending your hard-earned money on AdWords. So a quick example I gave in the last video is I just want a nut butter company but it’s not peanut butter it’s a macadamia Cashew blended not butter specifically targeted more like athletes.
I don’t want to just bid on the search term nut butter instead what I might want to do is bid on something like high quality fat nut butter or paleo friendly nut butter because people that know enough to search for paleo friendly nut butter are more likely to buy from me they’re more likely to buy my company where if someone’s just searching nut butter that’s the wrong keyword it’s too gentle and another example of this would be people search for or people put bids on things that are totally irrelevant or totally wrong. So you it’s fine to test your assumptions but the number one mistake I see people making is not being specific enough with the keywords that they’re bidding on number two is they don’t add negative keywords and this is. So important I can’t believe when I see someone not adding negative keywords it just it hurts me it hurts my soul because they’re wasting money when you don’t add negative keywords to your AdWords you’re spending money on things that you if you knew we were spending money on you would never want to do and this is going to relate to point number three about reviewing your AdWords but negative keywords very simply are things that anytime someone searches that you do not want to show you an ad for. So maybe I say I want to show it for paleo friendly nut butter but I don’t want to show it for paleo friendly high protein nut butter because my father it’s not a high protein product if someone’s looking for high protein they’re gonna go somewhere else.
I specifically would say protein is a negative keyword because if someone ever searches paleo friendly protein nut butter they don’t want to buy my products. So make a huge list of negative keywords I do have a link up here to a video on how to make negative keywords or how to find negative keywords and it’s not a complicated process you can watch that video find more you should have five hundred to a thousand they get a few words before you ever start on my dance clothing website I’ve got five thousand nigga keywords that’s a lot of negative keywords now you don’t necessarily need 500 right when you start but I’d say if you haven’t do if you don’t at least have a hundred you haven’t thoroughly thought it through. So definitely think it through you’re probably also going to want to add negative keywords for things like Walmart Amazon some of your competitors names because if people are searching for your competitor’s product or Amazon or Walmart they want to buy from them don’t waste your money maybe when you get more advanced you can do that kind of stuff but in the early days you only want to bid on things that you know are gonna make you money.
Number two is not adding negative keywords. So make sure before you start your AdWords that you have negative keywords number three the number four you begin a mistake I see people making over and over again is not reviewing. So obviously this is for people that are just starting with AdWords step number one and step number two are gonna be more important for you but give it a few months launch version 1.0 of your AdWords give it a few months and then review it I killed me when I see people that haven’t reviewed it because you’re paying for data you’re paying for all this data and what you need to do is then take that data and figure out what works what doesn’t work what needs to be adjusted finding more negative keywords from that data I’ll show how to do that in this video up here but what you’re doing is you’re paying for this data review the data make version 2.0 of your AdWords and version 3.0 and. So on and. So on. So those are my top top tips and you need to make that bail. So those are my top tips before you start AdWords that you need to keep in mind and if you’re looking for a checklist you can click up here I’m an AdWords success pack which includes a checklist that you should go through before you start an AdWords campaign I also have one for Google shopping and a checklist for review in your ad we can get all those for free up here now if you want the accelerated step-by-step version that includes screen shares of setting up AdWords and in fact it actually shows how I set up AdWords for my new company you can click up here to check out my AdWords and Google Shopping beginners course and it goes all the way from very beginner material to more advanced things it shows you how to review and in fact it shows you the advanced way that I review my AdWords step-by-step and I haven’t got enough 5x multiple I spend a thousand dollars and I get five thousand dollars back and I’m able to repeat that month after month using both text AdWords and Google Shopping ads which I like even better.
You want the accelerated path click up here do the course if you just want the free material that’s fine click the subscribe button get the average success pack and I have a ton of for you material on AdWords but like I said if you are serious about it I’d recommend checking out the course it will accelerate your knowledge of average and you’ll be successful much much faster well last but not least if you have any questions about AdWords leave it in the comments down below and I’m happy to respond to any of them thank you. So much for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it.