Adgroup VS Campaign The Difference in Adwords


In this video I’m going to talk about the difference between an ad group and a campaign in AdWords and this is a question that comes from my mastermind and actually a few people that have bought my course wanted a little bit of clarification between the two. So I’m hoping in this video to give all the clarification. So I’m in my AdWords and if you go to all campaigns you can see and I can see all my campaigns right now. So these are all different campaigns. So just to let you know the quick version is campaigns are on the top within one campaign there could be multiple ad groups where every ad group has only one campaign every campaign can have multiple ad groups. So it goes campaign ad groups and then from there each ad group can have multiple ads. So let me explain this a little bit more let me show you what I mean. So let’s go into one of my campaigns. So this is a campaign I have and it’s called Bailar dance where within that I have one ad group and its Bailar dancer that used to be our old name. So we still bid on that just to just in case people are searching for it within there I’ve got a few different keywords I can show you these because it’s nothing special probably should hide some of the other stuff I have going on here and we have multiple ads here. So within this one campaign we have one ad word if for this example let me see if I can find another one that I’m willing to share I’ll just go I just go back towards like tart colors alright. So that’s a good example bike tart colors with under Biketards colors I have 13 different ad groups and. So the one campaign bike tarred colors has at these different ad groups and then what you can do on the campaign level you can set a bunch of different things you can set what locations you want to show it to and that will mean like. So if I were to say I just want to show this to people in California all these different ad groups underneath the category of campaign would only show to people in California you can change all these different you change the devices could change the mobile bid adjustment you can’t do that on the ad group level what you can do. So let’s look at the ad group okay yeah settings no but you have two different ads. So these two different ads are under the aqua Biketards ad group and I set my keywords under the ad group. So that’s kind of the difference ad groups is by our campaigns is kind of the big general thing it helps you organize stuff but ad groups to me is where the real meat is this is where you’re putting your keywords this is where you’re putting your ads and you want your ad groups and the keywords and the ads to be is tightly targeted as possible and they want you want them to be correlated. So it for instance my aqua Biketards I have aqua Biketards aquamarine Biketards those are the two different keywords I have and then if you go into ads this one’s more of just a test that I put up but you see this one was actually the real one that I think will do better and it says aqua Biketards 30% off. So that is like what I’m talking about here we’re not to say it needs to be really tightly correlated. So I have Biketards as my main campaign under there is the ad group of aqua Biketards and then from there I have two different ads aqua Biketards and you see I have the keyword right I have the keyword aqua bike tars is what I’m bidding on and aqua bike charts 30% off is right in my ad. So that is a brief overview if there’s still if you still have any questions if something doesn’t make sense please leave a question in the comments below I do one of these Q&A every week. So if you have any questions about e-commerce once again please leave in the comments below and I would be happy to help you out last if you haven’t already gotten my free e-commerce success pack click up here there’ll be a little link that comes up it’s basically it’s got checklists for how to start your store checklist for maintaining and improving it checklist for AdWords and marketing ideas a bunch of free stuff all the free tools that I give away are in that and all you have to do is click up there and you can get that. So if you have any questions please leave in the comments below otherwise thank you for watching this.