Product Listing Ads are probably my favorite type of PPC advertising I’ve ever encountered they work just. So great but the question I get extremely often is how do I get more clicks to my product listing ads campaigns and the answer is coming up in just a second hi I’m Travis with effective e-commerce and in this video I’m gonna tell you how to get more clicks to your PLA campaigns it’s a Wednesday which means it’s Q&A day and this is a question I had from one of my private coaching clients and they asked me how do I get more clicks to my PLA ads the great thing about PLA s is they work they tend to convert better than almost any kind of paid advertising that I’ve seen but one of the problems is at the beginning it might be hard to get a lot of clicks to them and there’s a few different answers and some of the answers you might not like as much as others the first one is if you want to get more clicks increase your bit that’s the quick fast and dirty answer but there’s some other things that we should think about here the other way to do it is to add more of your products a lot of people don’t have all their products up on their PLA S or if they do they aren’t properly segmenting them and doing a bunch of stuff I’ll talk about in another episode. So that’s one thing is make sure you have you increase your bids that’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to do it to increase the number of products you have available through your PLA s now the next thing is do you really want to increase your clicks maybe what you instead want to do is increase the accuracy of what Google shows and what I mean by this is if you’re getting clicks a week let’s say but only 50% of them are relevant why don’t you get rid of those 50% that are irrelevant and the way to do this and this is the key the number one key with PLA s google shopping ads also called you need to add a ton of negative keywords that is the one thing I’ve looked at a lot of product listing ad campaigns and a lot of people do not add enough negative keywords another idea for increasing the number of clicks you get to your PLA campaigns is by splitting up a campaign that’s just for desktop tablet and splitting up another one that’s just for mobile I don’t recommend having this in the same campaign but mobile traffic does convert probably not quite as well is the compute in the tablet traffic does it still does convert and that’s a good way to expand the amount of traffic you’re able to get the number of clicks you’re able to get. So that’s another tip. So those are the four main tips one increase your bids this is the real low-hanging fruit and I know it sucks none of us want to pay a lot of money for clicks but that’s number one two is to actually increase the number of products you have within your campaign three is instead of increasing the number of clicks you get maybe it’s better to increase the knocker see of those clicks then finally four is to actually add mobile traffic and the best way to do this and I’ll talk about this in another video is to have a separate campaign. So those are the four ways to increase the number of clicks you get to your product listing ads thanks guys and as a side note if you’re interested in product listing ads sign up for my email list up here or down below it’s going to give you access to a ton of free stuff but in a few weeks maybe a few months depending on my schedule I’m looking to come out with a product listing ads info product an e-book a course and if you want to find out more information about that click on the links and sign up make sure you subscribe down below I’m going to give you new episodes every week making sure you stay ahead on the latest and greatest in e-commerce news and the trends you don’t want to get caught behind and if you haven’t already make sure you sign up for my ecommerce success pack there’s a ton of great stuff in there basically when you sign up I’m going to send you check list marketing ideas other stuff like that and it’s going to be just tons of value in there I promise but thank you guys for watching this and remember we have new e-commerce news episodes every Monday tips and tricks on Tuesdays and Q&A on Wednesdays. So if you have any questions please leave it in the comments below.