So this is a question I get a lot, “should you quit your job to start an online business?” and the answer is it depends but probably not. I mean if you have a family and you have people to take care of and you don’t have any sales on your online business don’t do it save up some money first and then consider doing it or work on your online business on the side at the same time now. That being said, for some people out there some people watching this video: Yes! The answer is yes you do want to quit your job and start an online business at least that was the answer for me. I have a really good corporate job I mean at least it was good for me as a single guy back when I had that job I was making good money and I quit my job cold turkey. I didn’t have an online business I just knew that that’s what I wanted to do and I wanted to dive into it now the reason I did that was I had a nice little nest egg. I had some money saved up what we call runway. I had two to three years’ worth of runway so I could live two to three years without making a penny and be okay also my worst case scenario was I can go sleep on my parents couch. So I wanted to do that I wanted to burn that bridge I wanted to make it so I had no retreat one of my favorite stories and I don’t know actually how accurate this is there’s the story of this great warrior who went and landed on a new I think it was Cortes which you know I’m not the most not the nicest of guys but he landed in the New World and he was completely outnumbered and he knew he was outnumbered so what he did is he burned all his ships and said hey there’s no retreat the only way we get to go back home is if we survive this and what ended up happening they ended up surviving they ended up winning the war so the point being that’s what I wanted to do I wanted to quit my job I wanted to burn that bridge and I wanted to dive in where I would either crash and burn or I would succeed and I got lucky in a lot of ways I did succeed but like I said I had a lot of safety net so if you don’t have a lot of safety that’s probably not probably shouldn’t quit your job and start an online business but if you do have those safety nuts in place and it’s something that you’re really excited about doing that’s up to you need to make that decision I would never tell someone yes you should quit your job and start an online business because is hard but it was the right answer for me personally so you make up your own decision and if you are going to start an online business you can get my e-commerce success pack totally for free it’s everything I wish I would have known when I first was starting my online business especially the checklist there I have a checklist for how to start your online business that comes with all the different things that you might not know that you need to do right away like tips on how to SEO your ecommerce site also tips on things like adding Google Analytics from day one adding the Facebook pixel day one retargeting of Google retargeting pixel day one all these little things that I wish I would have known I can get the e-commerce success pack for that if you like this channel also you can click subscribe down below and I have a lot of videos for free totally for free on everything ecommerce so you can get that and if you have any questions or you need a little bit of moral support leave me a comment leave it in the comment down below leave the question and I’ll be happy I answer every single one so thank you so much for watching this video and good luck on your decision remember if there’s people relying on you be careful what you do but feel free to that’s the decision for you to make on your own so thank you for watching this video.