Hey everybody, I finally got the shipment of performance nut butter. I got another pallet over here I will show you in just a second. I will review all the pallets. All these are boxes and boxes of nut butter. I will bring it a little bit closer. So I’m gonna try the first performance nut butter LIVE. This is the first time I have seen in Live in person. And I am happy with that. Let’s try it like right here, live on camera. The color looks really good. Its thin which is good for a pouch because a lot of nut butters they get a clump at the bottom. This is thin and creamy. It tastes amazing! and It’s really smooth and creamy. These are better than the one in jars I had. You will be extremely happy if you bought these. I taste like macadamia. coconut and cashews. There’s no sugar added, it’s just deliciousness.
Here’s a quick closeup and I will rip it open the pouch. It’s not too hard to rip open. I think some of them have a little bit of issue. And I know that the companies have an issue before. It’s a little bit runnier than a typical nut butter. But it’s good in pouch form. I will eat like 5 of these tonight.
So a little more update. More on everything that happened. So many issues getting the final delivery, I will run over some of them. SO you know the things to avoid, One, I would recommend that you will choose the logistics yourself. I have my manufactured do it. And there are a ton of mess ups. It’s supposed to be delivered. Yesterday, on Thursday. I don’t wanna play the blame game. It’s my fault. I should have done it in the first place. I should have been in charge of the logistics and all that kind of stuff. It was going to be delivered today, that was obviously it was. and I make sure everything was good. And then I told that the address is a residential address I did have them drop it off my parents’ house garage. Which I think is great for now but as I scale up. That’s not what I am gonna be doing but they needed to send a special kind of truck. and they said no sorry. It’s not gonna be available until Monday but that doesn’t work because I need to get these bunch out to get them into Amazon ready in time for Cyber Monday and Black Friday so, and they ended up pulling some strings and I finally got it. So that’s some of the things and some of the pitfalls. I am sure there’s a lot of things that I filmed the whole delivery process since I am in residential I thought that would be an Issue but it wasn’t a problem. Also, my parent’s driveway is a little bit of a slope and I also thought that would be an issue as well. I was so happy when I finally got here I was waiting for this to be so long, Honestly, I was so down with performance nut butter just because It has been a long time and there’s issue after issue but now It’s something I have done before. The last few months have been all things that I have never done before but now at this point. I know what to do. Shipping, sales, all the basic stuff and we will be shipping Out all the Kickstarter orders but then after that getting ready the packages for Amazon and that’s pretty much everything I am planning on doing at this point two different launches a Shopify launch which will be probably Wednesday and then I will do a second launch on Amazon and we will do a soft launch on Shopify next week.
I don’t wanna really push until December 15. To wrap things up thank you guys I got a lot more videos as I try to start selling these. I got almost 3000 pounds of nut butter I gotta sell and make more profit.