Day 15 of the Kickstarter this is Tuesday right after paleo FX just got back last night I have a ton of business cards to go through bunch of people on my phone as well a bunch of contacts I’m going to go through all of them figure out which people I need to contact what I should say how to write is customized of an email each one as possible on top of that I have a list of paper here I’m going to do just write down all the different ideas write down the lessons learned from it trying to figure out what my next action items are I only have I think around days left of the Kickstarter now I might end up extending it a few days for some tactical reasons I’ll talk about in a different video but stay tuned in this video because we’re going to talk about all the lessons I learned at paleo fast facts and there was a really good one but I’ll talk more about that later [Music] it’s a recap of day.
This is the end of the day 14 about feed and. So I spent the rest of the day here at the dancer just working on some stuff since I did sub leave my apartment out I’m up here in Valencia I got a computer here I can use obviously even though I’m not working on B dancer stuff I was working on performance nut butter stuff. So here’s a list of some of the stuff I was up to today basically it’s all this I was just going through and is like a recap of the entire event at paleo FX. So here’s some of the big takeaways I got a list here and if I can find it alright here we go. So right here I wrote out a list from the top things. So one of the big things giving jars to up-and-coming influencers not necessarily the really big name people though I mean it’s you know about the Rings of jars – we’ll give them some the big name people’s one thing that I really think is important is going on and anybody to use the hash tag to the event comment on their photos especially the ones they get a lot of likes and a lot of traction or there’s you know might be a good like for your brand I commented on their photos and I tried to ask questions how to engage with them Instagram’s huge that’s one of my big takeaways a lot of people recognize me and like oh yeah I tell you one Instagram my Instagram accounts not very big my first ones right around and my performance number ones about two thousand let’s say.
I think I was very targeted. So a lot of people they are going to paleo FX saw my brand. So I need to start doing more work on Instagram for sure do I need to find I need to contact and meet more people for collaborations both attendees and people that are showcasing their I need a wind-down routine I need a better wine down routine especially at these kind of conferences and maybe some kind of a supplement we’ll call it I don’t put any code to make some fat let me know that is like some kind of a magnesium or something like that but just something that even if it’s just like a subconscious psychological thing something that helps me fall asleep Instagram stories I should start doing more of the Instagram stories as well I’m not doing one today. So I guess maybe I’ll not follow my own advice but I think once I start the road trip that’ll be a good time to start doing Instagram stores and I’ll try to put a lot of video footage I’m using here I can use for Instagram stories tastings will be important because I think getting it in front of people. So they can taste it’s going to be very important I need to offer more affiliate deals. So I think its affiliates are going to be also very important to me let people know that they can make money off of talking about my product oh.
It’s a personal note I’m going to do more of the friend flashing intellectual dinners I had a great time Friday night. So I really good I was try to meet a great conversation it’s just really fun and it was like they got my creative juices going and it just it made me feel more in the moment what’s the word it really just maybe feel get who made me feel very mentally sharp and like I saw any more of those kind of things where I can talk about like high level things with people and learn learn things from people next time one of the big ones as you saw book a better room at paleo FX our room was pretty crap I think it would been worth it to pay for a place to stay close to the Convention Center shirt or other people are also staying and. So some of the big mistakes they made was not getting enough sleep not getting enough exercise. So that’s another thing this is. So common sense I’m sure a lot of people watching this right now are like duh sleeping exercise everybody knows that but it’s. So easy to get sidetracked one of the days I did the minutes of the bike as I in my decide if you watch some of the passages I felt really good after I’ve bagged a little bit of jiu-jitsu I felt really good as well that is a recap of day I ended up going to pool for a little bit actually and just mostly just working on all this stuff I wanted to get away from the house I also have a list of like top to do things I’ll do that really quick. So contact all influencers contact me bloggers and offer an affiliate deal collab with companies some of the stuff I think I’m going to wait until after the Kickstarter to be honest with you it’s just I have. So much going on right now and I think one of the other big things I want to try to enjoy the next days of my Kickstarter is well like on the road trip I’m trying to enjoy it I mean I have lofty goals but I feel like I’ve been really like gripping hard trying to get my goals I think maybe it’ll be a little bit more beneficial to everybody involved if I just I enjoy the road trip and at the same time I’m promoting my company have a fun experience rather than just like an efficient experience.
You more effective I guess is the word effective you commerce not bad fat joke okay anyway get things ready for the tasting I had that that’s the big things I need to get D boost and everything ready like the table presentation all that message people and try to ask them for what affiliates they use and set up a shop spike I need to set up at Shopify for these stores. So as soon as the Kickstarter is done I have a shop project to use I don’t know what I’m going to do that but hopefully sometimes somewhat soon. So that’s it that’s my big my big stuff here I might have to bring you know that line to our program and a mouse and I need some kind of screen reporting software I don’t know what I’m going to use to reform my screen using my Mac. So you can do that using Windows but anyways that’s just details here. So with that being said that end of day if you haven’t yet click that subscribe button down below click appearing its e-commerce success pack which includes Kickstarter checklist checklists for certain your ecommerce store checklist for ternary Kickstarter all that kind of fun stuff and marketing ideas virtual assistant handbook everything I got for free up there last not least give me questions or anything you want to say to me leave it in the comments down below I respond every single comment. So thank you guys very much.