In this video I’m gonna show you how to do keyword research and this is such a critical part of your Ecommerce business is success. So the first thing is you do need to have a Gmail account and I’d recommend obviously you need to be logged in to be able to use the keyword planner. So what are the easiest ways to get to the keyword planner is just google it this is also known as the Google Keyword tool.
So I’m gonna go ahead and click on the Google Keyword planner alright at this point we have a couple different options search for new keywords using a phrase website or category that’s what we’re gonna end up doing. So I’ll show you that in a second you’ll also get search volume data in trends this is good if you already have a list of keywords and you want to put it in there let’s say you have a list of keywords you can put it in there and you can find out how much search volume it gets and find out trends the other thing is multiple multiply keyword is to get new keywords if you have a couple different keyword lists you can come in here and this one this one you have two different lens and it give you new keywords but let me show you exactly what we’re not here.
So let’s I know ready that I want to close and and what we’re going to do is put your clothing is that a keyword I blowed beating for you put a comma yoga pants comma yoga wear because something I’ve heard people do before you don’t know anything. So let’s click get DEA’s though this isn’t really gonna help out tooms what I recommend is just straight to view word ID is the good thing to add ideas is you can get kind of come together like you wear men’s yoga your clothing or clothing min I’m gonna bunch of the groups but this is where real value is in mining if you go to the court ideas you can actually see how many people a month search different turn. So over two hundred thousand people search for yoga pants over five thousand per search for yoga clothing and about twenty one search for yo where okay that’s great or do you want to use these words sonic ad plan because of the thing that we’re gonna want her again. So if I don’t say the clothes that are calling it yoga clothing saying MOCA closes better is almost teen thousand only times any people search for yoga lows.
So I didn’t click Add to plan yo legging. So here dear I always think about yelling yoga pants oh but says they should sell yoga leggings. So that’s an item we mad in tops listen I don’t want to add in his yoga tops yoga pants for women. So what this is letting me know is that okay I might want to include the word women somewhere on my page now workout clothes to me isn’t really as related but here’s another valuable one yoga shorts almost, people are searching for yoga shorts and I’m willing to bet someone looking for yoga shorts is much more interested in buying than someone searching for yoga pants the reason.
I say that is yoga pants is kind of a trendy thing right now a lot of people are I know a lot of guys that search for yoga pants wanting pictures of girls and yoga pants wear yoga shorts is pretty individual. So I’m gonna click add that to the plan as well best yoga pants. So maybe I’d want to do an article on the best yoga pants you know in the United States are ever made and I might want to include my yoga pants in that article. So I’ll go ahead and click add that to the plan as well yoga apparel another one that’s pretty interesting gym clothes to me that’s not as good cheap yoga pants now this is interesting too and we’ll talk about in a later module ad words but the word cheap is something that I don’t want I might use that as a negative keyword I don’t want to include that in any of my stuff because the stuff that I sell and hopefully the stuff you’re selling isn’t cheap if they want cheap they can go to Walmart they can go to the discount brands I’m looking to sell high quality things.
So you can see you know girls yoga pants that’s that might be a good one men’s yoga pants that’s also an interesting one that’s probably not a very common one workout pants hot yoga pants that might be a good niche. So maybe you want to start a company that’s you know yoga pants for hot yoga. So hot yoga pants because that’s a little bit different and your pants could specifically be for yoga. So you can use this and if you look there’s a decent amount of people that are searching for it over, people are searching for it and the competition is low meaning there’s not a lot of other people that are doing it. So if you want to create a yoga pant that’s specifically designed for hot yoga there’s opportunity there. So that’s what the keyword planners for is trying to figure out is there opportunity for what you’re doing it’s also good for SEO purposes it’s like I said I found that yoga pants is a good thing to name one of my products. So let me show you some other things you might want to do with it I know that eventually one of my unique strategies is going to have red yoga pants yellow yoga pants things like that Green yoga pants. So the question is there demand or people searching for green yoga pants specifically maybe not maybe they are maybe they’re not let’s find out this is what this tool does.
So it tells me that red yoga pants people a month or searching for it green in yellow . So maybe what I’d want to do we have specific product pages that are just one product page that’s red yoga pants and it’s got you know five different shades of red yo red pants and. So people could pick from that and if I worked search red yoga pants you can see there’s a little bit. So this one red yoga clothes there’s a little bit of competition but it’s not too bad. So red booty yoga pants it’s probably easy gonna be easier to rank for red yoga pants or green yoga pants or yellow yoga pants let’s try yellow then it is just for the keyword yoga pants. So same kind of thing here also notice the product listing ads that’ll come in handy in a later module. So this is the basics of how you can do keyword research at which point you can do a couple different things if I click download plan.
So I’ll just download it as an Excel CSV all right I’ll go ahead and open that up now. So once it’s open up in Excel and you can look and BC wiki word yoga Petkovic lean yoga wear etc. the average number of searches a competition in two things suggests a bit I can do is I could do a lot of things with this I can say you know yoga wear that’s not something we want to advertise yoga pick maybe that is this SEO compass I can say alright right a review of bet yoga pants. So it starts to lead ideas for client marking sleeves into what you shame your product is leads into ideas for future prompt tops leggings we also talked hot pants. So many things come keyword research is a really important part of the Ecommerce strategy it goes into all if think. So that’s it for this video and I’ll see you got in the netizen if you liked this video then you’re gonna love my new Ecommerce course the k ecommerce profit plan in it I teach you the strategies and techniques that I actually use to build my own successful Ecommerce business we talk about how to set up a website an Ecommerce site that actually makes sales then we talk about how to get traffic to that site and ultimately I give you the tips and techniques on how to make it be as profitable as possible we talk about things such as SEO Google Analytics everything you’ve heard about AdWords it’s all in there this is really pretty much everything I know about Ecommerce I put in this one course I was tired of people asking me how do I get traffic to my website or how do I build an Ecommerce site and I wanted to just bundle it all up in one course when you buy the course you’ll get free lifetime access to my private Facebook group and on top of that for the first hundred people to buy the course I’ll give you a free one on one -minute consultation you can go to or click up here now to buy the course and make sure that you get one of the free 30-minute one-on-one consultation sessions.