This video is about the seven different secrets to setting up Adwords properly. This is everything I wish I knew when I was starting.
Buy Intent Keywords
This secret will save you money and get you qualified traffic. One of the most popular ways to target and create ads is based on what people search for in Google. These are the keywords. However, you don’t want to target any old thing that people search on Google. You want it to be something where they are ready to buy your product. You need to find long-tail keywords, and not just the regular ones, to advertise on. That’s where you are going to find the most profit.
Negative Keywords
The way this works is that if someone types in the negative keywords, your ad will not be shown. This is helpful especially if you use broad or phrase match as it will save you a lot of money.
Mobile Traffic Trick
Computer, Tablet, and Mobile Traffic are not worth the same so you should not pay the same price for the three. Adjust your bid before you start running your campaign. This is easy to do with bid adjust.
Powerful Ad Copy
The title and description are ultimately what determines whether or not someone clicks on your ad. This is known as the ad copy. One of the rules for writing a powerful ad copy is to have eye-catching ads. Your ad needs to pop-out among all the different search results. One way to do this is to add numbers. You can also include the keyword that you are targeting. Think about it from your customer’s point-of-view. What would make them want to click on your ad? The better you know your customer, the easier it will be to write a powerful ad copy.
If someone has already been to your website once, then they already know about your product. They are already probably interested in what you are trying to sell. If you have a retargeting setup, your ad will follow them everywhere. This is easy to do and I recommend setting up both Google Retargeting and Facebook Retargeting.
Google Shopping
The reason Google Shopping Ads are so powerful is that they show an image of the product and they show the price. So if someone is going to click on it, it’s probably because they are in their buying mindset. Of all the different types of ad, this has the best conversion rate.
However, the biggest mistake that people make with Google Shopping Ads is not adding enough negative keywords. The way this works is that I have a product that I want to advertise. Google then shows it to whatever searches they want to. The only searches they won’t show it to are for any search that has one of the negative keywords listed. A quick tip: when you find profitable keywords using your Google Shopping Ad, make Text Ads out of them as well. This way, you can dominate the search results for the keyword that you’re trying to target.
Ninja Review Hacks
If you don’t properly review and adjust your ads, you will fail. Here are some tips on how to do it:
- Find More Negative Keywords – You can look at the search queries that your ads triggered and you can tell Google I don’t want to show my ad to someone searching a negative keyword. This will save you a lot of money.
- Increase Bids on Profitable Keywords – Take a look at what keywords work really well and raise your bid on them. If you know that the keyword is profitable for you, you want to get more traffic from that keyword.
3.Decrease Bids on Unprofitable Keywords – When you find a campaign, ad, or keyword that is not profitable, turn it off or lower the bid.