In this video I’m an answer a question that I get all the time I’ve gotten this question mostly from people in my mastermind and I’m a huge advocate of tagging your links and what I mean by that is if you put a special tag that I’ll show you how to do in just a second you’ll be able to see in analytics where they come from. So this one Pinterest DIY pins this is something that I custom made and I added to a link on my DIY pins on Pinterest. So that when people come to my website clicking on that link I can see it very easily in analytics. So first off let me show you how to make it actually let me show you how it works. So Pinterest /.bdancewear. So let’s go to the Pinterest board you go to the DIY dance costume let’s scroll down I just want to make sure I get one that actually has it. So click on this that’ll come up I want to click on it again it’ll take people to this landing page and see this part of the URL that tracks it. So you see the source equals Pinterest the medium equal’s DIY pins. So that tracks it. So I can see it in my analytics. So this is how you’d actually build it yourself and go to this link I’ll put it down in the show notes below or type in URL builder into Google and then simply put the website put the URL that you want let’s say I was using this is my landing page I put the URL of that campaign source I’m going to spell Pinterest wrong can i know I think I spelled it wrong here too but that’s okay as (more…)