It’s time for action items module 2 action items all about setting up your store so the first one is to set up a Shopify store if you don’t already have a Shopify store or some other kind of other kinds of e-commerce store set it up with Shopify I can go over a ton of reasons on why I recommend it if you don’t already have a Shopify store use the link below.
I’ll give you a free one-on-one session help you set up your store if you use my link because it is affiliate link so I do get a small kickback from Shopify for that but as a thank you I will help you set it up so set up your store with Shopify the next thing is do the basics that come with setting up store I have a whole checklist it’s also linked below here go through one by one and check off all the things that you need to do to get your store set up like once again guys I really want this course to be as helpful as possible that’s why I made the checklist you don’t need to follow it if you don’t want to but it’s going to help you out it’s going to make it so it’s a little bit more of a no-brainer.
You can just simply follow the step by steps and start your store next thing is I want you to make a list and you can do this in a Google sheets you can just write it out by hand whatever of three sites that are competitors of yours and three sites that are similar also go to these sites see what you can learn see what you can learn about design how they market really everything that (more…)