SEO Basic Tutorial Introduction

In this section we talk about SEO basics and we’re gonna start with on-page SEO. So I think that’s the first thing you should learn and it’s really the thing that you have the most control in. So what is SEO is something you might be wondering and the answer is SEO is it stands for search engine optimization and it’s basically how your site can rank for number one on Google for certain keywords right not every site ranks number one for every keyword the key here is gonna be picking which keyword you want to rank number one for because certain keywords might actually get you people that are ready to buy and other keywords might just be people that are interested in researching more about something. So in this section we’re going to talk about SEO and SEO can really be broken down into two main sections there’s on-page SEO which are things like h tags meta title Meta Description a bunch of things.

We’re gonna get to later in this section. So don’t worry if you don’t know what these mean and the other part of SEO is off page SEO or link building as it’s sometimes called now link building is great but it’s not something you should focus on right away the first thing like I said is you should focus on is on-page SEO and the reason is on page SEO is when Google comes to your site and it reads the site and tries to figure out what is this about it used different clues it reads the text on it which might be your product description or whatever text is on the page it uses things like the h the tag or the meta title or Meta Description meta title is what’s the (more…)

Bullet Proof Cafe and Strategy | Kickstarter Day #8

All right into day eight so today in d I’ve given a lot of random sang will see a look at all the fun stuff I did for instance actually I went down to well you know bulletproof cafe so went to bulletproof cafe and actually ended up meeting the guys the guy behind four Sigmatic the main owner it’s a mushroom coffee for those people that don’t know he was down there and I also met a guy named Casper who helps works with wim HOF and did similar techniques with him and it was really cool you know it’s like you never know who you’re going to meet so I ended up giving them some of the employee.

I gave each of them an influencer box and it’s just really good connection taro who is the guy the owner of four Sigmatic he’s actually going to be at paleo effect so that would be cool I’m going to see him this weekend as well it’s good just to meet some people so I talked to them for a little while and then before I left I came over and said what’s up again and you know you know how sometimes you have those awkward moments I had one of those awkward moments where they’re like oh let’s get a picture and I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to be in the picture or not and I was kind of like half in half out super spastic on my part I probably should’ve just went in full steam and said hey you know let’s get this picture so I screwed up there and it’s one of those things like alright well that’s a lesson for next time got to be I you know maybe even.

I say hey can (more…)

One Week after the Launch of the Kickstarter | Kickstarter Day #7

Alright this is day seven two month mother is not only one week since a server is started I think we teachers around ten thousand dollars are now. So I’m feeling alright it’s a little slow I wish it was a little bit quicker obviously in gaining traction I feel up quite a future – luckily how different marketing tactic I just sort of faced with that another thing I want to do is I actually recorded a video today as a banking video at the mistress in Paris and I think this is the product to really like I don’t expect a lot from it as I said in the video the one of the worst parts of the video you can barely fit now that are staying on my shirt there’s

I filmed in this video and the shirt on the video shirt and I realized afterwards they were listing on the shitter okay Maxie give the microphone just kind of hard to see but I’ll let that go sometimes right like when you do all this work and then real I get to throw it all out it’s also bad because that means tomorrow I’ll need another shot at doing it helps me tomorrow I have a little bit more energy I can do a better job some artifacts good one today a second big deal it’s not having to do something twice when we’ve already done. So she could I’ve been kind of dreading doing this this small thing we’re community is a big deal I was going to ask assembly become very influential in my life. So you think I’m not even watch the video that’s the other part of blogging and writing leaders.

I might do all this work creating this video anyway I didn’t watch (more…)

Relaxation before a busy Month | Kickstarter Day #5 & 6

This is the update for day five and six so these days actually I didn’t get as much done as I thought I was going to I in depth so Saturday was my girlfriend’s birthday so we ended up doing all kinds of really fun things we went to a coffee shop we went and got some donuts as well actually is really cool coffee she’ll try to put some clips of that they have lots of different like herbs and different things here in Santa Monica on 10th Street it’s called Ronke Gardens like coffee shop or something like that I’m sure you can google it and then we went paddle boarding which paddle boarding was a blast we saw some seals if you want to come this way huh you’re going to figure this out government help how long let’s go that way big circle come on you’re okay.

I fell into the water a few times it was actually seeing the seals is really cool because you know we got pretty close to them and then we ended up going out to dinner so I did some I don’t really do any work on Saturday Sunday I did do some random work but it was Mother’s Day so I did a little bit of work throughout the day leading up to the afternoon and then I went and visited my mom and spent some time there so I took a little bit of time off not on purpose but just that’s kind of how it goes Saturday was on purpose that was the big update Saturday and Sunday sales were kind of down as far as Kickstarter pledges not very many people added there but I wanted to make sure (more…)

#6 Dropshipping vs. White Label Vs. Creating Your Own Product


Should you start a Dropshipping site?  Maybe white label some products?  Or is it worth it to go and start your own company from Scratch?  In this episode, we answer all these questions and compare and contrast.

Redo all the way to the good things about drop shipping


  • Good for learning
  • B2B seems to work
  • Not as easy as a lot of gurus make it out to be
  • You are a middleman
  • A lot of downsides

White Labeling

  • Good for amazon
  • Makes sense

Creating Your Own Product

  • I prefer this
  • You have something real, adding real value


  • Online Store AZ Course
  • As mentioned earlier you can sign up for an online store using my links
  • Leave a 5-star review on Itunes for a chance to get a free consulting session

More Kickstarter Marketing Ideas | Kickstarter Day #4

This is day four of the Kickstarter I think the Kickstarter’s just out at about nine thousand two hundred dollars which is pretty exciting making some headway I just got done with lunch I didn’t record this morning this is the first recording I’ve done other day just got done with lunch that’s a nice lamb with some some vegetables some kale and carrots that were sauteed and a little bit of akkad oh pretty pretty key to a friendly type of lunch I don’t always eat keto friendly but I have them recently more or less. So some other things that I’m going to be up to today Facebook Ads.


I’m working on Facebook Ads today I’m recording videos on how to view Kickstarter Facebook Ads at least how to set it up whether or not they are successful I’ll do other videos along the way on how to make them actually successful going to contact some influencers contact bloggers and upload some different videos as well. So that’s what I’m up to today but big for my day today is actually going to be reaching out to influencers that’s why I like one of the number one thing but let’s get started with today well it’s not really get started let’s look get some more work done today the end of day four sighs want to do a quick recap on what happened today. So after I think we last talked I actually did have a little bit of caffeine a little bit of coffee and took a nap outside which was really nice I didn’t really take a nap I put a timer and I said 30 minutes of taking a nap of sleeping and that actually just being outside getting that Sun and a little bit of caffeine (more…)

Google Analytics Tutorial with Step by Step Walkthrough

In this video we’re gonna do a complete walkthrough tutorial on Google Analytics and Google Analytics is the most powerful free tool you could ever ask for. And it’s really amazing that Google does provide this service for free and we’re gonna go over how to use it a lot of people have no idea what to do and if you don’t have Google Analytics installed yet you need to do that as soon as possible it’s best if you have from day one of starting your store but then the question I get all the time is what do I do once I have all this data how do I use this data to improve my store and that’s what we’re gonna do so we’re gonna go over eight different things on how to use Google Analytics plus some more advanced tips at the end eight things are we’re gonna look at source /medium AdWords if you’re using AdWords Google Analytics can be very helpful behavior transactions goals funnels audience and segments so I’m gonna we’re gonna talk about all these and we’re gonna start with what I think is the most important thing and that is the source /medium so if you go to acquisition all traffic source /medium this is the one thing people always ask me what’s the one thing in Google Analytics you look at the most and it’s this and so I want to show you a few different things one you can change the date up here so let’s say you wanted to do from August 22nd  all the way to August 28th 2017 so that’s a that’s a year’s worth the date and this is a lot of data now keep in mind one of the problems with Google Analytics is it won’t (more…)