This video and article is about how much money you should be spending with the number one online advertising by Google – AdWords.
This platform enables advertisers to compete to display brief advertising copy to online users. Through AdWords, you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they’re interested in your type of business. Trying this platform would be risky as you really don’t know how it will go, and how people will respond. It involves potential loss of profit, possible.
If you will be spending money in advertising services such as AdWords, of course, you have to make sure that it’s worth it. And of course, you wanted to see how much you have to spend to see if your ad works.
For me, you can spend however much you are willing to lose because spending your money in advertisements is like gambling. Also, it depends on the product that you are selling, if you are selling a high-end product with a higher budget, then you might wanna spend a lot higher in advertisements.
You can set a margin of up to $100 and see if it works, if it doesn’t, you can evaluate what seems to be working and not working with your ads, probably your website or your landing page. Or If you’re really afraid of spending, start with $5 a day, that way, you won’t be spending a lot of money and you can see if it’s working or not for you. That way, for only $5, which isn’t much to lose, you can test your website and start getting some traffic there, since Adwords is one of the quickest way to get people coming to your website, why not give it a try.
I’ve tried spending around $200 to $250 for Adwords, immediately, however, it didn’t work immediately. I (more…)