Today’s podcast episode we’re going to be talking about YouTube and how to use YouTube for your e-commerce business how to use YouTube mark to market your e-commerce business get traffic get the word out and I think this is one of themost powerful and easiest ways to get the word out about your e-commerce business gone are the days of being able to write a blog article and get ranked number one in Google like extremely easy it’s still possible and it’s still doable but it’s so much easier to do that with a YouTube video and there’s a ton of different reasons why we’re going to talk about all of them in this podcast but it’s way more powerful let me just trust me on that so first off before we go into any of this I want to say why YouTube and then we’re going to talk about why it’s so powerful and then I’m going to give you eight different tips possibly 9 I have 8 written down but I might be able to think of another one but I have 8 different tips I’ll give you on how to properly market it so first I’m going to convince you why you should be on YouTube if you’re not but then at the end of this episode we’re going to go over the 8 tips and then at thievery end of this episode I’m going to give you some random tips on specific things you can do to get more views and I spend a lot of time thinking about how to get more views on YouTube both for my businesses and obviously for this effective e-commerce YouTube channel Solet’s get started in the Y so YouTube there are there’s so many reasons I’m trying to I’m trying to figure out where to start here so the first thing is when people search in Google they’ll search for an article and there’s trillions of websites there so many websites when someone searches for a video on YouTube there’s still billions of videos but there’s way less videos than there are blog articles about any topic now YouTube is actually the second most popular search engine it goes Google YouTube and then Bing so what does that mean that means that the competition is much less on YouTube but yet the amount of searches are pretty close I mean it’s definitely Google has more searches but it’s pretty close and specifically with certain things such a show-to videos for a view videos tasting videos cooking videos or I should say cooking articles con this kind of content people want to see a video for so that’s one of the reasons why YouTube is so much more powerful the other reason is a lot of e-commerce people and a lot of quote unquote gurus say that you should have a blog and you should become a like that the height you should know everything you should be the leap the thought leader I’m sure I have a better word that I’m it’s scraping me right now but that you should be kind of the kingpin knowledge center and on a blog that’s great that’s powerful but if you can do that through a YouTube video it’s so much more powerful because you ‘reconnecting with people they’re seeing your face they’re you know they ‘rehearing voice when someone reads one of your articles nine times out of ten if not more often they don’t even look at who the author is so if someone let’s just use a quick example and I’ve used this example so many times already in this podcast but let’s use it again kayak King let’s say you are the kayak king you sell kayaks on your website and you write an article about what is the best kayak in 2017 and someone comes and reads that article well what are they going to do maybe they’ll go to your website and maybe they’ll still buy it from you but they don’t really care about you they don’t know that you know John I don’t know John Stephens wrote that article I’m just making up names here on the spot they don’t know that John Stephens wrote that article they don’t care that John Stephens wrote that article but someone watches a review on YouTube and it’s ate best kayak in 2017 and they see John Stephens up there and he’s comparing them they’re connecting with that person and that is much more powerful so the top two reasons right now you should be on YouTube is one it’s easier it’s easier to get ranked number one and then number two is that you can create connection and people will create they’ll become acquainted with who you are they’ll end up becoming followers of who you are and they’ll be able to recognize you your voice and they’ll want to buy things from you and this I see this all the time you know even with my podcasts in my YouTube channel people think that I am an expert on e-commerce and I think I know a decent amount but the real reason is because they’ve seen me talk about it so often if they were just reading my articles sure they would think oh okay this guy Travis he probably knows what he’s talking about but it’s at a different level when you can communicate it with your face with your voice with all that and that’s how humans that’s how humans learn that ‘show humans relate to each other is through social interaction not just through the written word and when you think about writing was developed relatively recent in our history where YouTube kind of captures this primal thing and dives in deep into our brains and says this person is an expert this person you should go buy from them you should be connected with them so I’m not doing as good of a job explaining this as I would like but I think you know what I’m saying here the basic point is you can create a much deeper connection when there’s a video and voice another quick side note just to explain this is have you ever had a have you ever written a letter from or like read a letter from someone and sure it means a lot especially now because it’s so rare but how much more does it mean when you can Skype with someone when you see their face and you can see their especially if you haven’t seen your family in a while and you get to Skype with them that’s such a deeper more powerful way to connect with someone than it is over just a letter I mean think about pen pals have you ever had aspen pal that’s great but you don’t feel like you know the person is well until you get to meet them in person or you get to Skype with them so anyways I’ve beaten that part to death let’s get into the top eight types of videos that you should be making so number one make videos showing people how to use your products and this could be if you sell products that are that are your own products are not your own so for performance nut butter I might do cooking videos I might do and we’ll probably I’ll probably that’s probably might do cooking videos I might show people how to rip it open and eat it on the go with be dance where my dance clothing company I might show people Iman that’s pretty self-explanatory how do wear clothing is pretty easy but maybe once again you’re the kayak king and you can show people how to use kayak properly or maybe it’s something’s a little bit more complicated or a little bit more technical maybe you have some kind of an electronic device and you can show people how to turn it on how to use it and create videos on that and this works especially well if you sell multiple different items you can show people how to use the new whatever DVD Blu-ray player how to set the time feature a lot of different ideas here I’m sure you can come up with much better options than I just made upright there number two make DIY or how-to videos related to your products and I have a few different examples of this the firestone is for be dance where once again my dance clothing company we did how to DIY your dance costume how to turn our basic dance pieces into amazing magical dance costume that dance costumes such as adding rhinestones so you might take pair of our shorts and a pair of our sports bra add rhinestones to it add feathers to it all these different things all these different DIY related things this would also be good for if you sell camping gear maybe you would do videos on how to use the camping gear to start a fire so maybe you sell some kind of a fire starter or how do you or how -I don’t know set up a tent I guess that’s not technically DIY and jewelry so let’s say you sell jewelry you might do how to buy jewelry which isn’t necessarily how to DIY but it’s a how-to video so these are all different how-to videos number three answer questions your users might have every time someone emails you a question you should probably make it into a video posted on your channel I mean there’s some ridiculous questions obviously you don’t need to do it for literally every single one but any question you think that you might get more than once it would make sense to turn that into video so a forum it’s not butter one of the questions I get is performance nut butter keto friendly and I can make a video saying exactly that is performance nut butter keto friendly and the thumbnail could be me shrugging looking at performance nut butter and then in the video I’d say yeah it’s ecofriendly here’s what makes something keto friendly then I might even do a second video on what foods are ecofriendly and I might say alright well you know cream butter all these different high-fat products are ketogenic friendly and the ketogenic diet is a high fat diet just in case you don’t know and I could say also things like my project performance a nut butter or keto friendly so many different things you could also answer questions such as do you guys offer free shipping what is your return policy and the good thing about that is even if they don’t do well on YouTube you can put them into your fa Q’s and they might dowel there now think if you can make those videos more fun so maybe you’re the video is what is your return policy and it could be a 30-second comical video and it could be something like what is our return policy wait what you don’t like our product oh my god and like it could be you sitting there crying and obviously this is a ridiculous thing but something funny something that makes people think wow this person has a sense of humor and ultimately maybe they’re less likely to return it if they can connect with you and say you know maybe it’s three seconds of you saying please don’t return and I promise we’ll make it up to you how can we help you I don’t know just different ideas there number four make videos that will appeal to your demographic so it doesn’t always have to be specific to your product or specifically about anything you sell and my example of this is if you’ve ever wondered why they call soap operas soap operas and I might be butchering this but this is what I’ve been told and the research I did said this is the way itis so the reason they call soap operas soap operas is originally they were developed I believe it was back before back in the radio days it might have been with TV but they were developed to sell soap so the soap companies I needed way to advertise to stay-at-home moms so they developed these soap operas and they knew that women would like these specifically stay-at-home moms so what do they do during the commercial breaks they would plug their product they would say by the way this is brought to you by Palmolive or whatever different brand and it was genius because obviously these proper isn’t selling soap directly they’re doing it in a roundabout way they’re capturing the attention so you could do something similar so for performance nut butter I might do something related to seven tips to improve the performance in the gym seventies to improve your mental performance things like that and I could do tip number six eat healthy fats like performance nut butter or I might not even mention that at all I might just be wearing a performance nut butter t-shirt and just try to like gain their confidence gain their trust in me so it doesn’t have to necessarily be AONE-to-one correlation of trying to sell products let’s see where are we at here number five make videos showing your user how to make your product then offer to do it for them instead so a perfect example of this is with bee dance where we sell dance clothing and one of the type of videos we can do is how to make a pair of dance shorts really simple and the truth is you might be thinking well if you show someone how to make dance shorts aren’t they going to do it know nineties out of 10 either people don’t want to try to do it or they’re going to do it they’re going to fail and they’re going to want to just buy it so someone’s going to make that video someone’s going to make the video on how to make a pair of Dan shorts shouldn’t be you shouldn’t I meaning an arc Asian it’d be us and then we can tell people hey if you don’t want to buy or if you don’t want to make this don’t want to waste your time just buy it from us it’s 20 bucks it’ll save you ton of time and if they do want to make it that’s great at least they’re watched our content they can tell their friends about us they can tell family members they can tell anyone and everyone oh there’s this great company and I love their YouTube videos so show people how you do what you do your special process for performance not butter I might do recipe video how to make performance nut butters at home and I’ll show macadamias coconut cashews blending it up you know maybe I even tell them the proportions because if I don’t do it someone else will so I might as well be the leader I might as well be the person that shows how to do it and then I can say in it like look if you don’t want to waste your time doing this yourself buy it from meet’s cheap it’s not that expensive go to performance nut butter calm and buy it especially because most people can’t make it in a little individual squeeze packs yeah that’s one of the things that makes performance nut butter special is that I sell it an individual squeeze pack so even if I show him how to make performance nut butter it’s not going to being those individual squeeze packs I mean they could do it but it’s a pain in the butt to do it on an individual one-to-one basis so number five make videos showing your users how to make your product then offer to do it for them instead number six Gold become the leader in the niche become the thought leader whatever you want to call it and I used the example of the kayak King later so number six could be explained best by if you are the kayak can you sell kayaks on your website you should make a ton of different videos on everything related to kayaking you should have a video compare what’s the difference between an ocean kayak and a river kayak what’s the difference between whatever a grade three kayak and a grade five I don’t think that’s actually a thing I just made that up what’s the difference between this and that we’re viewing you could review new products you can talk about hey this is the latest this is the2008 teen models are in here’s the best one this is why I think it’s the best you know all these different things if you just make every single video you can about kayaking had a kayak where you should kayak there’s just infinite number of options anything that someone kayaking would be interested in you could do a video on and then what happens you become the leader in that now I used to listen to a podcast I won’t go into too many details but I listened and I thought this person wasan expert when I finally talked to thisperson and realized that they actually don’t know that much about the topic it made me realize that when someone sees your face or hears your voice or read your words whatever it is when people see that you are a quote-unquote thought leader even if you know as much as they do they just assume that you are the expert and what the reason this is so important for e-commerce is if someone thinks you’re an expert they’re more likely to come to you to buy things that’s why small mom-and-pop stores still exist today is because people want to go in there and talk to the experts sure Walmart is taking away a lot of those companies but some of them still exist and some of them are still competing why because they’re able to offer that extra care that extra expertise that Walmart just can’t do so number seven show users tips and tricks related to what they’re interested in a perfect example of this might be with be dance where we might do seven dance tips seven tips to make your performance Sparkle whatever it is anything related to dancing now with performance nut butter it might be and I kind of talked about this earlier it might be seven tips to enhance your cognitive performance to enhance your mental performance seven tips is staying in dukedom saying staying in kite staying in the ketogenic diet you know what I’m trying to say here seven tips to eat paleo whatever it is number eight spotlight marketing so spotlight marketing is basically where you interview someone and you kind of you interview them and as far as it’s related to podcasting or mean sorry YouTube far as it’s related to YouTube it would be interviewing someone and just doing it on video so I talked about spotlight marketing I thinking a previous episode and usually when ITalk about spotlight market marketing it’s an article forum but why not go toe dance studio for instance for bee dancer I might go to a dancer and interview a dance teacher or I could got a gym a powerlifting gym or go to for performance nut butter or I could do biohacker someone that’s really interested in improving cognitive and performance so these are all different options right there but spotlight marketing is basically trying to get some kind of a thought leader some kind of an influencer on your YouTube channel interviewing them that’s free content for you that’s you’re creating a very deep important relationship with the influencer and then on top of it it’s your you’re getting anyone searching for that influencer you’re getting traffic so Dominic Agostino he’s the ketogenic like he’s the amazing he’s like the king of keto the ketogenic diet he’s researcher and he’s done a ton of research about the ketogenic diet anyways if I were to interview him and put it on my YouTube channel it’d probably get thousands of views and it’d be people interested in Dominick Agostino and then on top of it they would find out about my product I’d say at the end of it by the way this interview is brought to you by performance nut butter if you are in the ketogenic diet make sure you click that link up there to get some PNB whatever it is alright so those are all eight tips I’ll read them back to you at the end of this podcast but let’s talk about some tips for actually getting more viewers to your YouTube videos so the four tips I have our thumbnails hooking people in create some kind of mental hook lists videos are amazing and titles are very important so thumbnails are a 10 out of 10 I have friend that makes literally millions of dollars off of YouTube all on the advertising he makes money off ad revenue and I asked him you know what’s the most important part of creating a great YouTube video he said thumbnails he said out of 10 a thumbnail is a 10it’s so important because people will click on a video 100% based on the thumbnail people will hover over thumbnail to see the title of a video just based on the thumbnail so I should probably say that number two is the title I don’t know if that’s fully true but then the next thing we’ll talk about is the title so if you have a great thumbnail that catches someone’s eye the next thing is to have a title that makes people want to click and there’s a bunch of different ways to do this click look at all the click baby articles out there now I think it’s okay to have a click baby title as long as you have good content and I’ll talk about that in just a second but clickbait titles might be like 7 secrets to staying in ketosis7 dance tips that’ll make you win any dance competition all these different ideas that and those are all like things that people like oh I’ll check this out the number one secret to or asking questions or you know circling you’ve seen a lot of YouTube videos probably they have like a red circle and it’s like what’s wrong with this picture like that kind of a vibe to it next up is hooking people in so I should probably add in here content is very important because YouTube’s highly ranks how long someone watches your video for so if someone watches it for 5 seconds because and then clicks away because it’s so bad your videos going to do terrible but there’s tricks to getting people to watch it for longer one of them is hooks and you want to create some kind of a mental hook you want to say you know at the end of this video I’m going to share this or have a list video seven secrets that ketosis number six is going to blow your mind or there’s much better ways of doing this I’m just giving a very quick example you might even say like let’s say you have seven actually I watched video the other day that was the seven richest people in the world and for number two they said stay tuned for number six because was it stay tuned for number so there’s like a rich family as the Rothschild’s I said and all these family is worth two hundred billion dollars but stay tuned there’s one family on this list that makes the Roth’s child’s look poor and now I’m like what is this family and so I want to keep watching because of that so you want to create these hooks to make people keep watching another tip is list videos do really goods you definitely want to consider doing that because people once they watch the first one they’ll watch the second you know number on that list and I want to keep watching it so list view videos do absolutely amazing it’s just the way the human brain works a another tip I just thought about right now is lots of little quick edits are kind of good because every time there’s a change in the editing it makes people want to pay attention more so that is another option I’d say the number one tip and I’m talking a lot here about all these different things and I’m hoping you’re getting some kind of value out of this but the number one tip I would have is just do it put your phone in fact create I’m filming if you’re on YouTube I’m filming this video on my phone and what you should do is just start with really bad cameras bad just phone quality videos and that’s fine and then eventually work your way up to higher and higher quality videos so that’s pretty much it for this video I’m going Togo over the list one more time the different types of content that you Cando number one make videos showing people how to use your products number two make DIY or how do how-to videos related to your products number three answer questions your users might have number four make videos that will appeal to your demographic number five make videos showing your users how to make your product then offer to do it for them instead number six goal become the leader in the niche number seven show users tips and tricks related to what they’re interested in number eight spotlight marketing and some tips forgetting more viewers or getting more traffic to your YouTube videos thumbnails are important hook people in have high quality content list videos do great and click baby titles are all amazing so I do a new podcast every Monday and Thursday if you’re on YouTube make sure you click that subscribe button if you’re on iTunes you can actually subscribe on iTunes handstitched I believe as well so make sure and do that also and I talked about thievery episode but it’s so important that’s why I talk about it if you go to iTunes search for effective e-commerce leave a five star review and I’ll interview in a chance to win a free one-on-one consulting session with myself and on top of that so I pick anew winner everything I’ll probably I might even pick two winners some months just because I really enjoy talking to people that take the time to leave that five-star review and it’s really important because just like if you’re selling on Amazon getting those five-star reviews is crucial it’s the same thing with iTunes it’s the same thing with podcasting so by leaving that five-star review you’re letting me know that you like the podcast but on top of that you’re helping it so I can get higher quality guests once I start getting some guests on this show so go to iTunes leave that five star review well I last but not least if you haven’t yet go to effective e-commerce comma slash success pack I have a checklist in there on how to start your YouTube channel along with some ideas on different kinds of content that you can do so effective ecommerce comma slash success pack or if you just go to effective ecommerce calm search around you will find I think it’s right on the top navigation that’s it new episodes like I said every Monday and Thursday I hope you enjoyed this podcast and have a great day
- In this video I am going to show you how to use Youtube to get 100,000 of views for your ecommerce store
- Make Videos showing people how to use your products
- Make DIY or How to videos related to your products
- DIY Dance Clothing
- Camping Gear
- Jewelry how to buy jewelery
- Answer questions your users might have
- Make videos that will appeal to your demographic
- Make videos showing your users how to make your product then offer to do it for them instead
- Goal: Become the leader in the niche
- Show Users Tips and Tricks related to what they are intrested in
- Dance Tips
- Spotlight Marketing
Youtube Tips
- Thumbnails
- Hook People in,
- List videos do great
- Click Baity titles