What’s up everybody! So I got some updates on what I’ve been working on with Performance Nut Butter things are starting to get really exciting things are starting to get real I finalized the design for my pouch me and my box I’ll put a little snapshot right here of what that looks like on top of that I put version 1.0 of the Amazon page and that’s just going to be for the jar I’ll show a little bit of footage of what that looks like and how to do that pretty easy process. So that basically just putting up my first product for this new company Performance Nut Butter up on Amazon very excited about that it’s not perfect there’s gonna be a lot of tweaking a lot of adding that I do soon enough I also applied for a trademark which only took about an hour I I’ll put up a little bit of footage of that I didn’t record a proper video of that I just recorded my screen as I did it because I had no idea what I was doing and I didn’t want to do a how-to video when I have no idea what I’m doing and you know to be honest I don’t even know if I did it right. So I’ll put a little bit of footage on what I did there but basically it’s um I applied I looked at other people’s trademark to make sure that I’m not infringing on anybody’s trademark which I don’t believe I am plums nut butter is a pretty unique idea by that I’m not trying to toot my own horn I’m just saying it’s different it’s not something that I’m not going to be hopefully infringing on anyone else’s patent or trademarks but you know we’ll see I’ll knock on some wood anyways that’s what I’ve been doing I also talked to my manufacturer today had a call with them asked him about what he thought about my packaging and my design didn’t give me as much information on that is I would liked but he did give me some insights and how to calculate the nutrition data without paying a ton of money for it. So I did I didn’t take his advice on how to properly calculate the nutrition data and I applied that cuz I’m thinking of an idea right now I’m just realizing about something um on top of that and see what else do I do that’s the main stuff and yeah that’s pretty much where I’m at here. So just to get you caught up I applied for a trademark that’s $225 I you did get my first version. The Amazon up I want to get product into Amazon. So I’ll just tell you a little bit I’m getting the product in the Amazon as soon as possible specifically the jars I plan on getting the jars in their first but you know I’m still debating on my exact approach on how I’m going to launch this. So that is a topic of conversation maybe for another time but one of the things I may do as well is put a fake product in the Amazon not a fake product a different product the non-Performance Nut Butter product just. So my account that I have with Amazon will have an something into FDA because last year they said anybody that hasn’t sent anything into FBA by October first will not be allowed to send stuff in. So you want to make sure that you send some stuff in. So I’m gonna in this video here that’s a quick update of everything I’ve done and if you like this video make sure you click that subscribe button down below somewhere here you can also get the e-commerce success pack there should be a little I button and one of these I think it should be right here the e-commerce success back has checklists for starting your business telling a great information everything that I can give you away for free I try to give you up in there if it’s not in video format like checklists etc marketing ideas on top of that if you have any questions let me know otherwise thank you for watching this video and I appreciate it and go to Performance Nut Butter.com check out the product right now it’s still an IndieGoGo mode. So you can still do the pre-sales but pretty soon it’s going to actually be available on Amazon. So thank you guys for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it