In this video I’m gonna show you how to set up a basic WooCommerce website from scratch so as you can see this website’s very basic but it works and later in the video I’ll show you how to customize it even more but in this video I’m gonna show you from the very beginning how to set up a WooCommerce website we’re gonna start from how to get a web hosting provider I recommend Bluehost I’ll talk about that more throughout the video then we’re gonna show you how to take a domain name transfer to Bluehost then set up WordPress which is necessary for WooCommerce and then ultimately setting up WooCommerce with a complete WooCommerce tutorial by the end of this video you’re going to be a WooCommerce master
How to Get a Web Hosting Provider
– BlueHost (0:55)
First step is finding a web hosting provider and I do have a video up right here by my face you can click if you want more information on which one I recommend but Bluehost is the answer so let’s get started the first step to getting a WooCommerce website up getting this online store up is finding someone that is going to host your website and this does cost money you can’t find a free way to do it that despite all the ways I’ve tried but it’s really inexpensive and 100% worth it I do have a video up right here by my face where I compare all the different platforms that you can host your WooCommerce website and by far in my opinion Bluehost comes out on top I do have links down below to a bunch of the different ones but first step is gonna be to go to effective ecommerce comm / WooCommerce and that is my link it’ll it’ll link you to Bluehost and you’ll get a special rate you’ll you’ll see you save it’s almost half the price but on top of that by using my link which is you can click once again there’s a link by my face and down below in the description if you use that link I’ll give you a free one-on-one consulting session as a thank you cuz I get a little bit of the credit from Bluehost nothing major they give me a small kickback so anyways once you go to effective e-commerce comm /mu commerce or click one of those links you can click get started now to start the process so let’s see now I usually just go with the depends if you’re only planning on having one website you can just go with the starter plan I personally have the pro plan because I’m you know serious about it and I have multiple websites so it’s up to you what you want to decide you can do the starter plan so if this is your first website you can always upgrade later so for now let’s just go ahead and go with the plus because it comes with some pretty good features and unlimited domains I already have a domain
How to Transfer Domain Name to BlueHost (3:37)
I have to transfer it over to Bluehost so let’s go through this process right here assign a domain to your cPanel account is what you’re gonna want but you could register a new account if you needed to so you use the domain that is not already associated jui-jitsu flash cards dot-com it’s verifying the domain so the next step is pointing the name servers and this process is gonna be the same with namecheap and all the different ones so you go so i’ll go to domain list and then you’ll go down to jujitsu flash cards or whatever your domain is click manage and then you’ll come in here and set a name cheap basic DNS you’ll do custom DNS and let’s do this one and this one just paste that information right in there very simple to do check and then it might take a little yeah it might take a little bit of time but usually it hasn’t taken that much time for me before you can verify the ownership here there’s other ways to do it as well so you might need to refresh and just come in here and type it in again ownership verified cool and you’re just gonna keep this create a new directory assign this domain we’re pretty much set from here on out it’s extremely easy and the next step is just gonna be installing WordPress which is with Bluehost so easy and this is one of the reasons I recommend Bluehost so highly there’s some other platforms out there that make it easy as well but the support I get with Bluehost I’m very happy with so that’s why I recommend them but that being said if you use any of the links down below I’ll happily give you that free 30-minute one-on-one consulting session so I’m not biased towards Bluehost
How to Setup WordPress (5:31)
This is so easy it’s gonna blow your mind how easy it is click install WordPress gonna select a domain for installation jujitsu flashcards dot-com is what I’m doing next and let a pro do it for you recommended nah don’t don’t deal with that right and then you’re gonna want to keep these checked right here and click Next and that’s it you’re it’s the the progress is being up there you’re not gonna want to you know pay for experts to do it you can do it yourself it’s super super simple to do you don’t need any of these high-end they’re gonna try to upsell you some things you don’t need any of that junk but it’s just gonna just gonna go through here and then the next step is gonna be being on the back end of the WordPress
How to Setup Woocommerce (8:46)
Finally install WooCommerce all this is just the prep so you can install WooCommerce so we’re done installation is complete continue browsing or view credentials here so you can view your credentials again here if you want let’s let’s take a look so a new WordPress site coming soon so you can go to admin login and you’re gonna use whatever your username is and the password given to you and you’re gonna want to change this password and you can log in once you’re here you’re ready to get going so you can set up i’ve recommend business preferably if you’re doing a save that business if you’re doing a commerce or yes since you’re doing the work commerce site title i’m just going to call it jiu-jitsu flash cards and then for the site description i’d say a complete you can do something better but yes we are so you can choose between these I usually what depends what you’re doing since it since the WooCommerce site I would say a static welcome site you can always change all this stuff later build a starter Contact Us page you know what I’ll just say yes let’s launch you to flash cards connect your jetpack profile you can do this if you want you don’t need to so I’m just gonna click not now since we don’t need to do it right now let’s launch add your business address if you have one mmm not now install WooCommerce boom super easy now we’re gonna click set up your store and it states taking this information and then you know I’ll fast-forward through all this you’re just going to be basically filling out all of this okay for payment you have a few different options here PayPal is the easiest one you can even accept payments out linking to a PayPal account Square and stripe or also good ones to look at so for now I’m just gonna keep the default ones I think stripe is a little bit more complicated but let’s go ahead and click continue